UK Deaths At 20,732 10% Of ALL Global Fatalities

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What's the matter boys?

You've had a field day lately mocking the deaths in my country, ridiculing the deaths of tens of thousands of my fellow countrymen.

Nothing to say about your own?

Not as funny when you can't lay it at the feet of Trump?



UK Deaths At 20,732 10% Of ALL Global Fatalities

Like America, Italy and Spain, the United Kingdom is paying a disproportionately high toll in human life because the leadership was too slow in taking decisive action and establishing early widespread testing!

With a highly infectious virus like COVID-19, a delay of a few days or a week in taking preventative measures can have a dramatic impact on the rate of infection and deaths!

What separates Germany and South Korea from the others is early testing to isolate those infected by the virus, and effective leadership that doesn't underestimate the gravity of the problem and an understanding that delays in taking action will result in the healthcare system being overwhelmed!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Like America, Italy and Spain ....

Correction - America is doing just fine, thank you.

Metro NYC can be lumped in with Belgium, maybe, but it's way above Italy and Spain

America as a whole has 4% of the world population but approximately 26% of the related deaths

for a deaths to % of world population ratio of 6.5

The UK has 0.87% of the world population but approximately 10% of the related deaths 11.5

Canada has 0.48% of the world population but approximately 1.2% of the related deaths 2.5

Spain has 0.6% of the world population but approximately 11% of the related deaths 18.3

Italy has 0.78% of the world population but approximately 13% of the related deaths 16.7

France has 0.84% of the world population but approximately 11% of the related deaths 13.1

Belgium has 0.15% of the world population but approximately 3.4% of the related deaths 22.7

Germany has 1.07% of the world population but approximately 2.9% of the related deaths 2.7

54% of US Coronavirus cases and deaths are in the Metro NYC area

The rest of the US, excluding Metro NYC:

So, by this metric, most of the country is doing a little worse than Germany and Canada and way better than everybody else listed here

and Metro NYC is off the charts

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And artie and eider and jgarden remain dogged in their determination to ignore the fact that their house is burning down, their determination to focus all their energies on Orangemanbad!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What jgarden and artie and eider don't want to discuss:

Coronavirus: Hospitals hours from running out of equipment as leaked NHS email reveals demand up 2,000 per cent

Exclusive: ‘There are no visors left nationally, no long sleeve disposable gowns. This is really serious’

UK tells doctors to treat COVID-19 patients without full-length gowns due to shortage: report

Doctors and nurses in England are to be asked to treat coronavirus patients without fully protective gowns and to reuse equipment due to shortage fears.

NHS hospitals facing serious shortages of vital equipment

This article is more than 2 years old

Staff are struggling to cope with surge in patient numbers amid squeeze on finances

Reverence for Britain's NHS Complicates Supply Shortages
Doctors are lambasting Britain’s government for failing to give medical staff enough protective equipment to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak.

and there's plenty more where that came from

but you'll never hear jgarden
Arthur Brain

discuss it
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Well-known member
Why is anybody gloating over other countries' disasters? Many countries and leaders made mistakes, or were unprepared. My country (Israel) has managed fairly well so far, but I look at places that were hit harder with horror, not satisfaction.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why is anybody gloating over other countries' disasters? Many countries and leaders made mistakes, or were unprepared. My country (Israel) has managed fairly well so far, but I look at places that were hit harder with horror, not satisfaction.


There's no answer to "why" when the question involves mental disorders, psychologically disturbed individuals like jgarden, eider, artie

the existence of a pathological compulsive obsession is answer enough


Well-known member

There's no answer to "why" when the question involves mental disorders, psychologically disturbed individuals like jgarden, eider, artie

the existence of a pathological compulsive obsession is answer enough

You are an offender as well. Perhaps the worst. Why do you keep doing this?


Well-known member
What's the matter boys?

You've had a field day lately mocking the deaths in my country, ridiculing the deaths of tens of thousands of my fellow countrymen.

Nothing to say about your own?

Not as funny when you can't lay it at the feet of Trump?

This is gloating. You set up a thread just to gloat over thousands dying in the UK, as a means of defending your President. That is pretty sick.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This is gloating.

it isn't, and I have pondered, in the still moments, whether there is an element of schadenfreude at play

there may be, but i'm not convinced that's bad, as long as it's directed at eider and artie and not at the UK as a whole

You set up a thread just to gloat over thousands dying in the UK, as a means of defending your President.

Rather, I set up a thread to call attention to the fact that the house that artie and eider live in is burning down, fully engulfed, a six alarm fire, while they are mocking the fact that my house is smoldering

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Many countries and leaders made mistakes ...

In the US, that falls directly and most immediately at the feet of DeBlasio, NYC Councilman Stein, Nancy Pelosi and other irresponsible idiots on the left who urged people to ignore Trump's warnings

It falls directly at the feet of Andrew Cuomo who didn't mobilize the New York National Guard and put NYC in immediate lockdown when it became clear they were going to disregard prudent warnings

Then and only then, it falls at the feet of Trump who didn't declare a state of emergency for NYC and declare martial law.

Now, tell me where, where EXACTLY in the timeline those drastic and unprecedented actions by either Cuomo or Trump would have been acceptable political solutions?

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
[h=1]Boris Johnson: U.K. Is 'Past The Peak' Of Its Coronavirus Outbreak[/h]

The United Kingdom has endured the worst of its coronavirus outbreak, according to Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The British leader laid out the positive outlook on Thursday at his first briefing since his return to work after contracting COVID-19.

"I can confirm today that for the first time, we are past the peak of this disease," Johnson told reporters during a news conference at the prime minister's residence in London. "We're past the peak and on the downward slope."