The true beauty of soul and false beauty of body.


The true beauty of soul and false beauty of body.
The pastor was very fond of his baby daughter. He destroyed her immunity system by medicating at the slightest sickness as he was too much anxious for her. If he had accepted her in faith as a gift of God he would have depended on Him, not on doctors to save her. But even very few pastors have that faith let alone lay people. So the child became sick very often and stronger medicines were administered. Then she developed blood cancer as it often happened to over medicated children. After much expensive treatment she died. The grief-mad pastor laid her corpse on the altar of his church and implored Christ to cure her. He should have asked Christ to cure his of his weak faith that spoiled her. But he didn’t.

Christ didn’t grant his prayer as that will be futile as he would have spoiled her again as he loved only the beauty of her body not the beauty of her soul. There are many instances where Christ cured cancers where there is faith. So the pastor left the ministry and faith. His life ended prematurely in tragic circumstances.

That pastor didn’t love the soul of his baby but her body. Only soul-love can save, not body love. Our adoration of a baby, child or a youthful person is just a fascination of flesh mixed with different type of passions of fleshy affection, infatuation and sex. That is far from soul-love. As body has many qualities such as color, sheen, physique, exuberance etc. Soul also have many qualities to a degree such as wisdom, simplicity, loving capacity, faithfulness, truthfulness etc. These are also of various qualities. Except saints we can’t see those qualities in our mind’s eye at firsthand. If we have some spiritual perception we can see them after deeper contact. Even the vilest sinner has those qualities often hidden by his worse qualities.

When Christ told of loving anyone or even a sinner, he meant loving by those qualities as a soul is made of such. No one can love a totally abstract thing. By loving those qualities in self and others we encourage the soul to improve its capacity to love and those qualities. Then it will integrate the soul better making it powerful.
