Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Al must be one of them thar college edjumacated baby murderers. Instead of calling me a LIAR! LIAR! LIAR! like God-hating homosexual activists annaitennedi and TracerBullet do, he uses purdy words like "misinformation").

You really don't need to add on layers of stupidity to your stupidity aCW, it comes shining through quite naturally on its own.

(Did Al just call me "stupid", not once, but twice? One would think that a college edjumacated guy like Al could at least come up with a purdy word like "ignoramus").

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So tell me Al: Why would the baby butchers at NARAL become so upset over a commercial? Ultrasound shows that there is live human being inside the mother's womb. (Sigh, if only TracerBullet were here he could supply us with a sexual anarchist study proving what I just stated is a LIE! LIE! LIE!, and that ultrasound is a conspiracy created by that ever so evil Family Research Council. Hurry back TB, you're really missed here).

I actually don't give a rat's what NARAL might get upset about aCW that's up to them...

I see; you don't care about what NARAL thinks and does but you do seem to care about a commercial that Doritos/Frito-Lay made that was viewed by 112 million people.

Ya know Al: If those 112 million people actually see a baby moving around in the womb, they might support legislation that says that you can't murder him or her.

Scary thought isn't it?
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post

(Did Al just call me "stupid", not once, but twice? One would think that a college edjumacated guy like Al could at least come up with a purdy word like "ignoramus").

Hey, it's your back the sign is hanging from. :idunno:

Welcome to Part 4 quip. Hey, I was thinking of getting a taste of Buddhism, do you know where I can find a nice ice cold buddhabelly beer like this one?



New member
Ya know Al: If those 112 million people actually see a baby moving around in the womb, they might support legislation that says that you can't murder him or her.

Scary thought isn't it?
In my experience aCW pro-choice people care as much as anyone about the foetus before and after a choice has been made, particularly when there has been time for significant development and a functioning central nervous system is present.

It's about a freedom to choose rather than some perverse desire for having abortions at every opportunity or to murder babies.
But I rather suspect that you actually do know that just as well as I do (I think you are probably more devious than stupid), but of course that is not something that sits too well with your particularly dumb Christian Taliban friends, who prefer to see all pro-choicers branded as pure un-godly evil personified.
I realise that you probably feel compelled to say the kind of things that appeal to these knuckle scrapers which gets them all excited rather than something more intellectual and honest, so I do credit you with some personal abilities. :plain:

I watched the Superbowl on the BBC, there were no ad-breaks.


...I watched the Superbowl on the BBC, there were no ad-breaks.

Like I'd mentioned in an earlier post, I'd seen some of the game but very few commercials. From what I'm reading now, I'm glad that I missed the racist, pro homosexual halftime show.



Even my ultra liberal sister in law commented on how racist the cop-hating "Black Lives Matter" Beyoncé halftime show was.

Your secular humanist movement uses every opportunity to promote their godless agenda Al.


New member
Your secular humanist movement uses every opportunity to promote their godless agenda Al.
I'm really sorry if humanistic/secular people are interfering with your Christian fundie Taliban agenda aCW. :plain:
Obviously that then makes it fine for you to present faked pictures and misinformation at every opportunity, right?
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Like I'd mentioned in an earlier post, I'd seen some of the game but very few commercials. From what I'm reading now, I'm glad that I missed the racist, pro homosexual halftime show.
Your secular humanist movement uses every opportunity to promote their godless agenda Al.

I'm really sorry if humanistic/secular people are interfering with your Christian fundie Taliban agenda aCW. :plain:

My "agenda" not only involves helping morally confused people like you find the path to righteousness Al, but to restore invaluable institutions: the morally corrupt media being one of them.

Obviously that then makes it fine for you to present faked pictures and misinformation at every opportunity, right?

If there wasn't an endorsement of 'gay' pride or if singer Beyoncé didn't promote the racist/cop hating "Black Lives Matter" movement during the halftime show of the 2016 Super Bowl, then please let me know and I'll retract what I wrote above.
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Returning to documentaries shown throughout this 4 part thread. The category we're currently in is:

"Those ever so loving and tolerant homosexual activists".

WARNING! As in anything that is related to homosexuality, there will be vile language and violence in the following videos:

As shown on this KOMO 4 News report, a couple of Christian street ministers were attacked here in Seattle during a 'march of the moral degenerates parade' for having the AUDACITY to say "Repent or else" and "Jesus Saves from sin" (GASP! Haters gonna hate!).

Christians attack in Seattle at 'gay' pride parade

This video of 'homosexual tolerance' is from a WA DC 'gay' pride parade. Note how the cross dressers, dykes and fairies don't get physical with one of the Christians, I'm sure his enormous size had nothing to do with it.

Homosexual 'tolerance' at WA DC gay pride parade


And the winner for the best documentary in the category of

"Those ever so loving and tolerant homosexual activists"


Homosexual violence and crimes in San Francisco

While all of the contestants in this category fulfilled their role of being ever so loving and tolerant homosexual activists, how can you deny the love and tolerance of those that firebomb a church and call it's pastor's wife telling her the name of their children, where they go to school and the sexually deviant things that will be done to to their children before they're murdered? (After all, the homophobic bigots had it coming to them: how dare they fire an openly homosexual church organist that refused to repent?!).

When Gays Fire-Bombed a Church: ‘Gay Rights or Gay Riots.’

Let's give big round of applause to all of those ever so loving and tolerant homosexual activists and especially the boyz in San Fransicko, because without using the tactics of homosexual Adolf Hitler and his SS, the LGBTQueer movement wouldn't be where it is today.



Our next category of documentaries shown throughout this 4 part thread deals with...ahem..."adult-child mentorship" (the LGBTQueer movement call's it "man-boy/female-girl love", those of us in the real world call it "child rape").

Our first documentary is compliments of Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality showing HIV positive and openly homosexual Walter Lee Hampton Jr. talking about adult-child sex amongst his fellow sodomites.

Homosexual Walter Lee Hampton on Man-Boy Sex (‘Gay’ Pederasty): “I Would Not Let My Teenage Sons Around Gay Men!”



I was saying how it would be great if we had a republican congress overriding vetoes by Bernie Sanders.

Welcome back to the WHMBR! Part 4 thread SM. I hope you're enjoying the entertainment that the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement supplies our society on a regular basis. I also hope that you appreciate that I'm sharing 'gay culture' with those who might not be aware of it.

Since you brought up politics: Why have a socialist President and a conservative Congress? Isn't the idea behind an election to vote for a political party whose platform you want to rule? When you vote do you vote for a pro LGBTQueer candidate and then vote in another category for a devout Christian who if elected won't legislate as a LGBTQueer legislator would?


New member
Welcome back to the WHMBR! Part 4 thread SM. I hope you're enjoying the entertainment that the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement supplies our society on a regular basis. I also hope that you appreciate that I'm sharing 'gay culture' with those who might not be aware of it.
We all know that you at least are highly entertained by all things gay aCW.

Since you brought up politics: Why have a socialist President and a conservative Congress? Isn't the idea behind an election to vote for a political party whose platform you want to rule? When you vote do you vote for a pro LGBTQueer candidate and then vote in another category for a devout Christian who if elected won't legislate as a LGBTQueer legislator would?
Specific political aims to one side we can perhaps agree (for a change) that SM is at least one sandwich short of a picnic.:plain:


We all know that you at least are highly entertained by all things gay aCW.

Mocking evil is entertaining for me Al, hence my comment below the video showing Donald Trump supporter Kyle Kittleson lisping his support for Trump:

*Devices that help the viewer decipher heavy lisping can be obtained at the concession stand in the lobby.

Specific political aims to one side we can perhaps agree (for a change) that SM is at least one sandwich short of a picnic.:plain:

It's common sense Al, but then it's rare to see common sense even in someone like you.


Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away in his sleep last night at his ranch in Texas. There will be many articles written by conservatives praising him, which I will share in the upcoming days.

In the meantime, let's see what his rainbow enemies have to say about him:

patrick jane: Scalia was a pig wasn't he ?

Rest in Peace Antonin Scalia. Thanks for being a tried and true culture warrior while sitting on the judicial bench.



Yet another reason people of faith should vote for Ted Cruz (and yet another reason secular humanists hate him).

Ted Cruz says he will ‘absolutely’ filibuster Obama’s nominee to replace Scalia

Feb. 14, 2016

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is threatening to filibuster any Supreme Court nominee made by President Obama to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

“This should be a decision for the people,” Cruz said on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday. “Let the election decide. If the Democrats want to replace [Scalia], they need to win the election. But I don’t think the American people want a court that will strip our religious liberties. I don’t think the American people want a court that will mandate unlimited abortions on demand, partial-birth abortion with taxpayer funding and no parental notification, and I don’t think the American people want a court that will write the Second Amendment out of the Constitution.”

On Saturday, Obama said he plans “to fulfill my constitutional responsibilities to nominate a successor in due time,” pressing the Senate to “fulfill its responsibility to give that person a fair hearing and a timely vote.”...

“If Donald Trump becomes president, the Second Amendment will be written out of the Constitution because it is abundantly clear that Donald Trump is not a conservative,” Cruz said. “He will not invest the capital to confirm a conservative, so the result will be the same whether it’s Hillary [Clinton], Bernie [Sanders] or Donald Trump. The Second Amendment will go away.”

During Saturday night’s GOP debate in South Carolina, Trump said if he were in Obama’s position, he would “certainly want to try and nominate a justice.” But the Republican frontrunner urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell not to bring Obama’s pick for Scalia’s replacement to a vote...

Read more: https://www.yahoo.com/politics/scalia-death-gop-reacts-165826911.html


(Is Trump catching a few zzzz's here while his rivals pray?)


Supreme Court Justices Confirmed During
the Last Years of a Presidential Term

Oliver Ellsworth, 1796
Samuel Chase, 1796
William Johnson, 1804
Philip Barbour, 1836
Roger Taney, 1836
Melville Fuller, 1888
Lucius Lamar, 1888
George Shiras, 1892
Mahlon Pitney, 1912
John Clarke, 1916
Louis Brandeis, 1916
Benjamin Cardozo, 1932
Frank Murphy, 1940
Anthony Kennedy, 1988 (last year of Reagan Administration)

As we all know, conservatives would have been shouting from the rooftops if the Democrats had blocked the confirmation of Anthony Kennedy during the last year of the Reagan presidency.


Anthony Kennedy, 1988 (last year of Reagan Administration)

As we all know, conservatives would have been shouting from the rooftops if the Democrats had blocked the confirmation of Anthony Kennedy during the last year of the Reagan presidency.

America would have been much better off if the Democrats would have succeeded.

Justice Kennedy co-authored (with O'Connor and Justice David Souter) the court's majority opinion in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, which held that legal restrictions on access to abortion must not constitute an “undue burden” on a woman's exercise of her right to abortion as established in Roe v. Wade (1973)...

He also wrote the court's decision in Romer, Governor of Colorado v. Evans (1996), which voided an amendment to the Colorado state constitution that prohibited state and local governments from enacting laws that would protect the rights of gays, lesbians and bisexuals and in Lawrence v. Texas (2003) he declared unconstitutional Texas's law criminalizing sodomy between two consenting adults of the same sex.

On June 25, 2015, Kennedy voted in favor of upholding a key component of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama’s health care law, also known as Obamacare. The 6 to 3 ruling preserved the law, allowing the federal government to provide nationwide tax subsidies to help Americans buy health insurance...

On June 26, 2015, one day after the ruling on health care, the Supreme Court announced a landmark 5 to 4 ruling guaranteeing a right to same-sex marriage. Justice Kennedy wrote the majority decision...

Read more: http://www.biography.com/people/anthony-kennedy-9362868#lawyer-and-judge

Pro abortion, pro homosexuality, pro socialist health care; yep that Tony Kennedy is some "conservative" ey jgarden?

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