The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

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An earth that drops 8 inch every mile squared is one we can test. And the result is "no curve".

Dave, I've already addressed this. See below.

Here's the part you need to pay attention to.

By the way, Dave, did you ever do that experiment in that post?

PJ, something I need to address from this post that I don't think anyone has mentioned yet.

How do you know if in any of those photos the camera is not just angled slightly downward?

Take for example the image looking out over the plane's wing.

When you're on the ground looking out over the wing of the plane, is the end of the wing below eye-level? or is it at the same level as your eye? It's below right?

So then why in the image is the wing above the horizon? If the horizon was truly rising with your altitude, then the wing would still be below the horizon line. But in that image it's not, so the angle of the camera must be angled downward to put the horizon at the center of the image.

Don't you think that's a bit dishonest of flat earthers to use angled cameras to say that the horizon is still level with them?

And for the rest of the images, there's really no discernable way to tell if the camera is angled at all. So at best, it's doubtful that they are level when trying to put the horizon in the center of the image.


Trying to search thru the prophets to prove flat earth betokens unworthy scholarship. Daft Dave, yourself Pastor Noodle all demonstrate an inability to rightly divide the word of God.

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What does the Bible say?

Genesis 1:16 And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. 17 And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness.

Joshua 10:12 Then spoke Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord gave the Amorites over to the men of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel,

“Sun, stand thou still at Gibeon,
and thou Moon in the valley of Ai′jalon.”
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed,
until the nation took vengeance on their enemies.

Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.

Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days: 'The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky,"

Revelation 6:12 And when I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black like sackcloth of goat hair, and the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth,

The sun, moon, and stars are "lights", not planets.

The sun and moon stood still, not the earth.

The sun will go dark, the moon will turn red, and the stars will fall to the earth.




On a globe water is not really level.

On a globe there is really no such thing as eye level.

On a globe nothing is really straight.

On a globe nothing is really perpendicular to anything else.

But if the earth is flat then level, straight, and perpendicular are real.



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On a globe water is not really level.

On a globe there is really no such thing as eye level.

On a globe nothing is really straight.

On a globe nothing is really perpendicular to anything else.

But if the earth is flat then level, straight, and perpendicular are real.


I do not believe in sextants ether, in fact, it might be a dirty word? :idunno:

Walmart is flat


I asked Dave this and don't recall ever getting an answer.

Why can't people on one side of the flearth see the sun that's over the other side of the flearth? Flat is flat, so the sun should be visible even when as far away on the opposite side of the flearth. But it isn't. Why isn't it?

Imagine for a moment the flat earth model and dome that is over it. All heavenly bodies are very close not million of miles, or light years, away.

"If" this is the case then we have never been beyond the dome, to the moon or outer space.

The sun and the moon are much smaller than the earth and at the top, or just beyond, the dome.

The stars are much smaller than the sun and moon and the sun and moon are about the same size.

The earth is clearly not like the sun or moon neither of which have any water, trees, or people.

Our perspective and limited viewing distance do not allow us to see things in the distance. Clouds, planes, sun, and moon, all disappear beyond a horizon we cannot we cannot see past.

Funny how the New World Order is also Globalism. Do you think Kennedy was killed by Oswald or the Deep State? Do you think the World Trade Towers were taken down by a few very clever Arabs or by the Deep State? Do you think we are seeing the Deep State being exposed in its attempt to overthrow Trump. If there's no such thing as a Deep State then the earth is a globe, but if there is such a thing as a Deep State then NASA is it, and we have been deceived.



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On a globe water is not really level.

On a globe there is really no such thing as eye level.

On a globe nothing is really straight.

On a globe nothing is really perpendicular to anything else.

But if the earth is flat then level, straight, and perpendicular are real.


Dave, an 8in drop over a distance of 63,360in (1mi) is not going to be very noticable. In fact, unless you can perceive a drop of 1/7920th of a mile at a distance of a mile away, you're not going to be able to see the curve from ground level.

Again, Dave, unless you can see a 1/7920th of a mile drop at a distance of one mile away, you're not going to be able to see the curve of the earth at ground level.

Dave, there are 63,360 inches in 1 mile. 8 inches is not that much of a drop after one mile, neither is

This is the decimal result when you divide 8/63360 (or reduced to 1/79720):

0.000126262626262626262626262626262626262626...(number continues infinitely)

That is 0.012626262626262626262626...% of a mile. You simply can't see that kind of a difference 1 mile away. That's why people like you make the claim that the earth is flat, because you can't comprehend the scale of the earth.

Dave, I already said that even if gravity didn't exist, and only buoyancy/density determined whether something goes up or down, then objects would STILL only go up to the sky or down towards the CENTER of the globe earth.

Dave, get out a pencil and paper (or if you can, build what I'm about to describe), and draw a large circle for me, and put a dot in the middle. Yes, please do this, I want to see if you're capable of comprehending how gravity works (even if we don't know what it is or what causes it).

Now draw 20 lines out from the center (preferably not straight across the center) of the circle, and make sure they're drawn neatly and equidistant from each other Then draw a short perpendicular line (a tangent) on the edge of the circle where the lines meet the circle, then draw an arrow on the outside of the tangent lines pointing towards the center of the circle.

You may want a compass (no, not the directional compass, what you use for drawing circles) and a ruler and maybe even a protractor.

Ok, now that that's done, we're gonna test your imagination for a bit. Imagine that each of the tangent lines are magnetic bars on sliders that can move in and out from the center of the circle, but have a tendency to slide away from the center of the circle because they are arranged positive to positive and negative to negative ([-+][+-][-+][+-][-+][+-][-+]) all the way around, and that each of the lines inside the circle are rubber bands that pull in the direction the arrows are pointing.

The rubber bands represent gravity, and the magnetic bars represent water molecules.

What do you think happens when the bars are allowed to slide freely on their rails? they find their own distance from the other magnets, right?

In that same way, (though not through magnetism,) water finds its own level on a spherical planet.

Dave, using your reasoning, you're the one making the claim, "because we can't see a curve (like evolution (which again, I DO NOT believe happens)) therefore it must not be curved (therefore no evolution happens)."

That's called an argument from silence, or an argument from ignorance, both of which are logical fallacies.

Dave, I'm pretty sure that I've asked you this before, but could you please stop lumping round earth creationists in with evolutionists?

As for what you said, No, Dave, round earth creationists DO NOT argue from what is invisible. We take measurements, make calculations, and prove our work. You on the other hand have provided nothing but hand-waving and just so arguments, along with plenty of videos which most people will never watch, because the premise is illogical.


What does the Bible say?

Genesis 1:16 And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. 17 And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness.

Joshua 10:12 Then spoke Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord gave the Amorites over to the men of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel,

“Sun, stand thou still at Gibeon,
and thou Moon in the valley of Ai′jalon.”
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed,
until the nation took vengeance on their enemies.

Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.

Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days: 'The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky,"

Revelation 6:12 And when I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black like sackcloth of goat hair, and the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth,

The sun, moon, and stars are "lights", not planets.

The sun and moon stood still, not the earth.

The sun will go dark, the moon will turn red, and the stars will fall to the earth.


None of those texts are given for your purpose. Your flat earth has absolutely nothing to do with their contexts.

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Why this topic irks so many people is curious. Evolution, fine. Big Bang., no problem. Worshiping animals, hey that's their thing. Occult beliefs and practices, new age "theosophy", no big deal, have your threads. But flat earth, as the Bible alludes to? No way!!! I'll voice my objections and shame them until they stop. It's not working on Dave or myself. We'll spend time defending our freedom to imagine and interpret scripture as we choose, thank you very much. I've see and heard the evidence for a globe all my life. I'm exploring and "entertaining" and imagining what's POSSIBLE. Pardon me, for questioning what we've been brainwashed to think and know. Go blog your calvinism. Flat earth is NOT a "doctrine"
[MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION].

Because it’s for gay people

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Nonsense Dave

Boats disappear over that horizon bottom first.

Boats would disappear bow first if the earth were curved and buildings in the distance would tilt away from us. The bottom first is due to the horizon, distance, and waves. In calm waters boats simple disappear because of distance.



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Boats would disappear bow first if the earth were curved and buildings in the distance would tilt away from us. The bottom first is due to the horizon, distance, and waves. In calm waters boats simple disappear because of distance.


Dave, Please reread this and respond.

Dave, an 8in drop over a distance of 63,360in (1mi) is not going to be very noticable. In fact, unless you can perceive a drop of 1/7920th of a mile at a distance of a mile away, you're not going to be able to see the curve from ground level.

Again, Dave, unless you can see a 1/7920th of a mile drop at a distance of one mile away, you're not going to be able to see the curve of the earth at ground level.

Dave, there are 63,360 inches in 1 mile. 8 inches is not that much of a drop after one mile, neither is

This is the decimal result when you divide 8/63360 (or reduced to 1/79720):

0.000126262626262626262626262626262626262626...(number continues infinitely)

That is 0.012626262626262626262626...% of a mile. You simply can't see that kind of a difference 1 mile away. That's why people like you make the claim that the earth is flat, because you can't comprehend the scale of the earth.


None of those texts are given for your purpose. Your flat earth has absolutely nothing to do with their contexts.

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The verses I quoted have everything to do with Biblical cosmology. Flat earth cosmology includes everything I said about the sun, moon, and stars.


patrick jane

So if the earth isn't a the sun? The moon?
They appear so. Perhaps the CGI isn't accurate. Could they be discs instead? :idunno:






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They appear so. Perhaps the CGI isn't accurate. Could they be discs instead? :idunno:





This has been addressed nearer the beginning of this thread.

It was settled, or at least stated, that the images that look like blobs and orbs and not actual planets are out of focus, and intentionally so.

Don't believe me? Go buy a telescope and aim it at one of the planets, and put it in focus, and then tell me which set of images that planet looks like.
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