The Mask

God's Truth

New member
Remember how we were told wearing a mask was not helpful but rather harmful to wear to protect you from getting the virus?
Who really believed that one? Why do we sit there listening so long without saying anything, besides okay? People with compromised immune systems always told to wear masks, even when there is no pandemic. So why did they tell us that lie about don't wear a mask? I hope Trump didn’t have anything to do with spreading that lie, but I would get rid of the US Surgeon General Jerome Adams for saying what he did about the use of masks.
Did someone tell him to say that? How can anyone not know it is false information, especially someone in the medical field.

God's Truth

New member
Trump rightly says masks should be reused and not just thrown away after one use. He also said something like there are liquids one could use to sanitize them after being used. Even if someone has a limited amount of masks at home, you can maybe sanitize them after use by putting them in a clothes dryer on high heat for a certain amount of time, perhaps. Using a bandanna, or making one yourself wouldn't be a bad idea either, but I personally would only go through such measures if the virus was more pronounced in the area that I lived. I think that people living in New York and Washington should have been encouraged to use masks---not discouraged to do so.

God's Truth

New member
It's a shame now to hear Dr. Oz who once spoke against us wearing masks NOW saying it is SMART! He is even on a show telling how to make your own mask out of a bandanna (The Talk 4/3/20). How insulting he is to society, saying of course it helps to wear a mask it even helps doctors. What?! That is NOT what he was saying before.

God's Truth

New member
The lying from the medical professionals is embarrassing. The US Surgeon General Jerome Adams now saying masks can be helpful but normally it is worn by the sick. What? No. How many sick people has anyone seen lying in a hospital bed with a surgical mask on their face? It protects people from GETTING SICK.