Two Face Bernie

The Horn

Donald Chump is the two-faced one . Actually, three, four, five, and ten faced , because he's all things to all people and tells every body what they want to hear .
He's not really a homophobic bigot, but he promises right-wingers and members of the religious right legislation to deprive gay people of rights , just to win their support and votes .
He isn't really anti-choice, but but he's said that women who have abortions should be "punished", just to gain support and votes from the anti-choice movement .
He's openly declared before deciding to run that Hillary Clinton is a fine stateswoman and highly qualified to be President, and now he's attacking her as corrupt ,mendacious and not fit to be President .
He's declared that the U.S. economy does better under Democratic Presidents . And this is just the tip of the iceberg of how monumentally dishonest the Chumpster is . And Bernie Sanders is "two-faced "? ROFLOL !


Bernie Sanders is two faced. A few weeks ago he said that Hillary Clinton is unfit and now he's asking us to vote for her. Bernie has let his country down. Two faced people can't be trusted.

Yeah....that's a rare event within the sphere of politics. :plain: Two-faced indeed! :plain:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Trump Envy


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Banned least Bern ran a genuine campaign.

Bernie is a freekin' socialist. Yes, he was genuine, a genuine idiot and senile fool. Socialism is the destroyer of nations and economies. Bernie supporters are idiots.

As for Trump, he got more votes than another primary candidate EVER! That's REAL, that's GENUINE!

Any other stupid comments?


Bernie is a freekin' socialist. Yes, he was genuine, a genuine idiot and senile fool. Socialism is the destroyer of nations and economies. Bernie supporters are idiots.

As for Trump, he got more votes than another primary candidate EVER! That's REAL, that's GENUINE!

Any other stupid comments?

Knock yourself out...if you've the need to embarrass yourself further. :idunno: