toldailytopic: What do you think of Michele Bachmann?


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Well let's take a look at her. Here is a sampling of her views.

Life is the first right; I'm 100% pro-life from conception. (Jun 2011):up:
Voted YES on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion. (May 2011) :up:
Voted NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Jan 2007) :up:
Prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortion. (Jan 2008) :up:
Bar funding for abortion under federal Obamacare plans. (Jul 2010) :up:
Prohibit federal funding to groups like Planned Parenthood. (Jan 2011) :up:
Declare preborn as persons under 14th amendment. (Feb 2009) :up:
Voted YES on terminating the Home Affordable mortgage Program. (Mar 2011) :up:
Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009) :down:
Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009) :up:
Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. (Jul 2010) :up:
Require a balanced budget, by Constitutional amendment. (Jan 2011) :up:
Authored constitutional amendment defining marriage. (Nov 2006) :up:
Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation. (Nov 2007) :up:
Voted NO on enforcing against anti-gay hate crimes. (Apr 2009):up:
Voted YES on expanding services for offendors' re-entry into society. (Nov 2007) :up:
Voted YES on opening Outer Continental Shelf to oil drilling. (May 2011) :up:
Drill baby drill!
Voted YES on barring EPA from regulating greenhouse gases. (Apr 2011) :up:
Voted NO on enforcing limits on CO2 global warming pollution. (Jun 2009) :up:
Voted NO on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies. (Jan 2007):up:
Bar greenhouse gases from Clean Air Act rules. (Jan 2009) :up:
Cap-and-trade has no impact on global temperatures. (Jul 2010) :up:
Fight to uphold our 2nd Amendment rights. (Nov 2006):up:
First member of Congress to call for repeal of ObamaCare. (Jun 2011) :up:
Voted NO on regulating tobacco as a drug. (Apr 2009) :up:
Repeal any federal health care takeover. (Jul 2010) :up:
Secure our borders and enforce current laws. (Nov 2006) :up:
Declare English as the official language of the US. (Feb 2007):up:
Omnibus bill to repeal job-killing bills, starting with EPA. (Jun 2011) :up:
I want my constituents armed and dangerous. (Sep 2010) :up:
Recognize Christianity's importance to western civilization. (Dec 2007) :up:
Permanent ban on state & local taxation of Internet access. (Oct 2007) :up:

There is a lot to like about Bachmann. I count only one thumb down in this sample. She isn't perfect, but she is better than Ron Paul.
Source---->Michele Bachmann on the Issues


Well-known member
Bachmann and Social Conservatism
Posted by Laurence Vance on August 14, 2011 07:55 PM

Said Bachmann in Iowa: "We are social conservatives, and we will never be ashamed of being social conservatives."

I too am a social conservative. I too am not ashamed of being a social conservative. But I am not a statist, a fascist, or a "national security conservative." (And I didn't work for the IRS and vote for the Patriot Act either.)

Ted L Glines

New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 14th, 2011 09:43 AM

toldailytopic: What do you think of Michele Bachmann?

Unlike Romney, Michele Bachmann has the force to stay the pace of a presidential campaign. Is she well enough known to be a winner? Probably not.

Thus far, the RNC has failed to enter any super-horse into this coming race. Perry could stir up a ruckus but he will trip over his Texas track record.

How about a Trump-Palin ticket? Let's bring entertainment to Washington :ha:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Bachmann and Social Conservatism
Posted by Laurence Vance on August 14, 2011 07:55 PM

Said Bachmann in Iowa: "We are social conservatives, and we will never be ashamed of being social conservatives."

I too am a social conservative. I too am not ashamed of being a social conservative. But I am not a statist, a fascist, or a "national security conservative." (And I didn't work for the IRS and vote for the Patriot Act either.)

just what you would expect from a closet democrat


She backpedals for political expediency. :rolleyes: We don't need a leader who cannot judge right from wrong (Lev. 18:22, 20:13, 1 Kin. 14:24, Rom. 1:24, 26, 27, Prov 31:9). :vomit:

On homosexuality: “I am running for the presidency of the United States. I am not running to be anyone’s judge.” Story
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like marbles on glass
I don't think she's a nut or any of the other pejoratives thrown her way. I just don't think she'll make it through the primary.

The Horn

Michele Bachmann is NOT a conservative. She is a radical reactionary, and a fanatical theocrat. Supposedly,conservatives want to "preserve" the best of the past. Bachmann doesn't want to preserve the best of the past,she wants to go
back to the worst of the past,and then some.
Bachmann is a homophobic bigot,and so is her smarmy husband Marcus.Their favorite preacher is a fanatical homophobic piece of dirt by the name of Bradlee Dean,who would not oppose executing gay people in America, and who has said that Islamic countries are "more moral" than America because they do this.
Marcus Bachmann is a phony P.H.D. in psychology who tries to "pray away the gay" from people who supposedly want to "leave" homosexuality.
Bachmann is one of the leaders of the American Taliban. It's awful enough that she was actually elected a Minnesota congresswoman , but the thought of her as President is too awful to contemplate. America needs her like it needs the Bubonic plague !
The other Republican wannabees, Perry,Palin, Ron Paul, and the others, are not much better. Romney would be the least horrible of the lot, but we would still have the Repugnican party in charge, and more power for the religious right.
Sure, Obama is hardly perfect, but whatever his faults and mistakes so far,
America cannot afford to elect another Republican !
Even if you are a Republican and a conservative, DO NOT VOTE FOR BACHMANN FOR PRESIDENT if the wins the Republican nomination.
She is poison for America ! ! ! ! ! !