Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The "Far-left zealots" are under a tremendous delusion. Wheather they realize it or not, Satan and his fallen angels are working overtime to "THWART" the Will of God. It appears that the President (chosen by God according to His Will and Purpose) is doing what he said he would do. That is, "Drain the Swamp." As we have been seeing during the past year, a formidable portion of politicians, Hollywood elites, and Media people, have been exposed and forced to "Step-down" from their previous positions. As Donald Trump said, he is "Draining the Swamp." Trump is doing the Will and Purpose of Almighty God. No one or nothing will be able to take Trump out of his position until God's Will and purpose is finished. As you'll notice, everything the far-left Dems have used against Trump has been unsuccessful and, that MUST be extremely frustrating to the far-left zealots.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to declare War on God and come out of it, unscathed and triumphant.

How can anyone thwart the will of God if everything that happens is by God's will? Including death camps, 9/11, abortions etc? By your own acknowledgement Hitler was in power by the will of God.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
"4For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."

Seems pretty straightforward language to me and not open for various interpretations.

Care to explain what it means in your "opinion"?

ACW really needs to stick to his "Area of Expertise," that being; his pathological HATRED of Homosexuals.

Actually I hadn't brought up the subject of homosexuality, but since you did (and refuse to answer my above question), why don't you explain why you believe God put LGBTQ flag waver/pro abortionist

Trump's Spending Deal Funds Planned Parenthood

Donald Trump into the most powerful political office in the world, as you indicated in your earlier post where you cited Romans 13:1??

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Remember, you're an angry Brit with a "Chip on his shoulder." As a consequence, anything you say comes from an angry mindset, therefore, unworthy of discussion.

Dude, once a passive aggressive is called on their manipulative lies, the worst thing they can do is perpetuate the very same when identified. I don't need to 'remember' what was never there to start with and if you can't address the subject directly and persist with the same then how do you reconcile those lies with your faith? If you can't be honest enough to deal directly with the discussion at hand without underhanded tactics then it only reflects on you.

patrick jane

Tom Cotton and David Perdue both say Trump did not say the naughty word, as well as others in the meeting. We already know Dick Durbin has been caught lying in the past.

[h=3]Cotton, Perdue say they don't recall remark at Trump meeting ...[/h]

[h=3]Flashback: That Time Dick Durbin Made Up A Story About A GOP ...[/h]First, you know, Dick Durbin has said some colorful things himself. In 2005, he compared U.S. troops to Nazis, remarks that he was forced to apologize for on the Senate floor (via WaPo):

Second, Durbin is not the most reliable source when it comes to White House meetings. In 2013, during the debt ceiling negotiations, Dick was caught straight up lying, alleging that one GOP congressional leader told the president, “I can’t even stand to look at you.” This never happened (via Politico) [emphasis mine]:

The Barbarian

Tom Cotton and David Perdue both say Trump did not say the naughty word,

Nope. They were too careful to get caught in that lie. They merely say that they don't remember.

Sens. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and David Perdue, R-Ga., defended President Trump Friday after reports that he referred to Haiti and various African nations as ******** countries" during a meeting at the White House.

In a statement, the pair of GOP immigration hawks said they "do not recall" the president making those remarks[/quote]

If there was someone recording, they can always say "I forgot."

patrick jane

Nope. They were too careful to get caught in that lie. They merely say that they don't remember.

Sens. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and David Perdue, R-Ga., defended President Trump Friday after reports that he referred to Haiti and various African nations as ******** countries" during a meeting at the White House.

In a statement, the pair of GOP immigration hawks said they "do not recall" the president making those remarks

Maybe he said it privately, but even if he said it it's no big deal. All Presidents and Congress members cuss.

The Barbarian

Maybe he said it privately,

He said it in a public meeting, with members of Congress. Yes, I know he's been confused a lot lately, and he's under a lot of pressure. But this is a great embarrassment to all Americans. Someone needs to help him when he is confused like this.

patrick jane

He said it in a public meeting, with members of Congress. Yes, I know he's been confused a lot lately, and he's under a lot of pressure. But this is a great embarrassment to all Americans. Someone needs to help him when he is confused like this.
:rotfl: That's all you guys can muster now after all the Russia details come out. It smacks of desperation.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
He said it in a public meeting, with members of Congress. Yes, I know he's been confused a lot lately, and he's under a lot of pressure. But this is a great embarrassment to all Americans. Someone needs to help him when he is confused like this.

I would make a suggestion. You're a very handsome and well educated "elderly Gentleman,' how about you make an offer to help the President out? I mean assuredly, no one would ever try to embarrass the leader of the free world while you're at his side. Know what I mean, pal?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Maybe he said it privately, but even if he said it it's no big deal. All Presidents and Congress members cuss.

Even Uncle Joe Biden has been known to fire off a few "Expletives" now and then. And, I've heard it said; Hillary (Teflon Hill) has a raunchy mouth. What a Lady, huh? Of course, I was speaking of Teflon Hill and not Uncle Joe. After all, we know with a degree of certainty, he's no Lady.

patrick jane

Even Uncle Joe Biden has been known to fire off a few "Expletives" now and then. And, I've heard it said; Hillary (Teflon Hill) has a raunchy mouth. What a Lady, huh? Of course, I was speaking of Teflon Hill and not Uncle Joe. After all, we know with a degree of certainty, he's no Lady.
Creepy Uncle Joe :chuckle:.The left is grasping at straws. They know now that most people stopped believing them months ago.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nope. They were too careful to get caught in that lie. They merely say that they don't remember.

Sens. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and David Perdue, R-Ga., defended President Trump Friday after reports that he referred to Haiti and various African nations as ******** countries" during a meeting at the White House.

I wonder if the "Pope" has ever used a "Naughty Word?" What's your opinion on that issue, Barb? Perhaps the Pope has enough self-control and only curses under his breath?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Speaking of "Mad Maxine Waters," a few months back she stated that; "If the Millennials want me to run for the Presidency, I'll do it." I imagine that was good news for those, "Black mask, black garb wearing, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, youngsters."