This Fourth of July, it’s worth pondering the true meaning of patriotism


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Super Moderator
A well-written and enforced red flag law could have prevented this psycho from getting the weapon he used to commit this mass shooting. Where do you stand on that issue?
Red flag laws should also come with very strict laws on any anti-gun nut who might be the one who is enforcing the law.

"Well well well, what do we have here? A Trump supporter!!! There's no way I'm going to allow this psycho to own a gun!"

That loony left bureaucrat should go to prison for taking away that Trump supporters' 2nd ammendment.


User Name

Greatest poster ever
Red flag laws should also come with very strict laws on any anti-gun nut who might be the one who is enforcing the law.

"Well well well, what do we have here? A Trump supporter!!! There's no way I'm going to allow this psycho to own a gun!"

That loony left bureaucrat should go to prison for taking away that Trump supporters' 2nd ammendment.

I don't understand your point here. Clarify?


Active member

This Fourth of July, it’s worth pondering the true meaning of patriotism

Robert Reich

On this Fourth of July, it’s worth pondering the true meaning of patriotism.

It is not the meaning propounded by the “America first” crowd, who see the patriotic challenge as securing our borders.

For most of its existence America has been open to people from the rest of the world fleeing tyranny and violence.

Nor is the meaning of patriotism found in the ravings of those who want America to be a white Christian nation.

America’s moral mission has been greater inclusion – equal citizenship for Native Americans, Black people, women and LGBTQ+ people.

True patriots don’t fuel racist, religious or ethnic divisions. Patriots aren’t homophobic or sexist. Patriots seek to confirm and strengthen and celebrate the “we” in “we the people of the United States”.

Patriots are not blind to social injustices. They don’t ban books or prevent teaching about the sins of our past.

They combine a loving devotion to America with a demand for justice.

This land is your land, this land is my land, Woody Guthrie sang.

Langston Hughes pleaded:

Let America be America again,

The land that never has been yet –

And yet must be – the land where every man is free.

The land that’s mine – the poor man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s, ME –.

Nor is the meaning of patriotism found in symbolic displays of loyalty like standing for the national anthem and waving the American flag.

Its true meaning is in taking a fair share of the burdens of keeping the nation going – sacrificing for the common good. Paying taxes in full rather than lobbying for lower taxes, seeking tax loopholes or squirreling away money abroad.

It means refraining from political contributions that corrupt our politics, and blowing the whistle on abuses of power even at the risk of losing one’s job.

It means volunteering time and energy to improve the community and country.

Real patriotism involves strengthening our democracy – defending the right to vote and ensuring more Americans are heard. It is not claiming without evidence that millions of people voted fraudulently.

It is not pushing for laws that make it harder for people to vote based on this “big lie”. It is not using the big lie to run for office.

True patriots don’t put loyalty to their political party above their love of America.

True patriots don’t support an attempted coup. They expose it – even when it was engineered by people they once worked for, even if it’s a president who headed their own party.

When serving in public office, true patriots don’t try to hold on to power after voters have chosen not to re-elect them. They don’t make money off their offices.

When serving as judges, they recuse themselves from cases where they may appear to have a conflict of interest. When serving in the Senate, they don’t use the filibuster to stop all legislation with which they disagree.

When serving on the supreme court, they don’t disregard precedent to impose their ideology.

Patriots understand that when they serve the public, one of their major responsibilities is to maintain and build public trust in the offices and institutions they occupy.

America is in trouble. But that’s not because too many foreigners are crossing our borders, or we’re losing our whiteness or our dominant religion, or we’re not standing for the national anthem, or because of voter fraud.

We’re in trouble because we are losing the true understanding of what patriotism requires from all of us.
Only gullible and mindless sheep think about American Patriotism. If you are strong enough to ask "Why?", just observe that "Patriotism" is never commanded or demonstrated in the Bible.

Let me know if you have learned anything here. Regards.


Well-known member
Our moral Constitution enabled us to work to outlaw it.
Our moral constitution should show us that the us constitution is immoral.
Working on it.
Why is it that it took over a hundred years to outlaw slavery?
Why didn't the constitution, that some are sworn to uphold, grant life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to those forced to come here and slave to make others rich?
The constitution is being used as the weapon of the sinful.


Active member
I'm fairly confident that you don't have the first clue what it would mean to be a patriot.

I learned something. :|
The clues about White Knuckled Yapping Idiot Patriots are simple to see. You are all talk with no action.

There is nothing more to "understand" than that. Tell me where in the Bible it even mentions "All People Are Created Equal" and have "Inalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

You cannot, and you are proud of that lie. Look at the facts.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The clues about White Knuckled Yapping Idiot Patriots are simple to see. You are all talk with no action.

There is nothing more to "understand" than that. Tell me where in the Bible it even mentions "All People Are Created Equal" and have "Inalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

You cannot, and you are proud of that lie. Look at the facts.
You want me to find your US constitution in the Bible?



Well-known member

This Fourth of July, it’s worth pondering the true meaning of patriotism

Robert Reich

On this Fourth of July, it’s worth pondering the true meaning of patriotism.

It is not the meaning propounded by the “America first” crowd, who see the patriotic challenge as securing our borders.

Herr Robert "The Third" Reich is an anti-American barbarian savage with no worthwhile love for God or country.
For most of its existence America has been open to people from the rest of the world fleeing tyranny and violence.

Nor is the meaning of patriotism found in the ravings of those who want America to be a white Christian nation.

One of the most heinous lies of the demented left is that there are patriotic Americans who hate blacks and want America to be an all-white nation. Those racists were democrats who first rose to power more than 200 years ago but who were mostly shut down by the civil rights movement of the sixties. Modern democrats falsely claim republicans are now the racist party of the white racist as if old democrat racists changed their party to join and pervert the republican party who beat them in the Civil War and forced them in the fifties and sixties to allow blacks to integrate into society.

Racist democrats have not changed parties. They have just started falsely accusing innocent republicans of supporting old racist democrat politics that practically no republican in the country supports. They propagate that divisive and destructive lie for purely political reasons that are not pure at all.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Our moral constitution should show us that the us constitution is immoral.
Where is this "moral constitution" of yours then? Or are you just being unhelpfully hypothetical, hmm? Tricked into making the perfect the enemy of the good? The United States Constitution is perfect because it is good----it's the first (and arguably only) good constitution. I don't see any room for fundamental improvement. I'm including the whole Constitution, the amendment process included.
Why is it that it took over a hundred years to outlaw slavery?
It took over 250. Crack a book. The American polity didn't come into existence in 1776 or 1791. It goes back to the 1600s. We, go back to the 1600s. It took us like 160-170 years to develop our current Constitution. It only took like 75 years before slavery was completely eliminated with the Constitution, something our polity couldn't do in the prior 250 years without it.
Why didn't the constitution, that some are sworn to uphold, grant life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to those forced to come here and slave to make others rich?
The constitution is being used as the weapon of the sinful.
Again you pit the imaginary perfect against the objectively verified and real good, with a 23-decade track record to boot.

Provide this perfect constitution that you're judging our Constitution against.

Do it.