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Eclectic Theosophist
Question reality, and dive into it.......

Question reality, and dive into it.......


You can make a thread about my belief and ask questions. I will explain simply and clearly for you why I hold those beliefs..:)

That would be a marvelous idea, centralizing your core-concepts within one Q & A thread. Although many of us have heard and considered your 'beliefs', I suggested in putting a new creative spin on them perhaps, and honing some dialogue-techniques to keep the nay-sayers on their tippy toes. Even they could use a fresh approach :)

Also note, there is ancient eastern wisdom particularly within Buddhism (Zen especially) that sees spiritual freedom as requiring the dropping of all 'beliefs' whatsoever, so you can enjoy the purity of awareness as your essential true nature, and BE that. That is all that is required,....dropping your beliefs, concepts and assumptions. When you drop all that, only pure reality remains. Abide in that, and be that, for you are already that (this is the pure 'atman', or 'Buddha-nature'...that is timeless and eternal).

But of course, you may be too heavily invested in a more conceptual form of 'Christianity' (theologizing in general), limited to your own logic, rationale and beliefs,....so your worldview and concept of 'God/Jesus' is conditioned by those factors, and naturally so. Just keep an open mind, whatever you do,...there is much more out there than what your mind 'believes', (one's 'mind' is a limitation). The infinite goes beyond.



New member
That would be a marvelous idea, centralizing your core-concepts within one Q & A thread. Although many of us have heard and considered your 'beliefs', I suggested in putting a new creative spin on them perhaps, and honing some dialogue-techniques to keep the nay-sayers on their tippy toes. Even they could use a fresh approach :)

Also note, there is ancient eastern wisdom particularly within Buddhism (Zen especially) that sees spiritual freedom as requiring the dropping of all 'beliefs' whatsoever, so you can enjoy the purity of awareness as your essential true nature, and BE that. That is all that is required,....dropping your beliefs, concepts and assumptions. When you drop all that, only pure reality remains. Abide in that, and be that, for you are already that (this is the pure 'atman', or 'Buddha-nature'...that is timeless and eternal).

But of course, you may be too heavily invested in a more conceptual form of 'Christianity' (theologizing in general), limited to your own logic, rationale and beliefs,....so your worldview and concept of 'God/Jesus' is conditioned by those factors, and naturally so. Just keep an open mind, whatever you do,...there is much more out there than what your mind 'believes', (one's 'mind' is a limitation). The infinite goes beyond.
It's amazing how much you sound like my son. Last night he told me he could talk to the wind. He said, you do know the wind can speak(as if that was something that I knew inside myself but deny it). I said I've never heard the wind speak. He said to those who will listen. I said, then I won't listen. I don't think I want the wind speaking to me. :)


Eclectic Theosophist
Hello tj.........

Hello tj.........

It's amazing how much you sound like my son. Last night he told me he could talk to the wind. He said, you do know the wind can speak(as if that was something that I knew inside myself but deny it). I said I've never heard the wind speak. He said to those who will listen. I said, then I won't listen. I don't think I want the wind speaking to me. :)

John 3:8
