Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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As we've seen throughout this 5 part thread, many people who contracted homosexual desires (be it from being sexually molested as a child, growing up in a dysfunctional home, etc.) have been able to come to understand and in many cases overcome their same sex desires through spiritual and often times psychological therapy.

The absolute worst enemy of the child molesting/indoctrinating LGBTQueer movement is a EX homosexual, as it proves that change is possible through the free will that God gives mankind.

Several States have outlawed therapy for minors (what would the pederasts/pedophiles of the LGBTQ movement do if sexually confused children overcame their same sex desires?) and now the State of California is taking it one step further and wanting to outlaw information given (books, pamphlets, etc.) to sexually confused people.

California Wants to Ban Books Written by Ex-Gays

April 26, 2018

The California Legislature has proposed banning the sale of books written by ex-gay people and Christians who seek to help others who want to restrain or control their sexuality. Bill AB 2943 would ban the sale of goods and services that encourage one to change his or her sexual orientation or gender expression. That's right, the left is banning books! (Don't hold your breath waiting for the American Library Association to kick up a fuss, though.) National Review reported the details:

First, the bill by its own terms applies to very broad categories of services and goods. Here’s the key enabling language:

1770. (a) The following unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices undertaken by any person in a transaction intended to result or that results in the sale or lease of goods or services to any consumer are unlawful:

Second, a book (along with other written materials, like pamphlets or workbooks) fits within the very, very broad definition of a goods:

tangible chattels bought or leased for use primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, including certificates or coupons exchangeable for these goods, and including goods that, at the time of the sale or subsequently, are to be so affixed to real property as to become a part of real property, whether or not they are severable from the real property.

Basically, if you can buy it and move it (in other words, it’s not real estate), then it’s a good. Moreover, under the statute, “services” can include “services furnished in connection with the sale or repair of goods.” Booksellers provide “services.”

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/california-wants-to-ban-books-written-by-ex-gays/

Reminds me of a homosexual who ran Germany several decades ago:



It's time again to expose a Libertarian passing himself off as a conservative.

Ben Shapiro.


Yet another faux conservative who doesn't understand the role of government ( Romans 13:4, 1 Peter 2:14) and how laws have a huge impact on our culture (Roe v Wade, Lawrence v Texas/Obergefell v Hodges, etc.)


Many of you following this 5 part thread recall how a few short years ago the once God fearing Boy Scouts of America sold out God and America's boys and young men by allowing openly homosexual (i.e. sexually confused) youth into their organization (Trump's former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, while head of the BSA was instrumental in making that happen).

Shortly after that decision was made, the LGBTQ movement needed to repay their NAMBLA faction for throwing them out of 'gay' pride parades, so they opened the doors of the Boy Scouts to openly homosexual adult leaders who were just salivating at the thought of going on overnight campouts with 12 year old boys (hence the new nickname "The Boy Sodomizers of America").

The new 'progressive' BSA of course needed to allow gender confused youth into their new organization, as well as girls, hence the recent decision to drop the "Boy" out of it's name.

Boy Scouts to drop ‘Boy’ from name


The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is changing its name for the first time in its 108-year history. The scouting organization, originally designed for boys ages 11-17, will be called “Scouts: BSA” starting in February, The Associated Press reported. The move to a gender-neutral name arrives on the heels of the organization’s decision to accept female members next year. “We wanted to land on something that evokes the past but also conveys the inclusive nature of the program going forward,” Surbaugh said. “We’re trying to find the right way to say we’re here for both young men and young women.”


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.......Reminds me of a homosexual who ran Germany several decades ago.......

....that would be YOU.
YOU are the one who wants to put people in prison because they suffer from a mental disorder: Same-sex attraction. Hitler put all sorts of deficient people into prison.

YOU are the Hitler in this thread.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
....that would be YOU.
YOU are the one who wants to put people in prison because they suffer from a mental disorder: Same-sex attraction. Hitler put all sorts of deficient people into prison.

YOU are the Hitler in this thread.

Yet the pair of you have this bizarre habit of using either homosexual innuendo or flat out using terms to describe straight people engaging in anal sex. You're no better than aCW is and you're equally as whacked out. If you honestly thought homosexuality was a 'mental disorder' you wouldn't have acted like such a crank as you did with me. I'd expect nothing less or more from aCW as his obsession and puerility have been on display for years with his ongoing loony borefest of a blog here. It's why people just let him crack on with it for the most part and don't bother engaging with him anymore cos it's the same shtick over and over.

Don't pretend to care anymore than aCW does. You both act like clowns and you both call yourself such laughable names as 'Crusader' & 'Warrior' when you're both neither. Just run of the mill religious zealots with sordid little axes to grind or issues to deal with. In aCW's case it's likely of the ironic variety and in your case, who knows?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Yet the pair of you have this bizarre habit of using either homosexual innuendo or flat out using terms to describe straight people engaging in anal sex.........

Why is that hard to understand.

Look, I have compassion for alcoholics - its a terrible disease. But I have NO compassion for alcoholics who wantonly purposely choose not to get better and wander around drunk all day. And I might make the occasional drunk joke. I have no political correctness in the humor department.

Likewise: I have compassion for homosexuals - its a serious disorder to endure. But I have NO compassion for homosexuals who wantonly purposely choose not to admit their disorder and instead choose to wallow in their sin. And I might make the occasional gay joke. Again: I have no political correctness in the humor department.

There is no problem reconciling these things.

But throwing them in prison for no other reason than there disorder? Thats a Hitler move.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why is that hard to understand.

Look, I have compassion for alcoholics - its a terrible disease. But I have NO compassion for alcoholics who wantonly purposely choose not to get better and wander around drunk all day. And I might make the occasional drunk joke. I have no political correctness in the humor department.

Likewise: I have compassion for homosexuals - its a serious disorder to endure. But I have NO compassion for homosexuals who wantonly purposely choose not to admit their disorder and instead choose to wallow in their sin. And I might make the occasional gay joke. Again: I have no political correctness in the humor department.

There is no problem reconciling these things.

But throwing them in prison for no other reason than there disorder? Thats a Hitler move.

I'm not one for political correctness either but I don't go around using sexually derogatory terms as you did with me and have yet to have the decency to apologize for. You think using crap like that flies with your supposed Christian Catholicism? Ya know what, it's up to you to think that homosexuality is simply a 'mental disorder' that people can cure themselves of if you want. I'd say that's naive as romantic/sexual attraction isn't something that's chosen anyway and can't be "changed" via some sort of 'therapy' and the like but believe as you will. If people are gay, they're simply gay and that's it. Just as being straight.

Sure, aCW's garbage is totalitarian nuttiness but then he's so gullible as to think Hitler was gay himself along with most of the Nazis...

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I'm not one for political correctness either but I don't go around using sexually derogatory terms as you did with me and have yet to have the decency to apologize for. You think using crap like that flies with your supposed Christian Catholicism? Ya know what, it's up to you to think that homosexuality is simply a 'mental disorder' that people can cure themselves of if you want. I'd say that's naive as romantic/sexual attraction isn't something that's chosen anyway and can't be "changed" via some sort of 'therapy' and the like but believe as you will. If people are gay, they're simply gay and that's it. Just as being straight.

So this is not about the thread topic, its about you being bent out of shape about my attacks on you. I hit people who hate me with all guns I can muster. Why shouldn't I. In a forum words are the only weapons I have. Maybe you should lighten up on my for once and I might just reciprocate, or hadn't you ever considered that option

As for the disorder: I never said they can cure themselves!! The gay person can do the same thing that the alcoholic does: Abstain and seek support groups. Alcoholics stay clean and sober for years. So can a homosexual.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So this is not about the thread topic, its about you being bent out of shape about my attacks on you. I hit people who hate me with all guns I can muster. Why shouldn't I. In a forum words are the only weapons I have. Maybe you should lighten up on my for once and I might just reciprocate, or hadn't you ever considered that option

I don't hate you so you need to get that. In case you hadn't noticed you have a reputation for flaming out on here so have you considered that? You've been banned how many times? If you could take a step back, lighten up a bit and accept differences with a bit more brevity then you wouldn't have been kicked to the penalty box so much dude. Your call.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

California Wants to Ban Books Written by Ex-Gays

April 26, 2018

The California Legislature has proposed banning the sale of books written by ex-gay people and Christians who seek to help others who want to restrain or control their sexuality. Bill AB 2943 would ban the sale of goods and services that encourage one to change his or her sexual orientation or gender expression. That's right, the left is banning books! (Don't hold your breath waiting for the American Library Association to kick up a fuss, though.) National Review reported the details:

First, the bill by its own terms applies to very broad categories of services and goods. Here’s the key enabling language:

1770. (a) The following unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices undertaken by any person in a transaction intended to result or that results in the sale or lease of goods or services to any consumer are unlawful:

Second, a book (along with other written materials, like pamphlets or workbooks) fits within the very, very broad definition of a goods:

tangible chattels bought or leased for use primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, including certificates or coupons exchangeable for these goods, and including goods that, at the time of the sale or subsequently, are to be so affixed to real property as to become a part of real property, whether or not they are severable from the real property.

Basically, if you can buy it and move it (in other words, it’s not real estate), then it’s a good. Moreover, under the statute, “services” can include “services furnished in connection with the sale or repair of goods.” Booksellers provide “services.”

Read more:https://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/california-wants-to-ban-books-written-by-ex-gays/

Reminds me of a homosexual who ran Germany several decades ago...

....that would be YOU.
YOU are the one who wants to put people in prison because they suffer from a mental disorder: Same-sex attraction. Hitler put all sorts of deficient people into prison.

YOU are the Hitler in this thread.

I see that you have no thoughts on CA banning books and materials provided by EX homosexuals. I'd ask your alter ego/LGBTQ comrade Art Brain to comment, but we already know how he stands on that issue.

Speaking of Hitler: You are aware that your Church was instrumental in putting Hitler in power aren't you?


Kind of reminds me of the evangelical movement today and their support of the rainbow flag waving degenerate that they helped elect.


With so many people who identify as Christian selling out God by supporting the traitorous unrepentant adulterer who supports homosexuality and abortion, it's nice to hear words from Christians that haven't supported Donald Trump's candidacy/Presidency.

Robert P. George on Why He Declined an Invitation to Donald Trump’s Meeting with Christian Leaders

June 22, 2016
I have been a severe critic of Mr. Trump and there is nothing he could say at a meeting in which he is courting conservatives that would alter my low opinion of him. […] Perhaps the only politician in America of whom I have an even lower opinion is Hillary Clinton, so I certainly understand why some are urging us to hold our noses and support for Mr. Trump. But I fear that he will, in the end, bring disgrace upon those individuals and organizations who publicly embrace him. For those of us who believe in limited government, the Rule of Law, flourishing institutions of civil society, and traditional Judeo-Christian moral principles, and who believe that our leaders must be persons of integrity and good character, this election is presenting a horrible choice. May God help us.


Professor Robert P. George

As I catch up on the table of contents from Part 4, you'll be reminded why I didn't support Donald the degenerate back then, and don't now.


I see that our rainbow flag waving President promoted Richard Grenell from White House restroom interior decorator to Ambassador to Germany. That supposed homophobe Mike Pence even swore Grenell in. Oh, and all Republicrats in the Senate voted 'yea' for the proud and unrepentant sexual deviant's confirmation.

Senate confirms Grenell as German ambassador, Trump’s highest-ranking ‘gay’ official

April 30, 2018

The U.S. Senate confirmed Richard Grenell as ambassador to Germany, making him the highest-ranking homosexual in the Trump administration.
The Senate confirmed him by a 56-42 vote last Thursday, Reuters reported. He previously served as an adviser to several diplomats in the Bush administration as well as a U.S. spokesman at the United Nations, and he represented the country at numerous UN conferences. He was also a foreign policy analyst for numerous media outlets.
President Donald Trump originally nominated Grenell in September. His confirmation came just in time for a visit to Washington from German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Throughout Trump’s presidency, conservatives have complained about Democrats slow-walking many of his nominees.
Grenell is pro-life, holds traditional conservative views on many issues, and says he wants Christian conscience rights protected, but he is also a self-described “gay Christian” who advocates for same-sex “marriage” and has decried the influence of “loud religious right activists” in the conservative coalition.

...Pro-homosexual organizations, including the Log Cabin Republicans and the Harvey Milk Foundation, have expressed support for Grenell. Most Senate Democrats opposed Grenell, citing past insulting tweets he directed at female political opponents.

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/s...man-ambassador-trumps-highest-ranking-gay-off

Are Democrats not aware that a good portion of homosexual males are misogynists?

Regarding the Harvey Milk Foundation support of Grenell:

Stuart Milk, co-founder of the Harvey Milk Foundation and nephew of the late gay civil rights leader. Milk told The New York Times in March that he believed Grenell’s confirmation would “send an important message” to the LGBTQ community about their place in the Trump administration."



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that our rainbow flag waving President promoted Richard Grenell ... to Ambassador to Germany..........

So what...

Regarding proud and unrepentant sexual deviant Richard Grenell:

Grenell claims to be a "gay Christian". Explain how it is possible to go against the teachings of Jesus Christ yet still claim to be a follower of Him.

Grenell claims to be "pro life". Explain how one can embrace a culture of death (which homosexuality is) and yet be pro life.

Grenell is also a supporter of homosexuals marrying (i.e. mocking God's institution of marriage). Explain how two sexual deviants mocking the invaluable institution of marriage is beneficial to society.
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
HERE'S A CRAZY IDEA: Let God judge the man.

And remember: Due to our fallen nature we all have disordered desires of many kinds. Would you expect to be excluded from being hired to a position because of yours?

Just BEING a homosexual is not a sin. As for his activities, God sees the future and you do not. Perhaps three years from now he has repented and lives a life a chastity.

That's the problem with playing God, you just don't have the brains for it. God sees and knows just a little bit more than we do


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding proud and unrepentant sexual deviant Richard Grenell who was recently appointed Ambassador to Germany by the Degenerate in Chief Donald Trump:

Grenell claims to be a "gay Christian". Explain how it is possible to go against the teachings of Jesus Christ yet still claim to be a follower of Him.

Grenell claims to be "pro life". Explain how one can embrace a culture of death (which homosexuality is) and yet be pro life.

Grenell is also a supporter of homosexuals marrying (i.e. mocking God's institution of marriage). Explain how two sexual deviants mocking the invaluable institution of marriage is beneficial to society.

HERE'S A CRAZY IDEA: Let God judge the man.

And remember: Due to our fallen nature we all have disordered desires of many kinds. Would you expect to be excluded from being hired to a position because of yours?

Just BEING a homosexual is not a sin. As for his activities, God sees the future and you do not. Perhaps three years from now he has repented and lives a life a chastity.

That's the problem with playing God, you just don't have the brains for it. God sees and knows just a little bit more than we do

Here are the questions again:

Grenell claims to be a "gay Christian". Explain how it is possible to go against the teachings of Jesus Christ yet still claim to be a follower of Him.

Grenell claims to be "pro life". Explain how one can embrace a culture of death (which homosexuality is) and yet be pro life.

Grenell is also a supporter of homosexuals marrying (i.e. mocking God's institution of marriage). Explain how two sexual deviants mocking the invaluable institution of marriage is beneficial to society.


You have a great day sir

When you unapologetically stand for the truth, it seems to always turn out to be a great day.

Regarding your statement from your previous post:

Originally Posted by CatholicCrusader
HERE'S A CRAZY IDEA: Let God judge the man.

Sounds like anarchy to me. What would society be like if everyone just sat back and allowed people to do their own thing, knowing that God will eventually judge them?

And remember: Due to our fallen nature we all have disordered desires of many kinds. Would you expect to be excluded from being hired to a position because of yours?

Hence the need for a Lord and Savior. And yes, if I stood for immoral causes and belonged to a political party that allegedly promotes traditional family values, I would expect to be "excluded" from that Party.

Just BEING a homosexual is not a sin.

Say what?

As for his activities, God sees the future and you do not. Perhaps three years from now he has repented and lives a life a chastity.

Grenell's "activities" go against the Word of God, in fact he even mocks God by calling himself a "homosexual Christian". I hope that someday he repents and accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, but until then he is a enemy of everything good and descent.

That's the problem with playing God, you just don't have the brains for it. God sees and knows just a little bit more than we do

Matthew 7:15-20
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More on the story of Georgia MassResistance member Marquitta R. Ford:

Marquitta R. Ford ready for court. Faces phony charges for protesting against LGBT agenda in front of Georgia State Capitol.
Hearing likely to take place in June or July
Outrageous: Turned down by every “pro-family” legal group we contacted – so we’ve hired a lawyer for her!

May 18, 2018

As we reported back in February, Marquitta R. Ford, a courageous Georgia MassResistance activist, was arrested and jailed – and given humiliating treatment by the authorities – after legally protesting against the LGBT agenda in front of the Georgia State Capitol. She had been demonstrating on the same spot – a public sidewalk – for nearly three months and had previously been assured by police that it was legal to be there.
She was demanding protection by the government from the recent epidemic of men going into women’s restrooms – which legislators have so far refused to act on because of their fear of the powerful LGBT influence in the business community.
Our report on this was presented in three parts: Part 1 described the horror stories. Part 2 described Marquitta’s tireless protests and lobbying of politicians, churches, and others. Part 3 described her bizarre and clearly unlawful arrest and jailing – and the absurd, contrived charges filed against her.
From the beginning Marquitta was determined that since she is innocent and no “crime” had been committed, she was not going to plead guilty to anything, plea-bargain, or agree to “community service”, etc.

Turned down by every pro-family law firm (for cowardly reasons)
But an unexpected shock came when it came to finding her a lawyer. We just assumed that a pro-bono pro-family law firm would love to defend a blatant case like this. Over a period of weeks we contacted pro-bono pro-family law firms both locally in Georgia and across the United States. But every firm we contacted turned it down. Some wouldn’t even bother to reply.
Two pro-family attorneys from firms we contacted told us why they wouldn’t touch it: A few months before the incident and arrest, Marquitta was videoed giving a talk at an Atlanta church about the bathroom episodes. She said she was so distraught after encountering a half-naked man in a mall women’s restroom, that she told the mall manager and the mall property owner that she should have allowed her son (who was nearby at the food court) to beat the guy up!
Of course, Marquitta’s church remarks had nothing to do with the protest or arrest. But both attorneys told MassResistance that they were afraid that liberals would say that they were defending someone (this 5-foot tall woman!) “who had advocated violence against a transgender.” It would be bad PR for the firm, and might make their donors uncomfortable, was the message.
In addition, one of the attorneys added that because Marquitta stood up to the police and didn’t simply follow orders like a “good” conservative, they weren’t willing to defend her...
Read more: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen3/18b/MR-GA-Marquitta-in-court/index.html

As we've seen since the election of homosexual/transgender activist Donald Trump into the once respected Office of President of the United States, the supposed "pro family" movement has lost it's backbone and is not only silent during these culture wars, but absent.


Marquitta R. Ford (left) with her attorney Larry Kohn outside of the courthouse at her arraignment hearing in April.
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