Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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He can't hear you, aCW.



Very nice. I already adore Him.

I thought it might be nice during this season where we celebrate the birth of Christ that those who have posted in this thread and call themselves "Christian", tell us what the Christian faith means to them.

How about you start off by telling the readers of this 3 part thread what it means to "adore" Jesus Christ.


New member
I thought it might be nice during this season where we celebrate the birth of Christ that those who have posted in this thread and call themselves "Christian", tell us what the Christian faith means to them.

How about you start off by telling the readers of this threads what it means to "adore" Jesus Christ.
Like Kierkegaard, I believe Christ is the savior of this world; He is the truth of existence, and His realm is the eternal. We have the privilege of bonding with Him while on our sojourn in this temporal realm. The price to be paid for this union: Righteous faith, accepting Him and his Holy Spirit, and not following the whims of this world.

As Kierkegaard reminds us:

In the New Testament the Savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ, represents the situation thus: The way that leads to life is straight, the gate narrow-few be they who find it!

And as the great Gustav Fechner says:

Every true Christian carries Him within him; not in a symbolical meaning, but in life and reality. . . . every town ought to have a shrine to honour the dead , and Christ alone should be worshipped with God Himself.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I thought it might be nice during this season where we celebrate the birth of Christ that those who have posted in this thread and call themselves "Christian", tell us what the Christian faith means to them.

How about you start off by telling the readers of this threads what it means to "adore" Jesus Christ.

Like Kierkegaard, I believe Christ is the savior of this world; He is the truth of existence, and His realm is the eternal. We have the privilege of bonding with Him while on our sojourn in this temporal realm. The price to be paid for this union: Righteous faith, accepting Him and his Holy Spirit, and not following the whims of this world.
As Kierkegaard reminds us:

And I should remind you that Soren Kierkegaard was a Danish existentialist (moral relativist).


On a positive note, at least you didn't use the writings of homosexual/atheist Friedrich Nietzsche (not that there's a huge difference between the two).


From left to right, top to bottom: Existentialists Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, Sartre


I suppose I should post GFR7's (bye bye Scot, happy hunting) response to my post that I linked above, as people should see what kind of academic response that he posted.

Right, like I really care.
I change my quotes to suit myself.

Were you too thick-skulled to notice all my Kierkegaard quotes and avatars in the beginning?
I wasn't exactly trying to keep it secret.
I am proud to be a Kierkegaard scholar and not some Kentucky back-woods cop.

Kierkegaard is a highly respected Christian thinker, and I don't care what a bumpkin like you thinks.

I post here for the politics, not religion, btw.

What's creepy is that you know LaBarbera thinks you're too dumb for him to pay any mind to.

You actually had to look up both Nietzsche and Kierkegaard---

where'd you go to college, eh???

(Sigh, quite the follower of Christ ole GFR7 is).


New member
(Sigh, quite the follower of Christ ole GFR7 is).
Thanks for posting that-- I still feel exactly the same way, you big lummox. :chuckle:

Right, I am a follower of Christ - and far more so than are you. It will all come out in the end.

Yes, Kierkegaard and Gustav Fechner are great Christians. :wave2: Scot says, "buh-BYE, aCW!"


Thanks for posting that-- I still feel exactly the same way, you big lummox. :chuckle:

Of course you do. Your posts haven't changed since you wrote that several months ago.

Right, I am a follower of Christ - and far more so than are you. It will all come out in the end.

Yes, Kierkegaard and Gustav Fechner are great Christians. :wave2: Scot says, "buh-BYE, aCW!"

If you can find somewhere in Holy Scripture where it says that followers of Christ should idolize the words of atheist philosophers, moral relativists and homosexuals, then I'll acknowledge that you're a "follower of Christ" and I'll find a new religion.


New member
Of course you do. Your posts haven't changed since you wrote that several months ago.

If you can find somewhere in Holy Scripture where it says that followers of Christ should idolize the words of atheist philosophers, moral relativists and homosexuals, then I'll acknowledge that you're a "follower of Christ" and I'll find a new religion.
You're a literal-minded dummy and first class idiot. :wave2: I guess you do need to find a new religion. :think:


You're a literal-minded dummy and first class idiot. :wave2: I guess you do need to find a new religion. :think:

While I'm looking, I'm sure others are asking the same question as I am:

What happened to Scot? Is he "long gone" because of the new medication that your doctor put you on, or did Scot really exist and he found greener pastures elsewhere? (he met someone new at a bathhouse).



New member
While I'm looking, I'm sure others are asking the same question as I am:

What happened to Scot? Is he "long gone" because of the new medication that your doctor put you on, or did Scot really exist and he found greener pastures elsewhere? (he met someone new at a bathhouse).

He stopped being amused by the thread.


Since we're on the topic of what Jesus Christ, i.e. the Christian faith means those who identify themselves as Christian, I'd like to hear from aikido7 (who has compared the false religion of Islam to Christianity).

aikido7, come on down!



While I patiently await aikido7's return to the thread to talk about why he loves Islam Christianity as much as he does, I'd like to extend this invitation to a couple of other Christians (excuse me while I gag) that go by the name of Patrick Jane and Morpheus to tell us what Christianity (the teachings of Jesus Christ) means to them.

Patti and Morphie...



Here's a couple of articles from our good friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality:

Linda Harvey: Don’t Shop at Macy’s Due to Their Pro-Homosexual, Pro-Transgender Agenda

TAKE ACTION: My friend and stellar cultural warrior Linda Harvey of Mission America is calling for a boycott of the pro-homosexual-bisexual-transgender (LGBTQueer) retail giant Macy’s. Make it count: If you choose to join Linda, please make your decision count by contacting Macy’s to tell they WHY you are no longer shopping there. Call their Customer Service line at 800-289-6229, or use their online “Contact Us” form HERE

Say No to Shopping at Pro-‘LGBTQueer’ Macy’s

By Linda Harvey

Dec. 2014

Hey, ladies, would it bother you if a guy changing into a dress occupied the fitting room stall next to you at Macy’s? If this creeps you out, you should thank Natalie Johnson.

She tried to prevent this from happening at a Macy’s in San Antonio several years ago. And of course, the Macy’s management was extremely thankful to her for telling a teen cross-dressing male, accompanied by several other “LGBTqueer” friends, that he could not enter the female fitting room.

No, wait. They weren’t thankful. In fact, the Macy’s managers told Natalie to turn in her badge, so to speak. Natalie was terminated but the pushy and deluded young male (a non-female) was given honor and respect for the worthy goal of
invading the privacy and safety of actual women.

Natalie cited the Macy’s employment non-discrimination policy, one that includes the category of “religion.” She’s a Christian and found it offensive for a male to undress in the women’s fitting room.

But religious rights are only included in the Macy’s employment manual for show, apparently. In a head-to head contest against boys in lipstick and heels, the boys win. That’s the culture of Macy’s.

This is why I have not been inside a Macy’s since 2011. I used to spend quite a bit of money during the holidays at our local Macys—but no longer. This decision was reinforced as I watched and photographed the huge Macy’s red star balloon flying high above the Columbus “gay” pride parade in both 2013 and 2014. The banner carried by the Macy’s employee group marchers read, “Pride and Joy.”

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2014/1...-their-pro-homosexual-pro-transgender-agenda/

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I have to question this next article by Peter LaBarbera, as it implies that HRC founder and accused pederast/RAPIST Terry Bean likes "young ones" and brought home underage boys! (GASP!). Not only does Terry allegedly like "young ones" and had brought home underage boys, but Terry and his 25 year old boyfriend (the one that was of legal age to have buggery with) Kiah Lawson had a violent relationship! (GASP!, say it aint so Peter!).

WATCH: HRC Co-Founder Terry Bean’s Neighbor Says Bean ‘Likes the Young Ones’ and Brought Home Underage Boys

Dec. 2014

Terry Bean–the 66-year-old co-founder of two major homosexual/transgender activist organizations – Human Rights Campaign and the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund – used to bring teenage “young” men and boys to his home who were “under 18 for sure,” says his Portland neighbor, Jeff Warila.

Warila described Bean’s arrival at home with the what appeared to be minor boys in tow as “weird.” Both Bean and his 25-year-old former “boyfriend,” Kiah Lawson, face a trial on two counts of Sodomy in the Third Degree and a single count of Sexual Abuse in the Third Degree. [See AFTAH stories with videos HERE and HERE.]

Warila made the observation about Bean’s peculiar dating habits to KOIN-6–which appears to be the only Portland TV station seriously covering the Bean/Lawson pederasty scandal. (Most major media are ignoring the story.) He told a KOIN-6 reporter:

“The ones that Terry likes are the young ones. They look like they’re under 18 for sure. And his friends come and they’re usually adults, but when Terry comes he has these boys with him. And I’m like [thinking], ‘That’s weird.’”

Below is the KOIN-TV interview containing the interview with Warila; go to the 1:27 mark on the 2-minute video [watch it on YouTube HERE]:

Violence and pederasty, just another day in the life...

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2014/1...he-young-ones-and-brought-home-underage-boys/


Since no one wants to take me up on my offer to explain what Christianity means to them (I can't believe that Christians don't want to speak up about their faith in a Christian website), I'll briefly talk about what Jesus Christ/Christianity means to me:

Jesus' two greatest commandments are constantly on my mind and always in my heart:

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:36-40

"Loving the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" of course means acknowledging that His Word as seen in Holy Scripture is the Absolute Truth. Loving His Word means also loving His institutions that He created and doing everything in your power to protect them.

'Love your neighbor as yourself', isn't always that easy when it comes to loving those who proudly embrace evil, but Jesus didn't finish Matthew 22:36-40 with the following words:

"The above is open for debate"; so if I am to be a follower of Christ, I MUST be obedient to His Word.

As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread, one of the ways to love your neighbor (who has strayed from the path of righteousness) is to legislate righteous laws based on the Word of God.


Unless anyone else would like to post their testimonial, I'll talk more about theology in the segment entitled:

The 3 tenets of atheism.


New member
Since no one wants to take me up on my offer to explain what Christianity means to them (I can't believe that Christians don't want to speak up about their faith in a Christian website), I'll briefly talk about what Jesus Christ/Christianity means to me:

Jesus' two greatest commandments are constantly on my mind and always in my heart:

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:36-40

"Loving the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" of course means acknowledging that His Word as seen in Holy Scripture is the Absolute Truth. Loving His Word means also loving His institutions that He created and doing everything in your power to protect them.

'Love your neighbor as yourself', isn't always that easy when it comes to loving those who proudly embrace evil, but Jesus didn't finish Matthew 22:36-40 with the following words:

"The above is open for debate"; so if I am to be a follower of Christ, I MUST be obedient to His Word.

As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread, one of the ways to love your neighbor (who has strayed from the path of righteousness) is to legislate righteous laws based on the Word of God.


Unless anyone else would like to post their testimonial, I'll talk more about theology in the segment entitled:

The 3 tenets of atheism.
Has it occurred to you that no one wants to post what Christianity means to them here, because they know you'll be nasty to them? Would Jesus approve of the things you say to people, and the lies you tell about them; the insults that you hurl? I'm sure he would not approve at all.

If you keep those two commandments constantly in your mind and heart, and yet still manage to call people fags, to tell them they are sodomites when they are not; to tell them they had no wife and have no child when their family all are still grieving and still worried about the son; to blast people with all kinds of insults and cutting barbs - well, you must be doing something wrong.

Try a little Christian Humility, Dude!



Has it occurred to you that no one wants to post what Christianity means to them here, because they know you'll be nasty to them?

The ones that I invited, like you were, know that they'll be exposed as frauds.

Would Jesus approve of the things you say to people, and the lies you tell about them; the insults that you hurl? I'm sure he would not approve at all.

Refer to Bob Enyart's article (posted earlier in this thread) entitled

Nicer than God?

Are Christians too nice? Well, Christians today are nicer than God.

Or at least they are trying to be so. In the Church there is a standard of niceness that Jesus failed to reach while on earth. Comparing God's attitude and behavior with that of the Church today shows that believers are far more polite, tolerant, understanding and respectful to the wicked than God is.

The Church is also less offensive, rude and sarcastic than God's men in the Bible were. And no Christian would ever be caught dead mocking the wicked, as God's men in the Bible sometimes did.

Read more: http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

If you keep those two commandments constantly in your mind and heart, and yet still manage to call people fags, to tell them they are sodomites when they are not; to tell them they had no wife and have no child when their family all are still grieving and still worried about the son; to blast people with all kinds of insults and cutting barbs - well, you must be doing something wrong.

You and your fellow homosexualists should be ashamed of yourselves for what you're doing to your fellow man and the institutions that God created. Hopefully my sarcasm has opened up some eyes of the people who have been lying to themselves all of these years. Because I am sarcastic towards those who proudly embrace immoral behavior, doesn't mean that I don't love them and want the very best for them (i.e.repentance of their sins and accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior).

That being said: If I were really your enemy, I would join the camp that wants your kind hung...sorry Naz, I meant stoned (again, Jesus spoke of redemption, so I MUST be obedient to His Word).
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New member
aCultureLiar said:
You and your fellow homosexualists should be ashamed of yourselves for what you're doing to your fellow man and the institutions that God created. Hopefully my sarcasm has opened up some eyes of the people who have been lying to themselves all of these years. Because I am sarcastic towards those who proudly embrace immoral behavior, doesn't mean that I don't love them and want the very best for them (i.e.repentance of their sins and accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior).

That being said: If I were really your enemy, I would join the camp that wants your kind hung (again, Jesus spoke of redemption, so I MUST be obedient to His Word).

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, you are doing it again. You lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie...................omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggsomeone make this idiot stop lyinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

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