The Violent Reality of Islam


The answer to your question is simple:

Christianity does not teach killing your neighbor to spread Christianity.

Islam does.
The Book of Revelations teaches us that the unbelievers will be slaughtered in some end-times ethnic cleansing thing.

The Jesus of the early church is made to say that Jews are children of the devil in the Book of John.

Killing others can always be excused by someone's faith.

This guy who sliced open a woman in a flea bag hotel said he was told he needed to be born again so he was going to get to her fallopian tubes, become an egg and then eventually be born again.

This is similar to Nicodemus's fundamentalist interpretation of being born again told in the Book of John--until Jesus sets him straight.

Years ago a woman drowned her three children in the bathtub because God told her they were demons and had to be destroyed.


The Book of Revelations teaches us that the unbelievers will be slaughtered in some end-times ethnic cleansing thing.

The Jesus of the early church is made to say that Jews are children of the devil in the Book of John.

Killing others can always be excused by someone's faith.

This guy who sliced open a woman in a flea bag hotel said he was told he needed to be born again so he was going to get to her fallopian tubes, become an egg and then eventually be born again.

This is similar to Nicodemus's fundamentalist interpretation of being born again told in the Book of John--until Jesus sets him straight.

Years ago a woman drowned her three children in the bathtub because God told her they were demons and had to be destroyed.

A woman also threw her baby off of a high bridge after getting an excuse from her God to do so.


New member
The Jesus of the early church is made to say that Jews are children of the devil in the Book of John.

This is similar to Nicodemus's fundamentalist interpretation of being born again told in the Book of John--until Jesus sets him straight.

You don't seem to understand what you have just said.

The Book of John was issued by a single person.
Even if it was issued by a whole community or council,
it is a single work, presenting a singular viewpoint.

If Jesus IN THE BOOK OF JOHN shows
that literal interpretations are BS, when talking to Nicodemus,
and also later in the book Jesus says
"the flesh profits nothing, the Spirit gives life" etc.
Then no one should interpret his speech in chapter 8 and 9
as if it were literally a racial theory!

i.e. "the Jews" are not literal descendents of Satan
or children of the devil.
These are Medieval MISinterpretations of a deep theological teaching.

And "the Jews" in John are not "the Jews" at all, but
'the Judaeans', i.e., those remnant of the Southern kingdom
who returned from Babylon and settled in the area called Judaea.

There are six meanings of "Jew" in the Bible,
and three modern meanings of "Jew" today,
and none of them correspond to the meaning in John's gospel here.

Please don't be such a shallow and stupid bumbling interpreter of the Bible.

Do not strive to be teachers, unless you can actually cut it.

The Book of Revelations teaches us that the unbelievers will be slaughtered in some end-times ethnic cleansing thing

To interpret Revelation as "ethnic cleansing" is a wilful misdirection by you.
You jerk.

Killing others can always be excused by someone's faith.

This guy who sliced open a woman in a flea bag hotel said he was told he needed to be born again so he was going to get to her fallopian tubes, become an egg and then eventually be born again.

Years ago a woman drowned her three children in the bathtub because God told her they were demons and had to be destroyed.

There are crazy people in the world,
and there were also crazies in Jesus' time,
who lived in graveyards and followed Paul around.

So what.


New member
Are you really this dumb?

The Queen IS a blue-eyed, Norman royal,
and the whole house of Lords and just about every "French" knight
was a blue-eyed Norman bastard.

In fact, looking around I notice that even now in Canada here,
60% + of cops are blue eyed inbred Norman creeps.

Just to help you out, the Saxons were Dark haired with brown/green eyes,
and most of Wales are Celts.

Yes, there are people of Norse descent in Britain, doesn't mean that the Norse conquered all of them.

What century are you from?

Even you should know the famous proverb,
"No point in closing the barn door when the horses are gone."

Europe has already been invaded by Muslims in numbers
that even 40 years ago could not have been comprehended.


There are more muslims than Jews in Europe now.

There is no point in protecting borders if 20 million muslims are already inside Europe.

The USA is finding out the same. With what, 40,000 million illegal immigrants,
A border is useless.

If we can't even protect our own borders what is the point of fighting?


You don't seem to understand what you have just said.

The Book of John was issued by a single person.
Even if it was issued by a whole community or council,
it is a single work, presenting a singular viewpoint.
I agree. I just see "types" of theologies (Like Nicodemus) that were appropriated for criticism or debate within the community.
But I am willing to be mistaken. The scholarship, I'm sure, is all over the place on this. Pietistic scholars will interpret it with the framework of the church or the theology that they follow. Historical scholars should follow the rules of historical study and provide cultural and religious context, otherwise we would never have a clue as to how the original writers meant.

If Jesus IN THE BOOK OF JOHN shows
that literal interpretations are BS, when talking to Nicodemus,
and also later in the book Jesus says
"the flesh profits nothing, the Spirit gives life" etc.
Then no one should interpret his speech in chapter 8 and 9
as if it were literally a racial theory!
My common sense tells me the anti-Semitic Jesus reflects an intergroup conflict between the early Christian movement and the Jews. Today's believers sometimes do the same thing when they assert that Jesus was anti-welfare or a militant conservative.

i.e. "the Jews" are not literal descendents of Satan
or children of the devil.
These are Medieval MISinterpretations of a deep theological teaching.
I agree, but I also see that these ancient theologies are still often taken at face value by many sitting in the pews.

And "the Jews" in John are not "the Jews" at all, but
'the Judaeans', i.e., those remnant of the Southern kingdom
who returned from Babylon and settled in the area called Judaea.
I agree! I think that history and context are essential.

There are six meanings of "Jew" in the Bible,
and three modern meanings of "Jew" today,
and none of them correspond to the meaning in John's gospel here.
. Absolutely. "The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there." --J.P. Hartley.

The original meaning of biblical texts is essential to try to understand, in my opinion.

Please don't be such a shallow and stupid bumbling interpreter of the Bible.

Do not strive to be teachers, unless you can actually cut it.

To interpret Revelation as "ethnic cleansing" is a wilful misdirection by you.
You jerk.
There is no reason to stoop to what I consider immature and unintelligent judgementalisms, mockery or name-calling.

And finishing up with "you jerk" is cruel and inexcusable. I now have healthy boundaries and I am seldom hurt by adolescent taunts by people on this "Christian" website.

We all tend to treat others as we ourselves were treated and if we are unaware of this we continue to re-enact those early family dysfunctions on other people.

There are crazy people in the world,
and there were also crazies in Jesus' time,
who lived in graveyards and followed Paul around.

So what.
One note. Accusing others of being insane is a superficial way to deal with the actual speech and arguments of people--even the mentally ill.

Christianity seems particular vulnerable to this sort of otherworldly thinking in this culture, but all fringe areas of the world's faithful are vulnerable.

In fact, the hospitals in the Holy Land are quite acquainted with what they call "the Jerusalem Syndrome" when tourists or others are convinced they are getting messages from God to carry out some perplexing act or that they are reincarnations of John the Baptist, Jesus's mother Mary, Jesus himself, etc.


New member

I think I can boil down the last two posts to this:

To interpret Revelation as "ethnic cleansing" is cruel and inexcusable. I now have healthy boundaries.

There, that seems to work.


New member
Aikido7 said:
I agree, but I also see that these ancient theologies are still often taken at face value by many sitting in the pews.

If you want to make the point that some semi-literate 'moderns' in the backwoods of the Southern USA misinterpret the NT racially, then do so.

Do not claim that John's Gospel is making this assertion,
or that it supports racism or anti-Semitism.

And don't falsely characterize the Holy Book of Revelation
as an "ethnic cleansing handbook".

My common sense tells me the anti-Semitic Jesus reflects an intergroup conflict between the early Christian movement and the Jews.

Again your inconsistency is telling.

You acknowledge that "the Jews" in John's Gospel doesn't carry
any modern meaning in use today,
then you pose an 'anti-Semitic Jesus' in John.

Whether or not the events in John chapter 8 are 'reconstructed' and coloured
by early church experiences, the Johannine community is plainly Jewish.

The author of John clearly goes far out of his way to prevent readers
from interpreting his sayings crudely or literally, and he repeatedly
stresses the importance of finding the higher spiritual meanings behind
the sayings of Jesus and the events in the narrative.

This makes any attempt at a case for 'an anti-Semitic Jesus' impossible,
either by the community or author, or by any reasonable interpreter.


New member

Muslims Crucify Cat In Protest Of Ant-Islamic Movie (warning graphic photo)

Posted by Chuck @ 17 September 2012 8 comments

I found this on the Nigeria News website.
Muslim youths In
Nigeria crucified this cat to protest the ant-Muslim movie below. Any liberals out there still want to defend Obama for calling Islam a religion of peace? Even if this is cat was crucified for other reasons, it does speak to the cruelty Muslims show God’s animals. If you are still defending Obama and his support of Islam as being a religion of peace, maybe the photos below and the accounts of what the Turkish Muslims did to Armenian Christian women, or the story about a young Christian African slave boy who’s Muslim master crucified him will make you ponder a moment in your support for him.
For you liberals who want to claim this is a lie, here is the screen shot from Nigeria News web
site that carried the article. You obviously do not like following links I offer as proof of my claims.




I think I can boil down the last two posts to this:

To interpret Revelation as "ethnic cleansing" is cruel and inexcusable. I now have healthy boundaries.

There, that seems to work.
In Revelations, the level of the spilled blood of the slaughtered unbelievers reaches to the level of the horse's bridle.
That doesn't work for me.

Thanks for taking the time to respond in a nicer way.


The real face of Islam, especially in Europe and the West,
is well illustrated by this exposure of the ideology and bloodthirsty intent
of Islam:
It was Germany, the birthplace of Protestantism, that exterminated 6 million Jews, not to mention millions more Poles and Russians!


New member
It was Germany, the birthplace of Protestantism, that exterminated 6 million Jews, not to mention millions more Poles and Russians!

(1) England was the birthplace of Protestantism. Luther remained Catholic.

(2) Nazis exterminated only about 2 million Jews. Not all Germans were Nazis.

(3) Jews exterminated 6 million Orthodox Christian Russians under Lenin and Stalin.

(4) Poles died during the invasion of Poland by the Nazis.

So what was your point again, ...that you don't know anything about history?


New member
(1) England was the birthplace of Protestantism. Luther remained Catholic.

(2) Nazis exterminated only about 2 million Jews. Not all Germans were Nazis.

(3) Jews exterminated 6 million Orthodox Christian Russians under Lenin and Stalin.

(4) Poles died during the invasion of Poland by the Nazis.

So what was your point again, ...that you don't know anything about history?

Just as I thought. Defense of the Nazis while attacking non-whites and Jews. Nazaroo is an abbreviated version of Nazi kangaroo. Maybe he should arrange a private conversation with aCw so they can compare/share their source material and see if they are missing any Nazi/White supremacist mailing lists.


New member
(1) England was the birthplace of Protestantism. Luther remained Catholic.

(2) Nazis exterminated only about 2 million Jews. Not all Germans were Nazis.

(3) Jews exterminated 6 million Orthodox Christian Russians under Lenin and Stalin.

(4) Poles died during the invasion of Poland by the Nazis.

So what was your point again, ...that you don't know anything about history?

I have, much to my shame, followed quite a few of your threads. With this present post you reveal that there is something putrid festering in your fetid brain.
I shall no longer bother to read your threads.


New member
I have, much to my shame, followed quite a few of your threads.
With this present post you reveal that there is
something putrid festering in your fetid brain.
I shall no longer bother to read your threads

It might help if pointed out the item
you don't think is historically accurate.

But let me guess:

(2) Nazis exterminated only about 2 million Jews. Not all Germans were Nazis.

If so, you might consult the monument at Auchwitz,
where the plaque which formerly said "6 million Jews"
now has been corrected, to reflect the historical reality
currently accepted by both Jews and Germans regarding that camp.

These official remarks about the confusion should serve to clear up
your questions:

U of Minnesota Website

At the time of these photos, all numbers of victims had been removed from the monument in Birkenau. This was because the Auschwitz State Museum had determined that the figure of 4 million victims at Auschwitz was inaccurate and had been used by th Polish Communist regime since the late 1940s as a way to demonize "Fascism" and to enhance the legitimacy of the Communist regime.

After the fall of Communism, commissions determined the death toll at the three main Auschwitz camps (Oswiecim, Birkenau and Monowitz-Buna) to be between 1.25 million and 1.5 million people, which included mainly Jews at Birkenau but also Poles, Roma and Sinti, Soviet POWS, political prisoners from other countries, priests and others.

The change in numbers killed on the memorial does not affect the overall number of Jewish victims which varies from 5.2 million as a low figure to over six million. At his trial in Warsaw in 1946, Rudolph Hoess (Höss),Commandant of the camp, said that the number killed was "only two million." The sentence for his being a war criminal was death by hanging, and was carried out in Auschwitz, Camp I.

Auschwitz has been the scene of many controversial issues because of conflicted memory in Poland about victimization and also because of the absence of Jews. Jews were 10% of the 1939 Polish population and now number less than 20,000. Holocaust deniers have been quick to use the revised Polish figures on Auschwitz as a means of diminishing the number of victims or claiming falsification. This is an incorrect analysis as numbers based on pre-war population records and German records themselves from killing units in the field (such as Einsatgruppen in USSR) attest to figures of Jewish victimization around 6 million.

Holocaust Website:

If you are having difficulty with the following statement:

(3) Jews exterminated 6 million Orthodox Christian Russians under Lenin and Stalin.

then I suggest you review these historical facts:

4 REVOLUTIONS WERE ENGINEERED BY WORLD JEWRY. The first was the English Revolution in 1649 which was financed by Jews from Holland, in which Cromell committed regicide. As the Jewish financiers dictated, Cromwell opened the doors for the return of the ousted Jews to England in 1656.
Building from this, World Jewry initiated, financed, and agitated the French Revolution beginning in 1788, resulting again in regicide and the Jewish subverting of the established Christian order. And Jews profited once again, for in 1789, all civil disabilities against the Jews in France were lifted and the Great Emancipation of the Jews took place.

The third Revolution was the Bolshevik uprising in Russia, of which this treatise focuses. The Bolshevik Revolution was financed by Jewish bankers, led by Jacob H Schiff of the Jewish Banking house, Kuhn, Loeb Co. Jews gained prominent roles in the Soviet government, and for the 3rd time, regicide of a Christian ruler was perpetrated by the Jews.

Dr. Fahey, in his authenticated work, The Rulers Of Russia quotes an American missionary stationed in St Petersburg from 1907 to 1918: “In October 1918, out of 388 members of the revolutionary government only 16 happened to be real Russians. All the rest were Jews with the exception of one negro. Many of these Jews came from the Lower East Side of New York.”

IN THE DARK NIGHT OF JULY 16 1918, Tzar Nicholas II and his pious Christian family were shot and bayoneted in cold blood by these Cheka Jews:
1. Jacob Yurovksy, a Jewish Czech
2. Sergei Medvedjev
3. Lev Nikulin, a Jewish Czech
4. Peter Yermakov
5. Fyodor Vaganov, a New York Jew
6. Jacob Sverdlov, (Yankel Solomon), the first President of the Soviet Union.

He gave the order to murder the Royal Family. Sverdlov began his Anti Christian career when he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1902.

*** This was the beginning of the wholesale slaughter of over 8,000,000 Russian Orthodox Christians from 1918 through 1943. ***


Leon Bronstein (Trotsky), Commander of the Soviet Red Army.
b) Grigory Apfelbaum (Zinoviev), Director, Soviet Secret Police, seized Church-owned property, murdered tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians.
c) Maxim Wallach (Litvinov), Soviet Foreign Minister.
d) Solomon Lozovsky, Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister.
e) Yuri Andropov, Jewish Director of the Soviet KGB

A PROMINENT JEWISH JOURNALIST now admits that in 1934, 38% of those holding high office in Stalin’s murderous regime were Jews:

1. Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich: Millions of Orthodox Christians were murdered by order of Kaganovich. He orderered the destruction of hundreds of Christian churches including Christ The Saviour Cathedral in Moscow.
In 1991, after living the life of a prince, Kaganovich committed suicide in fear of the “open society,” that is, “glasnot” which would have exposed his murderous deeds.
2. Ilya Ehrenburg: Minister of Soviet Propaganda for Stalin. He wrote, “The Germans are not human beings. Nothing gives us greater joy than corpses of Germans.”
3. Yevgeny Khaldei: Red Army photographer. Born in the Ukraine of Jewish parents. He staged the raising of the Hammer & Sickle Flag in the German Reichstag in Berlin in 1945, the emblem of the slaughter of millions of peasants and Christians, describing it as “the Russian national symbol of justice, triumph, and revenge.”
4. Bela Kun (Cohen): Dictator of Hungary in 1919. Kun was later Stalin’s chief terrorist in the Crimea. Kun’s eventual successor was Matyas Rakosi, a Jewish Communist mass murderer of Christians in Hungary.
5. Moshe Pijade: Commander, Yugoslav Communist People’s Army. Tito’s top butcher of hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavian Christians.

Also SEE: Prominent Jew Admits To Soviet Jewish Murderers

Its fair to say however,
that these were ethnically Jews,
but not religious, i.e., following Judaism.
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New member
Just as I thought. Defense of the Nazis while attacking non-whites and Jews. Nazaroo is an abbreviated version of Nazi kangaroo. Maybe he should arrange a private conversation with aCw so they can compare/share their source material and see if they are missing any Nazi/White supremacist mailing lists.

As a Jew, I find this offensive.

I have never supported Nazis, the Nazi regime, Hitler, or Neo-Nazis.

I have not attacked Jews as a race or religion either.

If you review my threads on this topic,
you will see that I have put many man-hours in defending Jews and Judaism,
while clarifying and correcting bigoted and false accusations about them.

Jewish Issues:

The Jews control the Banks? America? Wall Street? I doubt it!
Esther, Star of the OT
Jew-haters are liars, murderers, and children of Satan says Jesus...
Getting at the Roots of Anti-Semitism
The JESUITS, not 'the Jews', control Europe now
Real Christianity is not mere Anti-Judaism
Unexplained numbers of Violent Muslims in Western prisons
Greek Orthodox Involvement in Anti-Semitism
Contrary to Ben Masada, the Samaritans are Israelites
St. Louis: Iranian Christian attacked, tortured for sympathy with Israel
How the Nazis corrupted the Bible and theology
Reasonable Truths about the Jewish People and Others
Jews and Christians together in the Last Days
How Jesus would explain Mark 7:27 today
Deleting the Jews from the Bible in Modern Versions
The Birth of modern Anti-Semitism in France

The least you can do is review my threads before making such remarks.



You don't seem to understand what you have just said.

The Book of John was issued by a single person.
Even if it was issued by a whole community or council,
it is a single work, presenting a singular viewpoint.

If Jesus IN THE BOOK OF JOHN shows
that literal interpretations are BS, when talking to Nicodemus,
and also later in the book Jesus says
"the flesh profits nothing, the Spirit gives life" etc.
Then no one should interpret his speech in chapter 8 and 9
as if it were literally a racial theory!

i.e. "the Jews" are not literal descendents of Satan
or children of the devil.
These are Medieval MISinterpretations of a deep theological teaching.

And "the Jews" in John are not "the Jews" at all, but
'the Judaeans', i.e., those remnant of the Southern kingdom
who returned from Babylon and settled in the area called Judaea.

There are six meanings of "Jew" in the Bible,
and three modern meanings of "Jew" today,
and none of them correspond to the meaning in John's gospel here.

Please don't be such a shallow and stupid bumbling interpreter of the Bible.

Do not strive to be teachers, unless you can actually cut it.

To interpret Revelation as "ethnic cleansing" is a wilful misdirection by you.
You jerk.

There are crazy people in the world,
and there were also crazies in Jesus' time,
who lived in graveyards and followed Paul around.

So what.

I see the dialogue in John between Jesus and Nicodemus as a sign that the particular doctrine of "born again" actually being expressed by "born from above" shows that many from within and without John's community had real issues about the term and needed to be taught and re-inforced as to this doctrine.

Preaching usually means that the leader who talks and teaches sees a real need to make sure his followers do the right thing. Obviously (at least to me) there were still members of the early community who needed to be set straight on the first theologies.


(1) England was the birthplace of Protestantism. Luther remained Catholic.
Martin Luther was a Catholic priest, a German Augustinian friar who was also a professor of theology and the central figure of the religious movement later known as the Protestant Reformation.

Luther disputed that the paying for "indulgences" could free one from God's punishment for sin by posting his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517.

Luther's refusal of Pope Leo X's demand in 1520 to retract his statements resulted in his excommunication from the Catholuc Church.

(2) Nazis exterminated only about 2 million Jews. Not all Germans were Nazis.
Jews Exterminated during Holocaust

Nation - Exterminated - % of Jewish Population
Poland 3,000,000 (90%)
Baltic countries 228,000 (90%)
Germany and Austria 210,000 (90%)
Bohemia and Moravia 80,000 (89%)
Slovakia 75,000 (83%)
Greece 54,000 (77%)
Netherlands 105,000 (75%)
Hungary 450,000 (70%)
Byelorussian SSR 245,000 (65%)
Ukrainian SSR 900,000 (60%)
Belgium 65,000 40,000 60%)
Yugoslavia 26,000 (60%)
Romania 300,000 (50%)
Norway 890 (41%)
France 90,000 (26%)
Bulgaria 14,000 (22%)
Italy 8,000 (20%)
Luxembourg 1,000 (20%)
Russian SFSR 107,000 (11%)
Denmark 52 (<1%)
Total 5,933,900 (67%)

(3) Jews exterminated 6 million Orthodox Christian Russians under Lenin and Stalin.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin: Lenin's father was a devout member of the Russian Orthodox Church and his mother was Luthern. He was baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral in April 1870.

Joseph Stalin: At the age of 16 Stalin received a scholarship to attend the Tiflis Spiritual Seminary, the leading Russian Orthodox seminary in Tbilisi. Despite receiving good grades, he was expelled in 1899 after missing his final exams

- on the eve of the February Revolution, in 1917, the Bolshevik party had about 23,000 members, of whom 364 were known to be ethnic Jews

- sccording to the 1922 party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total

- in 1922, Jewish members in the Central Committee, the Politburo's new name, had shrunk to three (Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev) all of which were physically liquidated on Stalin's orders

- during the Great Purge (1936-1940), Stalin largely eliminated Jews from senior party, government, diplomatic, security and military positions

- Stalin directed incoming Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov to "purge the ministry of Jews," possibly as a signal to Nazi Germany that the USSR wanted non-aggression talks

- Jewish Bolsheviks, like other Bolsheviks, were hostile to Judaism, the teaching of Hebrew, religious instruction in Judaism

- in 1952 Stalin was reported to have said that "every Jew is a potential spy for the United States"

(4) Poles died during the invasion of Poland by the Nazis.
One week after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact with the Soviet Union in 1939, Germany and the Russia invaded and annexed all of Poland.

The attack by Russia on the eastern border persuaded Poland that prolonging hostilities against 2 larger miliitary forces was futile.

Approximately 240 000 members of the Polish military were taken prisoner by the Soviets and many were executed (Katyn Massacre).

The Polish Institute of National Remembrance estimates that between 1939 and 1941 the Soviets were responsible for the deaths of 150,000 Poles and the deportation of another 320,000 citizens.
So what was your point again, ...that you don't know anything about history?

Faced with overwhelming documented proof to the contrary, perhaps "Nazaroo" would care to reconsider this statement!
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New member
Faced with overwhelming documented proof to the contrary, perhaps "Nazaroo" would care to reconsider this statement!
I'm not overwhelmed at all.

You have ignored the very period when in Russia 8 million Eastern Orthodox were murdered by the Jewish Communist government, which was between
1900 and 1924.

We both agree that the Russians under Stalin later were sorry they
had got in bed with the Communist Jews, and turned on them.

One of the reasons the Russians turned on the Jews in the 1920s,
was they started to notice that the Communist Jews were exterminating all
the Russian Orthodox on behalf of the Vatican who had put them in power.

When the Russians finally wised up after 8 million Russian Orthodox Christian dead,
the Vatican turned on Russia, and a new war ensued between the two
biggest jerks in history.

Nothing can ever erase the fact that the Communist Jews who
murdered the Czar and took over Russia and ruled it for 20 years
did in fact murder over 8 million Russian Orthodox Christians.

Even Jewish historians acknowledge the hand of secular communist Jews
in what can only be the biggest religious slaughter in history:

We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish


Published: 12.21.06, 23:35 / Israel Opinion
Here's a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka.
Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.

We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, "opposition members" who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.

In his new, highly praised book "The War of the World, "Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel Aviv University's Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally.

Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined "terror officials," cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate.

All these things are well-known to some extent or another, even though the former Soviet Union's archives have not yet been fully opened
to the public. But who knows about this? Within Russia itself, very few people have been brought to justice for their crimes in the NKVD's and KGB's service. The Russian public discourse today completely ignores the question of "How could it have happened to us?" As opposed to Eastern European nations, the Russians did not settle the score with their Stalinist past.
And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."

Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.

Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history.

The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and "Soviet people." Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and "play dumb": What do we have to do with them? But let's not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.

Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of "our hangmen," who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin.
