SaulToPaul 2
Well-known member
I don't think you get it.
I think you do get it, and yet intentioinally pervert it.
I don't think you get it.
Was his coming in the clouds to destroy Jerusalem?
I think you do get it, and yet intentioinally pervert it.
1. Tribulation
2. Sign in heaven
3. Coming in the clouds
That's not what I said.
In addition to the destruction of 70AD, Josephus also described a sword-shaped star above the Temple, a strange light around the altar, a cow that gave birth to a lamb at the Temple, the bronze gate of the eastern Temple court that opened by itself, chariots in the sky, a voice in the Temple's inner court, and many other things.
The Jewish Talmud even speaks of strange events that took place from 30AD - 70AD.
But you would rather put your fingers in your ears, and cover your eyes, then learn something that contradicts your Dispensationalism.
Like you have said before, you're only interested in "winning".
I don't have an agenda like you do.
Like you have said before, you're only interested in "winning".
That's correct.
Until you Dispies acknowledge that Dispensationalism didn't exist before John Nelson Darby invented it in 1830, then YES, you are all in denial.
He "resurrects" that cutie little saying.I don't think you get it.
In fact, I think you are more confused than a chameleon in a bag of skittles. :chuckle:
Go back and read Isaiah 19:1. Did the Lord literally ride a "cloud" into Egypt?
1. Tribulation
2. Sign
3. Coming in clouds
1. Trib/coming in clouds
2. Sign in heaven
STP-pays attention to details, by studying, surveying the book, a book of details.
Craigie Tellalie- Does not, spams "Darby....You're in denial...Figurative...You really think ( ) is literal?...Quotes Josephus/Russell/Gentry/Hanegraaf.....................
Contrasts, as contrasting as saved/lost, heaven/hell......
There you go, because of you being embarrassed, not to be able to answer any of Tellalie's questions, and dodge his Darby darts, as you suffer yet fatal death blow, after fatal death blow, from following the "recent" "inventions," of "fallable men," with more non sequitur petitio principii, post hoc ergo propter hoc, red herrings, engaging in slippery slope-ism, and straw man arguments, tu quoque, and "personally" attacking me, you big dummie, and insulting me, with "character assasinations," you "cancerous" dispie!!! You are in denial.There you go again with your argumentum ad hoc, argumentum pro bono and argumentum tempus fugit.
Repent of your narrow, contextual, Bible-idolizing denial. Renounce Darby and all his works and ways. Confess the gospel of your choice and on behalf of blessed St. Alcazar, Pope Russell and Cardinal Hanegraf, in the sight of the most holy Unca Joe, I will absolve you of your dispie deviltry.
Come home to Ro-- just come home already.
There you go, because of you being embarrassed, not to be able to answer any of Tellalie's questions, and dodge his Darby darts, as you suffer yet fatal death blow, after fatal death blow, from following the "recent" "inventions," of "fallable men," with more non sequitur petitio principii, post hoc ergo propter hoc, red herrings, engaging in slippery slope-ism, and straw man arguments, tu quoque, and "personally" attacking me, you big dummie, and insulting me, with "character assasinations," you "cancerous" dispie!!! You are in denial.
I choose to take everything you post as allegory, figurative, poetic and/or already fulfilled and, thereby, dismiss it without comment, you Bullinger sniffing schismatic of recent origin. Repent of your doctrinal flatulence or I shall Darby you a second time.
You are in denial.
Yikes, and crocodiles!
There you go, again, Steko, with your The Law of Unintended Consequences, and Olfactory Rhetoric.
What was the topic of this thread again?