Creation vs. Evolution II


I'm afraid no supernatural explanation is necessary here. The Dead Sea is the saltiest body of water on Earth because at an elevation of 1410 feet below sea level, it is the lowest point on Earth. It is not an ocean, but a giant salt lake. The water from the surrounding area has no outlet to the ocean, so all of the dissolved salts in the rivers/runoff get dumped into the Dead Sea.

That is why it is so salty. The Caspian Sea (also not a sea) in Eastern Europe is getting progressively saltier due to very similar circumstances

Dear Greg Jennings,

I don't buy into that. I think that most of the salts in the Dead Sea are from rainwater washing down salty towns that used to be. I don't care about the Caspian Sea. I care about why the Dead Sea is so salty. You don't believe that God overthrew the two cities, or that He turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt, but I do. I say there is a reason for all of 'those salts.'




Religious wars and pogroms occur more often when religions become locally dominant. Are you suggesting that the Truth of a claim can be determined by what violence is done by the most psychopathic individuals.

Dear gcthomas,

No, he's not saying that. Why do you all gang up on 6days? I see Rosenritter has 'left the building,' so that makes things a lot harder for 6days. Take it easy. Aren't there like ~6-8 atheists or so here? So I guess none of you want to obey the Lord God??

God Be With Those Who Obey Him,



You can't explain it purely from physics, from whichever model you believe in, or the creation model. A supernatural creation can't be explained from physics...neither can multiverse, or everything from nothing, or the many 'god of the gap' entities in big bang cosmology. *( such as expansion being powered by dark energy).*
He might be correct. We don't know how God created. We don't know the speed God spread the heavens. But we do know from scripture that Adam would have been able to see the stars.*

Dear 6days,

They don't seem to realize that the things they can't explain are because they try to explain each thing with logic and 'science' of man. God can do things that they cannot explain because their 150 year old 'science' can't prove them. In other words, God is no stranger to miracles. Not in the slightest. They might get a real laugh out of how God rescued Daniel from the lions, and also from the fire in the furnace. They think a pillar of salt is hard to believe? Ha!!

Happy To Serve God Beside You, 6days!!



I'll have to stop you right there.

What do you mean you will have to stop me right where?

Thanks, and do enjoy your pagan celebration!

I think Canada has already celebrated Thanksgiving.


It's not a pagan holiday, Stuu. Only a celebration of Thanks for all that God has given us. It is celebrated at the end of our harvest time. And we totally enjoy it to the fullest!! Just like Christmas, which you also do not celebrate. I guess that the one thing you are missing on both is that you don't believe in God. Today was an awesome day and its was fun to share it with others and sample delicious foods. I wish we could agree on something, Stuart!! Are you having killer good weather there in New Zealand?? I'd bet you have an interesting accent!! I hope you are having fun there. Do you go fishing or boating at all? Is there a beach near you?? Enjoy!! Yes, Canada already celebrated their Thanksgiving, just not on the same day as the U.S. is all.

God Answers Prayer,



Well there's been nothing real about it so far, has there? Even when your supposed god tells you what will happen, it doesn't. Nor is it likely to happen, ever! Maybe God made a mistake, huh? All we have to go on is your say so, which is exactly the same as all the others have offered over the centuries. Your say so is no better than theirs, whether you believe it or not. You're obviously plain wrong. Get used to it.

Dear Hedshaker,

God didn't make the mistake, silly! I made the mistake alone. The thing is, Hedshaker, that I can easily understand that you can't believe me. It is quite a lot that has happened to me that seems unbelievable and I am the first to quickly agree. But I must tell you that I have tons of friends and my family who believe what I have to say and many people around the whole world have read my book and I get only good impact back. So give it a rest to my mistake and start correcting your own mistakes, like dissing your God and Creator.

And yes, I know there are plenty of gullible people in the world who will believe all sorts of crazy things. So what?

Yes, you are easily gullible for believing there is no God or Creator and that all of this to date just happened by itself. You won't be happy until you hear it from Him, so hang in there.

And you made sure to miss local the weather forecast, right? I'm not even going to argue this with you any more because it's stupid, as others have noticed. Your claimed god gets a snow fall right but is wrong about the second coming...... Oooookay!!

I had no idea you thought that. I never did. No one else has ever brought that up. No, I didn't watch much TV back then. I had too much going on in my life. I had to travel from Staten Island to Manhattan by a ferry boat, and I worked eight hours, and had plenty else going on so, no, I never saw anything of the sort on TV beforehand. The reporter was petrified and I got a three-hour interview. It was a miracle from God, Hedshaker.

Yes, we all make mistakes, it's only human, but you claimed your mistake came from a higher power. That's a humdinger of a mistake for sure.

It's not a case of being touchy, it's a case that you are unable to listen to reason. And yes there are gullible people out there who might buy the nonsense you spout. Give it a rest!

Well, Hedshaker, we do all make mistakes and I know mine was a Whopper, but I was wrong and made a BIG mistake, and I apologize. That does not mean everything else in my life is untrue. You DON'T believe in God. I think you are making a MUCH WORSE mistake than most will ever make, and you don't even know it. Eeeeek!! Come on, Hedshaker, Ride on the Peace Train!! Get your bags together. Go, bring your good friends too! 'Cause it's getting nearer; It soon will be with you, so come and join the living, it's not so far from you.' I know you should recognize the words and you might be a little too young, but I digress. There's a lot going on in this world than you realize. Only someone extremely gullible would lose his life over something ingrained into his head from the devil, Satan. I know you don't believe in him. That's like a soldier going down for the third time because he didn't know who was tricking him.

If I didn't care about you, I would have gone away a lot sooner. Surely, you can see the light, somehow soon.

Cheerio, Mate!!

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New member
What do you mean you will have to stop me right where?
Right there.

It's not a pagan holiday, Stuu. Only a celebration of Thanks for all that God has given us.
Since is was declared a national holiday by various presidents, a religious thanksgiving would represent the establishment of a religion, which is surely unconstitutional.

Unconstitutional thanksgiving:


Constitutional thanksgiving:


God Answers Prayer
But why are the answers always
either: 'No' (silence)
or: 'I'm sure you'll work it out' (indicated by silence)?



Re how we can see recently created galaxies that are at great distances, 6days said:

With God, All Things Are Possible! Don't you know that by now, Redfern? Did you miss out on God parting the sea as is recorded?

Then in his next paragraph, speaking of Jason Lisle’s proposed explanation for being able to see distant galaxies, 6days says:

6days and I do not give a flying squirrel what Jason Lisle had to say. We answer to someone above him, namely someone you should be fearful of, for you dismiss your own Creator. Do you think He likes that or that you are going to get away with it? Don't you know there will be Hell to pay. Tons of luck. Take a bucket of water with you.

6days, you need to be a bit more consistent in your claims. Since in your first paragraph you categorically rule out being able to explain this from physics, then will you explain why you suggest Jason Lisle’s explanation, which is based on physics, “might be correct”?

That is pretty much by definition, since physics, as a part of science, seeks for understanding of the natural world, not supernatural things. That leaves open the question of whether physics can supply a natural explanation for something we might term as a beginning could occur.

You act as if 'we might' is including you as one of the initial workers in this effort.

I find it amusing when a religious zealot who has a limited understanding of both mathematics and the core ideas of physics declares what the boundaries of what physics can study are. I look on my bookshelves, on the internet, in graduate-level university classes, in scientific journals, and I see ongoing studies in all of the fields 6days seems to want to declare as off-limits.

Oh, aren't you "All That." You're a real scientist. I've taken merit algebra-trig, and I used to correct the teacher when he was trying to work out an equation that didn't seem to want to happen. After I showed him where he'd made his mistake, it all fell into place. Ain't I "All That."

I don’t know what that comment is meant to address. If I were a chronicler of my tribe’s creation legends, and while I was recording a favorite tale of some “mythological first human”, my 5-year old daughter runs into our tent and says, “Papa, papa, I saw some stars!!!”. Hmm, yeah, I’ll add that to the tale, this first guy saw stars. Boy, that will be convincing.

(Uhh, 6days, by the “stars” you say Adam saw, are you referring to that 1% of 1% of 1% of the stars that nobody had any inking existed until just the last century? You know, all those poor religious people who read (or perhaps misread) the same religious accounts you do, but had to do without the recent realization of the vastness of space that secular science, not religion revealed?)

God said that He created the 'Host of Heaven,' the Sun, and the Moon; so if He made them before man, who are you to argue with Him?? Now you've got another adversary to deal with. His name is God. See how well you do after He is through with you. Since you don't believe in Him, you will not care what happens to your future.




New member
Dear Hedshaker,

God didn't make the mistake, silly! I made the mistake alone. The thing is, Hedshaker, that I can easily understand that you can't believe me. It is quite a lot that has happened to me that seems unbelievable and I am the first to quickly agree. But I must tell you that I have tons of friends and my family who believe what I have to say and many people around the whole world have read my book and I get only good impact back. So give it a rest to my mistake and start correcting your own mistakes, like dissing your God and Creator.

Yes, you are easily gullible for believing there is no God or Creator and that all of this to date just happened by itself. You won't be happy until you hear it from Him, so hang in there.

I had no idea you thought that. I never did. No one else has ever brought that up. No, I didn't watch much TV back then. I had too much going on in my life. I had to travel from Staten Island to Manhattan by a ferry boat, and I worked eight hours, and had plenty else going on so, no, I never saw anything of the sort on TV beforehand. The reporter was petrified and I got a three-hour interview. It was a miracle from God, Hedshaker.

Well, Hedshaker, we do all make mistakes and I know mine was a Whopper, but I was wrong and made a BIG mistake, and I apologize. That does not mean everything else in my life is untrue. You DON'T believe in God. I think you are making a MUCH WORSE mistake than most will ever make, and you don't even know it. Eeeeek!! Come on, Hedshaker, Ride on the Peace Train!! Get you bags together. Go, bring your good friends too. 'Cause it's getting nearer; It soon will be with you, so come and join the living, it's not so far from you.' I know you should recognize the words and you might be a little too young, but I digress. There's a lot going on in this world than you realize. Only someone extremely gullible would lose his life over something ingrained into his head from the devil, Satan. I know you don't believe in him. That's like a soldier going down for the third time because he didn't know who was tricking him.

If I didn't care about you, I would have gone away a lot sooner. Surely, you can see the light, somehow soon.

Cheerio, Mate!!


Right. Tell you what, I've made an early New Years resolution. I'm going to rap my knuckles with a ruler every time I think about arguing nonsense with an half-wit.

So enjoy your angels, gods and devils, and believe what ever idiotic cods wallop you want. I really don't care. It's your mind not mine, thankfully. There's a saying: you cannot reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into.

I'll stick with reality, thanks.
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New member
Right. Tell you what, I've made an early New Years resolution. I'm going to rap my knuckles with a ruler every time I think about arguing nonsense with an half-wit.
You used to be a kind person Hedshaker. I recall you welcoming me to TOL even though we disagreed. Likewise with Alwight...He often disagreed with Michael, but I was impressed with his kindness.


New member
You used to be a kind person Hedshaker. I recall you welcoming me to TOL even though we disagreed. Likewise with Alwight...He often disagreed with Michael, but I was impressed with his kindness.

Point taken but, when someone doggedly refuses to give reason even a look in then often a little shock therapy can be the kindest way. Pampering to the Dunning Kruger Effect is anything but kind, IMO.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning Michaels sincerity. Stripe has, as good as, suggested that Michael's angel visits etc are drug induced delusions, but there are far more simple, commonplace and natural explanations than that. And the more fantastic and free of evidence the proposals are the more we are inclined to employ Occam's Razor, IMO. Alien abduction, Big Foot and Elvis sightings, eg?

But when someone blanket refuses to even consider it then maybe a kick in the pants might help.

But you could be right. My patience isn't what it used to be :)

Greg Jennings

New member
Dear Greg Jennings,

I don't buy into that. I think that most of the salts in the Dead Sea are from rainwater washing down salty towns that used to be. I don't care about the Caspian Sea. I care about why the Dead Sea is so salty. You don't believe that God overthrew the two cities, or that He turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt, but I do. I say there is a reason for all of 'those salts.'



I've tried, Michael. Have a good day


New member
Pampering to the Dunning Kruger Effect is anything but kind, IMO.
You've led me to discover Hanlon's razor which can be expressed, according to the Holy Wikipedia, as "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".

It strikes me that there are two levels of creationist, the Ignorants and the Liars. The Ignorants don't know enough to criticise the creationism of their tribes, and the Liars know the creationist arguments and know that those arguments are seriously undermined or disproved by science but persist with them, especially when preaching in front of the Ignorants.

What is the razor that insists one never attributes to ignorance that which can be shown to be blatant maliciousness?


patrick jane

Dear Greg Jennings,

I don't buy into that. I think that most of the salts in the Dead Sea are from rainwater washing down salty towns that used to be. I don't care about the Caspian Sea. I care about why the Dead Sea is so salty. You don't believe that God overthrew the two cities, or that He turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt, but I do. I say there is a reason for all of 'those salts.'


good post Michael

patrick jane

Dear gcthomas,

No, he's not saying that. Why do you all gang up on 6days? I see Rosenritter has 'left the building,' so that makes things a lot harder for 6days. Take it easy. Aren't there like ~6-8 atheists or so here? So I guess none of you want to obey the Lord God??

God Be With Those Who Obey Him,

good post


Active member
I already explained.

Repeating – you said very explicitly that

You can't explain it purely from physics

And then referring to Lisle’s explanation that is directly based directly on physics, you said very explicitly that

He might be correct.

If the contradiction in that goes over your head, you are hiding in denial.

We don't know how God brought distant starlight to earth... We do know that He did.

The inclusive “we” you refer to is a small minority of religious extremists who resort to illogical backflips to avoid accepting what secular science accepted many decades ago, that the earth and universe are old enough that the light has adequate time to journey to earth without needing a supernatural boost.

So why are you putting boundaries on what science is?

I’m not the one that decreed that science would limit itself to natural things, that far predated me. But I do concur in it. And that decision on the part of science does not preclude you or anyone from encompassing whatever deity they prefer into their version of science. Just like you can make up new rules for any game you want to play, you can customize “creation science” however you like. But if you intend to have your conclusions accepted within the world of secular science, you must be prepared to support your conclusions sans any need to invoke your unique flavor of divine influence.

You seem to be one who is afraid to let a divine foot in the door

A divine foot? A few thousand divine feet, unless you are advocating that other religions not be given equal rights to view their collection of miracles as valid.

As you have often pointed out, science in its infancy was largely nurtured under a Christian mindset. Does it bother you that science, in its secular approach, found that some of the claims made by hard-line Christians were simply false? You want science to open its door to admit the very claims that it long since examined and determined were at best fables?

…yet willing to believe in all types of unscientific hypothetical entities

No problem, since I don’t.

100 years from now, people will be amazed at how little we understood of the universe...

And just like the last hundred years, that new knowledge will be another gift from a wide spectrum of scientists working within a common secular paradigm, not from scientifically sterile religious extremists.

Science helps confirm the truth of scripture

You have already agreed that claim can only be sustained if science first works within its secular framework, and then the conclusions reached can be compared with religious claims. Science many decades ago concluded that the earth is billions of years old, the diversity of life is due to common descent, and there was no global flood a few thousand years ago.
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Active member
With God, All Things Are Possible!

Make a rock so big He can’t pick it up?

Did you miss out on God parting the sea as is recorded?

Yeah, I think that was a tad before I was born. You were there?

6days and I do not give a flying squirrel what Jason Lisle had to say.

Did you confirm that with 6? He seems to hold out hope that Lisle has the right answer.

you dismiss your own Creator. Do you think He likes that or that you are going to get away with it?

Nope, I just don’t believe in Him. If He exists and thumps me for being honest, then that’s what will happen.

You act as if 'we might' is including you as one of the initial workers in this effort.

Nah, I use “we” to refer to the scientific community in general. How do you think I should word it?

You're a real scientist.

Along with a few million others.

I've taken merit algebra-trig, and I used to correct the teacher when he was trying to work out an equation that didn't seem to want to happen. After I showed him where he'd made his mistake, it all fell into place.

Good, then feel free to make sure any math we post is correct.

Now you've got another adversary to deal with. His name is God.

So He is a God who wants me to lie, and is now an adversary because I won’t lie?


New member

I'm not saying that God is a liar. He created the Earth in the same six days that He created man. He created the 'Host of Heaven' during those six days. That means the stars and planets, etc. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. See Gen. 1:19KJV. On the Fourth Day. That is when He created the stars.


Is there any verse in the Bible hinting that the stars (excluding the sun, of course) were created on the 4th day?

Can anyone who knows of such a verse volunteer to show me? Thank you very much.