

Banned by Mod
So what are everyones views on marijuana, politics, and the bible?
Do you think it should be legal?
Do you support medicinal use?
Recreational use?
Do you think marijuana is mentioned/used in the bible?
Do you think it is wrong all together?
And please elaborate on your view...


Well-known member
I suppose it should be treated the way we treat alcohol use. There isn't really much difference between them, functionally.


according to studies, caffeine has a more physiologically damaging effect on the body (especially the brain) than either marijuana or alcohol.


New member
Originally posted by cattyfan

according to studies, caffeine has a more physiologically damaging effect on the body (especially the brain) than either marijuana or alcohol.

(Pouring Diet Coke down drain....)

Alcohol can be such a bad thing - it ruins relationships, careers, you name it. Marijuana, on the other hand, just seems to make people zone out. My brother-in-law, a doctor, smoked marijuana while undergoing chemo for his cancer and it helped him overcome his nausea and perk up his appetite a tad. Don't know of any Biblical implications regarding pot, though!


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My husband has multiple sclerosis and he uses it for relief of many syptoms both physical and psychological. He chooses this method of symptom control over injecting a bunch of chemicals into his body every week. Marijuana treats many many things and has little to no side effects compared to the chemicals that are pushed upon us at every doctor visit. Not only would it benefit us medicinally to be legalized but it would in turn bring in billions of dollars in revenue. Many things would be bettered by legalizing it.

And i agree with the statement that it should be treated the way we treat alcohol use. Atleast that is the best way i can think of to go about the legalization.

I must say that i am extremely curious about marijuana use and what the bible has to say, if anyone is knowledgable in this area please comment on that effect...


I don't have a problem with marijuana being decriminalized, but most recreational drugs are extremely detrimental to society.


New member
I think that marijuana is a gateway drug, but isn't anyworse than achohol as far as the effects go. I agree with PureX in that if marijuana were to be legalized, it should have the same laws as alcohol.


Yes, as much as I hate to admit it, I also agree with PureX. Fortunately, he has me on IGNORE so he'll never know! :banana:


Banned by Mod
Originally posted by ninjashadow

I think that marijuana is a gateway drug, but isn't anyworse than achohol as far as the effects go. I agree with PureX in that if marijuana were to be legalized, it should have the same laws as alcohol.

I don't think that the people who see marijuana as a gateway drug would feel the same if it were legal. I have read on more than one occasion and happen to agree that if they start having drug testing in schools that children would be more apt to do a drug that flushes out of their system more quickly than marijuana does, say for instance...heroin. I think the same goes for drug testing for jobs also. So, i feel that while it is illegal it is posing more of a harm than of it were not. I have much more basis for my beliefs but i am keeping it short and to the point.


New member
Well, yes, this is true.

As far as my feelings on being a gateway drug, I think that if it were legalized, the government can crack down on the harsher stuff and not spend a lot of time on mary jane.


New member
I think that milk is a gateway drug.

The difference between MJ and booze is that MJ doesn't incite to violence.

Most street cops including myself think that MJ should be legalized.


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Originally posted by billwald
Most street cops including myself think that MJ should be legalized.

Yeah, that's the funny thing about it, most people do want it to be legalized. I think the reason why it hasn't been is because they can't decide which way it would profit them more monitarily.
Darn Anslinger!


New member
If marijuana is legalized, small town cops won't be able to plant it on teenagers and arrest them for it. You know, since that's basically all there is for them to do. ;)


New member
If your local police are committing perjury then you and your fellow citizens should do something about it. You live in the Confereracy?


New member
Recently I stumbled upon this site:

Here's an exerpt:
The Drug Crisis
by Harry Browne

Few people are aware that before World War I, a 9-year-old girl could walk into a drug store and buy heroin.

That's right – heroin. She didn't need a doctor's prescription or a note from her parents. She could buy it right off the shelf. Bayer and other large drug companies sold heroin as a pain-reliever and sedative in measured doses – just the way aspirin is sold today. Cocaine, opium, and marijuana were readily available as well. No Drug Enforcement Agency, no undercover cops, no "Parents – the Anti-Drug" commercials. Just people going about their own business is whatever way they chose.

Pretty compelling info.

Also in the site is a link to the University of Buffalo's Addiction Research Unit where they posted labels and ads from the 19th & 20th centuries showing the ingredients of many of todays banned psychotropic substances.