ECT Which road are you on the narrow or the wide ?


New member
Exactly what I was thinking why are you remarking on scriptures that you have no clue what they mean ?

Ten to one your consistently poor use of the most basic of grammar has a lot to do with your equally poor understanding of various of those passages of Scripture you often assert your errors are supposedly based on :chuckle:

Nevertheless, Rom. 5:8, dodge.


New member
Ten to one your consistently poor use of the most basic of grammar has a lot to do with your equally poor understanding of various of those passages of Scripture you often assert your errors are supposedly based on :chuckle:

Nevertheless, Rom. 5:8, dodge.

Keep patting yourself on the back. You cannot even get the gospel, repentance, baptism , The Lord's supper, and or following Jesus correct. You are a true legend in your own mind but clearly you are only impressing yourself.


New member
Hi and John 14:6 reads , I am the way , the truth and nthe life , no man cometh unto the FATHER , but by me !!

#1 , In verse 5 , so tells wither thou goeth , and HOW CAN WE KNOW THE WAY ??

Looks like the disciple do not know the STRAIGHT WAY , so help them out if you can ??

#2 , There are 3 verbs in this verse and all three are in the PRESENT TENSE and this means the CONTEXT is during Jesus earthly ministry !!

Making it look bad for your analysis !!

You are teaching at least 2 gospels here !!

Jesus is the WAY !!

And Rom 10:9 !!

dan p

You might want to read John 14:6 again. Scripture says you are wrong I will stay with scripture.


New member
Keep patting yourself on the back. You cannot even get the gospel, repentance, baptism , The Lord's supper, and or following Jesus correct. You are a true legend in your own mind but clearly you are only impressing yourself.

That is what you are reading into my words on all that.

Fact of that matter is - and this is a point you continue to fail to see, and which you just now demonstrated once more...

All these issues are the issue of a right understanding of what one reads, followed by believing said understanding, once such things are properly understood, to begin with.

The Scripture repeatedly emphasizes the need for the one, prior to the other, else one's faith is said to have been in vain, in a baseless, if not, in a misunderstood, understanding.

Nehemiah 8:8 and Nehemiah 8:12.

What you do, is what you just now did - you read your own notions into my prior post.

You read your notions into a thing, believe your mis-understanding, and run with it as sound.

There reasoning with such.

You are clearly one who like his false idol in the WH, is simply unable to face his errors, let alone actually examine them.

Nevertheless, Rom. 5:8, dodge.

Right Divider

Body part
Keep patting yourself on the back. You cannot even get the gospel, repentance, baptism , The Lord's supper, and or following Jesus correct. You are a true legend in your own mind but clearly you are only impressing yourself.
You're not an Israelite under the law, get over it and move on to what the LORD Jesus Christ is doing through Paul.


New member
You're not an Israelite under the law, get over it and move on to what the LORD Jesus Christ is doing through Paul.

I understand and believe Eph. 2:8-10 but that is no excuse to ignore Jesus. All you are doing is throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Jesus said the words He spoke would be the very words that would judge those that did not believe His words. Was Jesus lying ?

Did Paul get it wrong here ?

Rom 2:4
Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

Right Divider

Body part
I understand and believe Eph. 2:8-10 but that is no excuse to ignore Jesus. All you are doing is throwing the baby out with the bath water.
I don't "ignore Jesus".

Jesus said the words He spoke would be the very words that would judge those that did not believe His words. Was Jesus lying ?
Jesus said that He was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, Matt 15:24

Was Jesus lying?

Did Paul get it wrong here ?

Rom 2:4
Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

Acts 17:30 (KJV)
(17:30) And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

Any other dumb questions?


New member
I don't "ignore Jesus".

Jesus said that He was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, Matt 15:24

Was Jesus lying?


Acts 17:30 (KJV)
(17:30) And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

Any other dumb questions?

Grace nor salvation is a free pass to sin and ignore the very fundamentals of the gospel like BELIEVE and REPENT !

The questions are only dumb because you have justified to yourself why they do not apply to you when they actually do.

Jesus said to follow Him and you say that is wrong. I will stick with what Jesus taught. Paul followed Jesus so I guess Paul was wrong also.


New member
Mat 7:14
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

It seems that you are saying that Messiah has hidden himself so as not to be found...? Is He behind a tree or behind a rock? You are also saying that Messiah in His straitness makes it difficult for people to enter in?

If Messiah is the strait gate then who, in contrast, is the wide gate?

The strait gate and narrow way represent something you have never experienced. You have the narrative but not the understanding nor the experience of passing through and walking onwards.


Well-known member
Hi and how do you fing the STRIAT GATE !!

That verse , 14 , there are FEW that find it , and is this another way to be SAVED , so it is another GOSPEL ??

Does Matt 7:14 trump Rom 10:9 which a way to also be saved ??

dan p
Straight is the gate and narrow is the way.

The narrow way is following Jesus, we enter in through him. Living as he taught us to live, loving God with our all, obeying and living by his will as Jesus did. It's to deny ourselves, to take up our cross and follow Jesus, he is the way, the truth and the life, and the only way to the father is through him. And those who truly follow him will be doers of the word and we can overcome through Christ by the power of the Spirit, by the grace of God through faith.

As we start overcoming our flesh then we will start to overcome the world and it will mean nothing to us.

The broad way is the way of the world, lusting after the flesh, loving ourselves and this world before God, living to please our flesh, being men pleasers and loving the praise of men. Being disobedient to God and putting our lives before him.

We can't just say "I believe" and do nothing, Jesus came to do and teach, he didn't just teach it, he did it, he lived it out as he taught and brought us a new and living way showing and teaching us how to live to please the father and he is our perfect example to follow. And those who truly follow him, live it out, we can't climb up some other way, Jesus is the only way to follow.


Well-known member
Jesus said to follow Him and you say that is wrong. I will stick with what Jesus taught. Paul followed Jesus so I guess Paul was wrong also.

Paul puts it another way because he was the apostle to the Gentiles (uncircumcision), as others have been trying to tell you. Paul does that because it was the Jews who recognized the analogy of the narrow and wide used in the Jewish cannon - measurements in cubits for gates in the public way, etc. Even the words for Grace and faith come from the Hebrew for pitching a tent and the tent stakes, which makes them even clearer once understood.

Grace being the big tent which we access though faith.

Saved by Grace though faith. Eph. 2:8

The wide road is where all men walk when they are in unbelief, and when they follow the desires of their flesh. Grace is the blood of Christ shed for the sins of the world (the big tent (GRACE) covers the wide road).

BUT we cannot access that GRACE except through FAITH (the strait gate and narrow way)

Matt. 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.​


Well-known member
As we start overcoming our flesh then we will start to overcome the world and it will mean nothing to us.

Saved by Grace through faith, not of that none can boast. Eph. 2:8-9

We can't just say "I believe" and do nothing, Jesus came to do and teach, he didn't just teach it, he did it, he lived it out as he taught and brought us a new and living way showing and teaching us how to live to please the father and he is our perfect example to follow. And those who truly follow him, live it out, we can't climb up some other way, Jesus is the only way to follow.

YES, HE DID IT because you couldn't. So stop boasting in what YOU could never do.


Well-known member
Saved by Grace through faith, not of that none can boast. Eph. 2:8-9

YES, HE DID IT because you couldn't. So stop boasting in what YOU could never do.
That's so wrong! We can do it through him, why was Jesus an example for us to follow if we don't have to do anything? Why be a doer of the word and not a hearer only? Because we have to do, and not just say, I believe. We have to be willing to lay down our lives and be a living sacrifice. What does that mean to you?

Why did Paul, Peter, James and all the other apostles and disciples live it out if there was no need to do so?

We can't do our works and boast, but we can certainly do the works of God and glorify him. As God changes our hearts, we should be living by his will and carrying out the works of God in our lives, having the fruit of the Spirit.

Jesus didn't do it because we couldn't, Jesus did it to show us a new and living way, he showed us how to live before God and he can help us to do it too, and strengthen those who live by the will of God to overcome satan through him, by the Spirit, through faith by the grace of God.

Jesus Christ bore witness to the truth, and those who are of the truth hear his voice and they follow him. and they too bare witness to the truth through him by the power of the Holy Spirit.

If you believe that you don't have to do anything, then the way you believe is not the truth.GD, there's no such thing as a do nothing gospel. We are to lay down our lives, be be willing to sacrifice our life for God and partake in the sufferings of Christ, ready to do God's will when needed. And Paul himself said, follow me as I follow Christ. So if he wasn't living it out, then he wouldn't have been following Christ, they had to see Christ in and through him, and that wouldn't have been possible if Paul had of put his flesh first and if he wasn't a doer of the word. And we have to live it out too and let Christ through us reconcile to God as many as possible of those who believe in him and are willing to repent and to lay down their lives and live by the will of God.

Right Divider

Body part
Grace nor salvation is a free pass to sin and ignore the very fundamentals of the gospel like BELIEVE and REPENT !
Once AGAIN, who says otherwise?

The questions are only dumb because you have justified to yourself why they do not apply to you when they actually do.
So, was Jesus wrong in Matt. 10:24 when He said that He was send ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of Israel?

Jesus said to follow Him and you say that is wrong. I will stick with what Jesus taught. Paul followed Jesus so I guess Paul was wrong also.
You are a LIAR dodge. Is that what Jesus said to do?

Do you follow Matt. 23:1-3? Jesus said to do that.


New member
It seems that you are saying that Messiah has hidden himself so as not to be found...? Is He behind a tree or behind a rock? You are also saying that Messiah in His straitness makes it difficult for people to enter in?

If Messiah is the strait gate then who, in contrast, is the wide gate?

The strait gate and narrow way represent something you have never experienced. You have the narrative but not the understanding nor the experience of passing through and walking onwards.

How many doors or ways do you suppose there are to enter into salvation ? Is Jesus hidden from you after all He is the only way ( door ) to eternal salvation ? It has nothing to do with God being hid and everything to do with seeking Him with your complete heart i.e. the strait gate as in only ONE WAY to enter into eternal life. You do understand that there aren't ways just one right ?

FYI, the wide gate is the love of the world, self, and all that denies God.


New member
Once AGAIN, who says otherwise?

So, was Jesus wrong in Matt. 10:24 when He said that He was send ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of Israel?

You are a LIAR dodge. Is that what Jesus said to do?

Do you follow Matt. 23:1-3? Jesus said to do that.

So Jesus saying the following does not apply to you ?

Matthew 11:
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Jesus said to come unto Him and He would give us rest was He lying ?
What yoke and burden do you believe Jesus is talking about ?
Jesus said His yoke is easy what yoke ?
Jesus said His burden was light what burden ?
If you do not follow Jesus you are NOT a Christian. Really it is pretty simple.


New member
How many doors or ways do you suppose there are to enter into salvation ? Is Jesus hidden from you after all He is the only way ( door ) to eternal salvation ? It has nothing to do with God being hid and everything to do with seeking Him with your complete heart i.e. the strait gate as in only ONE WAY to enter into eternal life. You do understand that there aren't ways just one right ?

FYI, the wide gate is the love of the world, self, and all that denies God.

The wide gate is not the way of the world it is the way of denominational religion and many go in thereat. The strait gate is not the same as the door. Messiah is the door but He is not the strait gate.