toldailytopic: Man made global warming crisis: is the hoax finally dead for good?

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Yeah. Too bad it's not the temperature outside. The wind-chill factor today is -7. :mmph:

Now this is a fallacy. Global warming sounds great doesn't it? Like the earth is just going to get a nice heating blanket. Unfortunately its climate CHANGE not simple warming, which means wacky weather, not balmy.


Well-known member
Muir Glacier, Alaska, USA

Muir Glacier, Alaska, USA

See for yourself:
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New member
It is a proven fact the Ice age ended 12 thousand years ago and it has been warming ever since. I seriously doubt that it was caused by cave men inventing fire.
Corporate interest would have you believe that we are not in a warming trend for the last 12000 years. Of course they are now using gullible mindless Christians to promote their satanic agenda because Christians will believe anything if it is stupid.

The issue is not that it is warming but what is warming it. Is man speeding up the process?? Could be. Making it a political or religeous issue does not help.
A bunch of morons with halfbaked opinions does not help either.


New member
Hall of Fame
It is a proven fact the Ice age ended 12 thousand years ago and it has been warming ever since. I seriously doubt that it was caused by cave men inventing fire.
Corporate interest would have you believe that we are not in a warming trend for the last 12000 years. Of course they are now using gullible mindless Christians to promote their satanic agenda because Christians will believe anything if it is stupid.

The issue is not that it is warming but what is warming it. Is man speeding up the process?? Could be. Making it a political or religeous issue does not help.
A bunch of morons with halfbaked opinions does not help either.

who is making it a religious issue? I see you are calling it a satanic agenda. Satanic in what way?


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 8th, 2009 10:11 AM

toldailytopic: Man made global warming crisis: is the hoax finally dead for good?

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No way! Humans will continue to play at being God as long as they lack faith. The secularist is more prone to be a moralist because he is lost to only himself. Therefore, he makes himself the responsible agent in all world affairs natural and man-made.


New member
It is a proven fact the Ice age ended 12 thousand years ago and it has been warming ever since. I seriously doubt that it was caused by cave men inventing fire.
Corporate interest would have you believe that we are not in a warming trend for the last 12000 years. Of course they are now using gullible mindless Christians to promote their satanic agenda because Christians will believe anything if it is stupid.

The issue is not that it is warming but what is warming it. Is man speeding up the process?? Could be. Making it a political or religeous issue does not help.
A bunch of morons with halfbaked opinions does not help either.

who is making it a religious issue? I see you are calling it a satanic agenda. Satanic in what way?

Yeah, that's a new one to me, too, Kmo. I thought a lot of Christians were on board the global warming wagon.


New member
Not that it matters, since it's apparently too late for all of us...

"Even a final treaty will have to set the stage for other tougher reductions at a later date. We have already overshot the safe levels of CO2 in the atmosphere." - Algore

We're doomed.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yeah, that's a new one to me, too, Kmo. I thought a lot of Christians were on board the global warming wagon.

I didn't think many have. Mainstream Christianity is conservative/Republican and they are largely climate change skeptics.


New member
Oh, and in case some of you are convinced that Algore can tell no lies, check out his recent claim regarding the Climategate e-mails...

"I haven’t read all the e-mails, but the most recent one is more than 10 years old."

"The discussion you’re referring to was about two papers that two of these scientists felt shouldn’t be accepted as part of the IPCC report. Both of them, in fact, were included, referenced, and discussed. So an e-mail exchange more than 10 years ago including somebody’s opinion that a particular study isn’t any good is one thing, but the fact that the study ended up being included and discussed anyway is a more powerful comment on what the result of the scientific process really is."

They're all from ten years ago? Really, Al?

In fact, as Watts Up With That shows, one Climategate email was from just two months ago. The most recent was sent on November 12 - just a month ago. The emails which have Tom Wigley seeming (to me) to choke on the deceit are all from this year. Phil Jones’ infamous email urging other Climategate scientists to delete emails is from last year.

One Eyed Jack

New member
If CO2 does not destroy the environment, and if glacial and interglacial cycles are a natural phenomenon, should anyone be claiming that man-made CO2 emissions are destroying the environment? And if not, then what's the point of carbon taxes, mandatory compact fluorescent light bulb regulations, or any other draconian measures created to prevent a disaster that isn't real?



Well-known member
If CO2 does not destroy the environment, and if glacial and interglacial cycles are a natural phenomenon, should anyone be claiming that man-made CO2 emissions are destroying the environment? And if not, then what's the point of carbon taxes, mandatory compact fluorescent light bulb regulations, or any other draconian measures created to prevent a disaster that isn't real?
So you all think someone manufactured huge amounts of scientific data using huge numbers of people and an international committee so they could have an excuse for more taxes and sell more compact fluorescent bulbs? :kookoo:

I think governments can come up with better excuses for new taxes and . . . CFLs save homeowners money.

More evidence climate denialism is completely irrational. :hammer:

I didn't think many have. Mainstream Christianity is conservative/Republican and they are largely climate change skeptics.
I don't think that's actually the "mainstream". They're certainly the most vocal and the most involved in politics but I think there is an actual majority of independent/centrist Christians. Climate denilaism is less associated with conservatism, than the anti-intellectual streak of SOME brands of conservatism, again these tend to make the most noise. (There are some prominent conservative intellectuals supporting CO2 emission reductions)
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