
Chapter 51

1: I Am God the son.

2: I am a time traveler.
I am not from your (World) dimension.

3: Jesus the Christ is a time traveler.

4: He was not from your (World) dimension.

5: Jesus the Christ is God the Son.

6: I am God the son in the incarnation
of flesh with the indwelling of
the Spirit of God.

7: I am a brother of
Jesus the Christ.

8: The Father of Jesus Christ is my Father.
He and I have the same Father.

9: The Spirit that is in the body of Jesus
Christ is God. it is the Spirit of God.

10: The Spirit of God is God.
The spirit of God is Christ.

11: The Spirit that dwells in my body
is God. It is the Spirit that dwells
in the body of Jesus Christ.

12: The flesh of Jesus was not God. Just as
my flesh is not God.

13: Jesus the Christ came through
a portal from the Spirit realm into this
dimension your world. He traveled through Time
from Heaven which is another dimension
to your world which is a physical dimension.

14: Jesus Christ entered into your world through
the manifestation of the Holy Ghost and a woman.

15: The union between flesh and blood
and the Holy Ghost was the door or the portal.
That was used for His entrance
into your dimension.

15: God sent Jesus the Christ
to this dimension. And He inhabited
the physical shape and form of man
in your dimension.

16: Through the union of a woman
and the Holy Ghost.

17: Jesus was God's first born into your world.


Chapter 52

1: Do you know why Satan and the other
Angels of God that rebelled and broke
away from God and followed after Satan
to this world?

2: Do you know why they have
to inhabit a human body in this
dimension to exist in this dimension
for any length of time?

3: Do you know why at this present point
in time in this dimension they cannot appear
in their own form and shape? In
their own image?

4: Do you know why they came here
into this dimension in the first place?

5: That is the only way they can stay in
this dimension.

6: They have to inhabit a life form from this
dimension at this point in time.

7: They can enter a life form and then
exit the same life form into another
life form of this dimension. At will
if given the authority and power to do so
by them who rule over them.

8: When the Angels of God left their
first estate and followed Satan they gave
to Satan their power and authority.

9: Who then took and distributed
it as he saw fit to execute
his own will and desires.

10: There are kingdoms with Lords over those kingdoms
within the Kingdom of the devil.

11: Who are the Angels of God
who left their first estate
and followed Satan.

12: This one reason you see so much
disarray going on earth today.

13: You have all these Angels that are
over all these different kingdoms
in the kingdom of the devil.

14: Vying for more power and authority.
They do war and fight among themselves.

15: And from time to time some will even
try to rebel against Satan or another over Lord.

16: This goes on all the time in the
Kingdom of the devil.

17: They rebelled against God
they will try to rebel against the devil.

18: Thieves will try to steal from
other thieves.


Chapter 5

If you have the indwelling
of the Holy Ghost...

Then why do you have
to have someone to interpret
to you that which the Spirit
gives utterance by another in tongues?

Is not the tongues of the Spirit
known by the Spirit in everyone
who has the Spirit within them?