toldailytopic: The worst movies of all-time.

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Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Might you mean "Rottweiler: Dogs of Hell" or "Rottweiler (V)?"


Very possible. It was such a bad movie. At one point, a guy was having his throat bitten out by a dog and you could actually see that he was just holding a toy dog, going 'aargh, aargh!!'

I kept waiting for it to get scary but it just didn't....


Well-known member
"Something About Mary"
Except for the commercials. The dog flying out the window and then next in a full-body cast has me almost in hysterical tears.
A rabid chihuahua doing physical comedy slays me.

I'm laughing again just thinking about Stiller ducking and the dog going out the window.


Active member
28 Weeks Later hurt my feelings. Rise of the Silver Surfer made me want to hurt other people. But only The Spirit made me question the very nature of the universe, and whether or not people belong here. A very bad film, indeed.


Active member
Almost forgot! They replayed Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man on, like, encore or some such awhile back. Now that was a truly awful piece of garbage! I am actually slightly depressed about the revival of Mickey Rourke's career.


New member
Hmmmm . . . .

The Clash of the Titans (The remake)
Minority Report
The Day the Earth Stood Still

There are more but they were that bad I must have suppressed the memory!

Four O'Clock

New member
Every Sylvester Stallone movie since "First Blood"

I thought he did really well in Copland. Signed on for only $60,000 saying he wanted to break from his sterotype and do a decent drama with some fine actors, gained forty pounds for the role and did a fine job IMO. My good buddy hates Sly but always gave him kudos for this one.


New member
Come on ragT, another classic. Perhaps the 1st movie where you didn't want to blow the alien to kingdom come.
"Klatu, Barada, Nicto"

I'm actually thinking of the Keanu Reeves version, whci only made me want to blow myself up . . . after tearing out my eyes.

The original however was very good.

some other dude

New member
We tried watching Big Man Japan last night. Truly horrible. It looks like they ran out of money for the special effects at the end and just slapped together what they could.

And until a year ago, I would have had Blade Runner at the top of my list.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Gymkata: combine an action flick with the most logical tie-in, male gymnastics.

"Johnathan Cabot is a champion gymnast. In the tiny, yet savage, country of Parmistan..."


Sleepy Time

New member
Never saw it.
There are some movies I won’t see just based on who is in them
Stallone is on the list also.

I got a late start in community/semi-professional theater and TV commercial work (now semi/permanently retired-tried networking in Chicago, no avail-a one in a thousand shot if that). One of the best comments I ever received was when my good friend and his sons came to see my first stage performance in "The Trip to Bountiful". They were ready to start laughing at me; 10 minutes into the play his oldest son leaned over to him and said: "Dad, that's not Brad up there!"
Copland has its flaws (ultimately a questionable plot) but 15 minutes into the film I was able to forget that it was Stallone, a very good performance against type.
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