Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Ya know Al, I think Grossie Marowbe is one of those Christians that atheists like you and Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage can be proud of. Granted, you and ole Danny boy HATE God with all of your might, but if you're going to put up with Christianity, you might as well put up with people like Grossie Marowbe who are not going to do a gosh darn thing to stop your evil agenda.

Do you think we should consider Grossie Marowbe a "NALT Christian" Al?

I don't think Grossie is a NALT Christian Al. I think he is a terribly confused person that needs spiritual guidance.

When I wrote the first sentence of Part 1's OP, little did I know that it would have Grossie's name written all over it.

While at one time I did think that Grossie Marowbe was a good man, being that he hasn't lifted a finger against the baby murdering/sodomy loving sexual anarchist movement (in fact he's aided and abetted it by attacking me), I have to question if Grossie is a "good man".

Yes Al, Christians like Grossie Marowbe are a secular humanist's best friend. Without the help of apathetic Christians like him, the movement that you, GFR7 and Art Brain represent couldn't have achieved the destruction that you've brought onto society all on your own.
Why are you using me to talk to Grosnick Marowbe? :idunno:


New member
And I bet that you put your application in for the job of hangman when he's convicted.


Now answer the above post you little homosexualist troll.
I am rooting for Peter (that's "Reverend LaBarbara" to you.) :AMR1: You know that full well.

I do not think GM is in any way advocating for anarchism; he is making a spiritual point about the need for God's grace to free people from their various sins. He is trying to take the positive view of spreading gospel rather than throwing people into criminal court. :D


I am rooting for Peter (that's "Reverend LaBarbara" to you.) :AMR1: You know that full well.

Please don't insult the intelligence of the vast majority of people who are following this thread. I can only assume that they, like me, know exactly what you are and what you stand for.

I do not think GM is in any way advocating for anarchism; he is making a spiritual point about the need for God's grace to free people from their various sins. He is trying to take the positive view of spreading gospel rather than throwing people into criminal court. :D

So your answer to the first question would be?

Do you consider yourself an anarchist?

And your answer to the 2nd question would be?

Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist?

And your answer to the third question would be?

Do you believe that abortion should be dealt with solely through prayer and witnessing or that righteous laws should be legislated to curtail the atrocity that has been happening in our once great country for over 41 years?


New member
Please don't insult the intelligence of the vast majority of people who are following this thread. I can only assume that they, like me, know exactly what you are and what you stand for.

So your answer to the first question would be?

Do you consider yourself an anarchist?

And your answer to the 2nd question would be?

Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist?

And your answer to the third question would be?

Do you believe that abortion should be dealt with solely through prayer and witnessing or that righteous laws should be legislated to curtail the atrocity that has been happening in our once great country for over 41 years?
Am not gay, and do not advocate for same sex marriage ; on the contrary, the majority of my political threads advocate for traditional marriage to be saved (although I am humane toward gays, by nature and duty). Refuse to reply after you lie about me.

I guess I am a stand-in for your alter-ego or whoever it is within your psyche who must have a gay advocate to attack.

OK, maybe I ought to play the role: :think:



Am not gay, and do not advocate for same sex marriage ; on the contrary, the majority of my political threads advocate for traditional marriage to be saved (although I am humane toward gays, by nature and duty). Refuse to reply after you lie about me.

I guess I am a stand-in for your alter-ego or whoever it is within your psyche who must have a gay advocate to attack.

OK, maybe I ought to play the role: :think:

Somewhere in that rant (and I think that it's highly likely that GFR7 does talk with a "lithp" Al) I must have missed your answers.


So your answer to the first question would be?

Do you consider yourself an anarchist?

And your answer to the 2nd question would be?

Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist?

And your answer to the third question would be?

Do you believe that abortion should be dealt with solely through prayer and witnessing or that righteous laws should be legislated to curtail the atrocity that has been happening in our once great country for over 41 years?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I am rooting for Peter (that's "Reverend LaBarbara" to you.) :AMR1: You know that full well.

I do not think GM is in any way advocating for anarchism; he is making a spiritual point about the need for God's grace to free people from their various sins. He is trying to take the positive view of spreading gospel rather than throwing people into criminal court. :D

That's true!


New member
Somewhere in that rant (and I think that it's highly likely that GFR7 does talk with a "lithp" Al) I must have missed your answers.


So your answer to the first question would be?

Do you consider yourself an anarchist?

And your answer to the 2nd question would be?

Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist?

And your answer to the third question would be?

Do you believe that abortion should be dealt with solely through prayer and witnessing or that righteous laws should be legislated to curtail the atrocity that has been happening in our once great country for over 41 years?
No, no , no. :AMR1:
And you were supposed to think that gif was funny. :think:
Excuse me for not being on top of my game today; I have a headache, sorethroat, and think I am coming down with a touch of Ebola........ :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Somewhere in that rant (and I think that it's highly likely that GFR7 does talk with a "lithp" Al) I must have missed your answers.


So your answer to the first question would be?

Do you consider yourself an anarchist?

And your answer to the 2nd question would be?

Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist?

And your answer to the third question would be?

Do you believe that abortion should be dealt with solely through prayer and witnessing or that righteous laws should be legislated to curtail the atrocity that has been happening in our once great country for over 41 years?

No, no , no. :AMR1:

"No, no, no", is that the best that you can do?

And you were supposed to think that gif was funny. :think:
Excuse me for not being on top of my game today; I have a headache, sorethroat, and think I am coming down with a touch of Ebola........ :think:

(Poor GFR7, he's confusing the after effects of a night of partying with that of Ebola).

While you and the guy who seems to relate to atheists and pagans better than Christians come up with an answer to my above questions, I'm going to go to the gym and then pop off a couple of hundred rounds at the range.*

*Did I ever mention to you proud and unrepentant sexual anarchists that are following this thread that I always feels better after going to the gym and the gun range?


New member
I've been waiting for the explanation as to why Ebola is a homosexual lifestyle disease, surely it is?
I am sure aCW will find a reason gays spread it faster. :think: Meanwhile, trying to fight off this nasty case of Ebola.... :nono:


I've been waiting for the explanation as to why Ebola is a homosexual lifestyle disease, surely it is?

I am sure aCW will find a reason gays spread it faster. :think: Meanwhile, trying to fight off this nasty case of Ebola.... :nono:

My wife and I were talking about Ebola just the other night and she believes that it originated from African's eating monkeys.

As I recall, AIDS originated from those who engage in homosex having sex with monkeys.


As cute as the little critters are fellas, I think that it's wise that humans not consume them nor....well, do things to them that God speaks out against in Holy Scripture.

Just sayin....


New member
My wife and I were talking about Ebola just the other night and she believes that it originated from African's eating monkeys.

As I recall, AIDS originated from those who engage in homosex having sex with monkeys.


As cute as the little critters are fellas, I think that it's wise that humans not consume them nor....well, do things to them that God speaks out against in Holy Scripture.

Just sayin....
You're getting good at the GIFs, aCW :BRAVO:


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Ahem, Grosnick, while I know that you relate better to atheists and pagans, there are a couple of Christians that are waiting for answers from you.

Some call themselves Christians! However, few are "truly" in
the Body of Christ and Christ in them! Which category you're
in, I'm uncertain. However, if one looks at your hateful banter,
I would have my doubts about your being in the Body of Christ?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
My wife and I were talking about Ebola just the other night and she believes that it originated from African's eating monkeys.

As I recall, AIDS originated from those who engage in homosex having sex with monkeys.


As cute as the little critters are fellas, I think that it's wise that humans not consume them nor....well, do things to them that God speaks out against in Holy Scripture.

Just sayin....

Let's face it, you're "obsessed" with homosexuality! Is that ALL
you have to talk about?
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