The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
First of all you and others have been corrected about a false UFO connection with the UB. Owned. Such is a lie. To propagate a lie is to be a liar. See here.

This thread from my perspective is also not about proselyting or seeking converts,....but sharing/considering the UB as a revelation to humanity. Open discussion includes all possible points of view.

Your 'trashing talk' merits no respect or dignity of any kind. You remain ignorant of the papers having not read them, since the religious values, concepts and principles are of the highest aspiration, quality and order.....teaching only the most valiant and praiseworthy principles of right conduct and worship...those precepts whereby souls spiritually advance and ascend Godward.


Same old "phony" objections from Freelight!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
False understanding and misconceptions. Again, the UB is not a UFO cult at all. Perpetuating that is a lie. That makes such a person a liar.

If you want to get technical,....if Jesus has a heavenly origin, he is in a sense an ET. This is a true statement, if you understand what ET means. (extra-terrestrial).....something/someone not of this earth. So,...we can play word games.

Second,...since you have no idea or knowledge of UB Christology, you don't know that Jesus who is a Creator-Son, being our Creator is 'God' in that sense, being our 'Creator'....and a most High divine Son, who is the closest representation of God the Father to US, his universe children. So,...the UB does teach that Jesus is both 'God' (divine) and 'Man' (human) thru the mystery of his incarnation. It is a divine mystery how that a Creator-Son who incarnates can be both. We'll leave it at that. To find out more you have to actually read the papers. A novel idea eh?


Freelight, it's you, Caino, Zeke, and the UB versus The Holy Bible!
You fella's are fighting a losing battle!


Eclectic Theosophist
Bon voyage baby!

Bon voyage baby!

Your welcome!

You need to concentrate on your first rebuttal in your very own mock thread here. When you learn something, and prove yourself with respectful discussion,....get back with us. Until then,...troll elsewhere. Your actually going counter to the forum's best wishes here, as far as actual dialogue goes, and taking up more space than is necessary.

Its one thing to engage a creative, exploratory, interesting discussion on the subject and its content, but quite another to be nothing but a pest whose ONLY INTENT is to deride and ridicule. For that, you are off to the IGGY bin. Sorry you seem to be incapable of respectful discussion or taking 'God' out of your tight little box. Fortunately, you cant put the INFINITE in a little 'box'.

May all go well,


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You need to concentrate on your first rebuttal in your very own mock thread here. When you learn something, and prove yourself with respectful discussion,....get back with us. Until then,...troll elsewhere. Your actually going counter to the forum's best wishes here, as far as actual dialogue goes, and taking up more space than is necessary.

Its one thing to engage a creative, exploratory, interesting discussion on the subject and its content, but quite another to be nothing but a pest whose ONLY INTENT is to deride and ridicule. For that, you are off to the IGGY bin. Sorry you seem to be incapable of respectful discussion or taking 'God' out of your tight little box. Fortunately, you cant put the INFINITE in a little 'box'.

May all go well,


I didn't read this post! Like I've told you before; You only
spew, fraudulent bile!


Jesus had trolls in Jerusalem, his true gospel in The Urantia Book will have the same hateful people today.


Revelation is always hated by the haughty, religious in name only. The prophets were hated, Jesus was despised by the religious, and now the UB is hated.

I find that the UB makes much more sense than the bible.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Revelation is always hated by the haughty, religious in name only. The prophets were hated, Jesus was despised by the religious, and now the UB is hated.

I find that the UB makes much more sense than the bible.

You make less sense than an, Amoeba in a coma!


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
As comparative religion we are taught that Jesus aka Christ Michael, incarnate 7 times as various celestial orders of his created beings. The 7th was as a human babe, Jesus of Nazareth.

I did take the time to read this entire thing because it was reported. Very stupid. It takes more faith to believe something like this that is does to take God at his word.

I guess I don't have that kind of faith. I have two eyes. I can take the leap to believe in something that sounds this stupid.

God is not a God of confusion. This is gobblety gook.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
You make less sense than an, Amoeba in a coma!
I read it. I understand what they are trying to say, but what they are saying is stupid. I don't have enough faith to believe in something so ludicrous.
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Simon Baker

Revelation is always hated by the haughty, religious in name only. The prophets were hated, Jesus was despised by the religious, and now the UB is hated.

I find that the UB makes much more sense than the bible.

YOU Find ? Perhaps it "makes more sense" because it requires no thought, no reflection. you will obviously disagree because you "spend your time" in a book of fiction and imagination. it is akin to D & D, video games and movies. Pure Fantasy.

Simon Baker

The UB and many other spiritual teachings simply REJECT the concept of 'blood-atonement' because of its illogic, unrationale and ineffectiveness. Blood is only symbolic of life, on a physical level, but that physical blood has no power to redeem, cleanse or make a conscience 'clean'. It can be used as a metaphor for such of course,...but only repentance, spiritual surrender and inner transformation can effect change in the commitment to do God's will, and be in harmony with divine law and nature. There is no fear of Jesus blood, but a more comprehensive understanding of such in the greater context of things.


You should run for office; politician speak; saying something, without actually "saying" anything.


Well-known member
Revelation is always hated by the haughty, religious in name only. The prophets were hated, Jesus was despised by the religious, and now the UB is hated. I find that the UB makes much more sense than the bible.
I've always hated the spirit of religion. I watched it destroy many lives in my life. God doesn't want people to come to religianity. He wants a dynamic relationship with every soul on the earth, One-on-one. The UB makes more sense if you're looking to have your ears scratched. I'm looking for Truth. Sometimes the Truth is hard to understand or find or even hard to take when it IS found. A friend of mine says, "It's tight, but it's right."


Eclectic Theosophist
basic discussion skills......

basic discussion skills......

You should run for office; politician speak; saying something, without actually "saying" anything.

If you cant or wont understand simple English or all the information provided on this thread about the actual subject, you're welcome to find a thread more suitable for your tastes. A discussion requires one to actually know the subject material and be able to intelligently have a dialogue about it. Until that requirement is met, there is no real dialogue taking place. I'm sure out of the hundreds of threads on this site, you can find your favorites to indulge. You wouldn't want to waste your time.....heaven forbid.



Eclectic Theosophist

YOU Find ? Perhaps it "makes more sense" because it requires no thought, no reflection. you will obviously disagree because you "spend your time" in a book of fiction and imagination. it is akin to D & D, video games and movies. Pure Fantasy.

You might note that while you make the above claims for the UB, that many look at the Bible as well as pure myth, religious fiction, the creative invention of priestcraft to hold power over the masses, or for smaller groups to have their own inner esoteric circles of the spiritual elite :) - there's something for everyone in the religious marketplace. Lots of condiments too. Dinner for two?



Eclectic Theosophist
Ever read the UB? an honest sudy......

Ever read the UB? an honest sudy......


Thanks for such a spiritually enlightening and intelligent statement. Now, the burden of proof is to provide evidence for your claim or 'assumption'. Granted you believe your own share of cosmic revelations about the creation, Lucifer and other stuff that some consider pretty "out there", it seems a bit 2-faced to dis the UB. The fact is however is the UB shares much more on the creation of the cosmos, the nature of God, the Lucifer Rebellion, and much much more. But you having not done the research for yourself (assuming you haven't)...would be 'ignorant' any such info. So your mind is either 'empty' or only filled with presumption and misconceptions. You know there is one remedy for ignorance. Enlighten yourself to the material. It never ceases to amazes me the novelty of such an idea to some.

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