ECT These signs will follow them who believe.


Well-known member
Much of God's word is self explanatory in the verse

Why bother with comments if the point is being made?

Someone asks me where did the world come from?

I say, Genesis 1:1

Someone asks if signs follow believers, I answer Mark 16:17-18

What more needs be said?

God's words are spiritual and we must be spiritual to understand them ! Jn 6:63 and Jesus said we must be of God to Hear GOD'S words John 8:47 !


New member
This is a public forum used for discussion! What if everyone
decided to cut an paste thousands of Scriptures without any
comments, intent, or purpose in mind? Why read those verses
on a Laptop then? In such a case, you should shut down your
Laptop, and go and read the Bible! You know what I mean?

LA uses Scripture as a 'weapon' against those she hates!
Therefore, in that context, why should I read "anything"
she posts?

I agree with the content of your post that supports the author putting her/his interpretation of the quoted passage in the own perspective, and how it relates to the OP topic rather that just appear to claim exclusive rights to scripture supporting their cause

On the other hand, because it has been well established by LA that, "they" are not a woman, but in truth are a man, I find your posts that continue to address/accuse LA of being a woman, to represent extremely low taste far below what is expected from a brother or a sister in Christ........and I am no more a supporter of LA than he is of me!!!!!

It is just that needless and unprofitable insults take away from what otherwise could be valid points within your posts.

Lazy afternoon

I agree with the content of your post that supports the author putting her/his interpretation of the quoted passage in the own perspective, and how it relates to the OP topic rather that just appear to claim exclusive rights to scripture supporting their cause

On the other hand, because it has been well established by LA that, "they" are not a woman, but in truth are a man, I find your posts that continue to address/accuse LA of being a woman, to represent extremely low taste far below what is expected from a brother or a sister in Christ........and I am no more a supporter of LA than he is of me!!!!!

It is just that needless and unprofitable insults take away from what otherwise could be valid points within your posts.

Gros does not use scripture. He only gives his godless opinions.

Do not think I have a low opinion of you.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Gros does not use scripture. He only gives his godless opinions.

Do not think I have a low opinion of you.


I have to admit, that I "GM" have an 'extremely' low opinion
of you LA! I've heard that you're either a guy or a gal from
different sources. Either way, I do not like people like
yourself. Call it a 'personality clash' or whatever you
desire? I also do not believe you are a member of the
'Body of Christ.' That's just my personal opinion!

Your posts "seethe" of anger and false accusations
against other posters! You make horrendous
"predictions" about fellow posters! I suppose you
think of yourself as some sort of prophet or something?

And finally, you USE Scripture as a weapon against those
whom you perceive as an enemy!

Do I like you at all? NO!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I agree with the content of your post that supports the author putting her/his interpretation of the quoted passage in the own perspective, and how it relates to the OP topic rather that just appear to claim exclusive rights to scripture supporting their cause

On the other hand, because it has been well established by LA that, "they" are not a woman, but in truth are a man, I find your posts that continue to address/accuse LA of being a woman, to represent extremely low taste far below what is expected from a brother or a sister in Christ........and I am no more a supporter of LA than he is of me!!!!!

It is just that needless and unprofitable insults take away from what otherwise could be valid points within your posts.

Frankly, I don't care what you think! How's that? :up:

Lazy afternoon

I have to admit, that I "GM" have an 'extremely' low opinion
of you LA! I've heard that you're either a guy or a gal from
different sources. Either way, I do not like people like
yourself. Call it a 'personality clash' or whatever you
desire? I also do not believe you are a member of the
'Body of Christ.' That's just my personal opinion!

Your posts "seethe" of anger and false accusations
against other posters! You make horrendous
"predictions" about fellow posters! I suppose you
think of yourself as some sort of prophet or something?

And finally, you USE Scripture as a weapon against those
whom you perceive as an enemy!

Do I like you at all? NO!

Tough luck.

Satan loves you greatly.

He looks forward to the day you can teach him more about your hate in hell with him.


patrick jane

The Word of God is for all. all races, male and female. there were different customs when written. i know everybody knows that, but i thought i would see more about the signs we will see:plain:

Lazy afternoon

I have to admit, that I "GM" have an 'extremely' low opinion
of you LA! I've heard that you're either a guy or a gal from
different sources. Either way, I do not like people like
yourself. Call it a 'personality clash' or whatever you
desire? I also do not believe you are a member of the
'Body of Christ.' That's just my personal opinion!

Your posts "seethe" of anger and false accusations
against other posters! You make horrendous
"predictions" about fellow posters! I suppose you
think of yourself as some sort of prophet or something?

And finally, you USE Scripture as a weapon against those
whom you perceive as an enemy!

Do I like you at all? NO!

You are fighting God.

You are going insane.

Do you really want that?

Php 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
Php 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Php 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Php 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Php 4:9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
