This lawyer's headed for hell.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
have you noticed he's picked up town's retarded style of expression?

"the related"


"in such" ??? :freak:




Eh, some of us are educated doofus. What have you got exactly? Calling people tards and stalking folk?

You are one sad, sad little man SOD.

Ho hum...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It appears as if "Liberals" are the same ALL over the world. As you've no doubt already observed, I'm very Conservative thus, a Liberal and a Conservative in today's world will NEVER have a "Meeting of the Minds." We will forever be at loggerheads with one another.

Not so. I had a very cordial friendship with 'vegascowboy' on here as despite being opposed on many political matters he was personable and argued like an adult which led to several areas of common ground where the debate was productive even if we still disagreed overall.