State of the Seate:


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State of the State:

State of the State:

Now you bunch of “Phony Christian Know-it-alls”, - what do you DO With This!!!!!!

These are definitions of things of the world, used correctly with God, and All of His. -- Prove this WRONG, you Blind Fools!!!!

The Church / the Body of Christ / the “Kingdom of God” is a “STATE”!! – The “STATE” of God has “STATISTICS”; and are the ( Things Written in God’s and Christ’s Testaments ). Those “STATISTICS” “STATE” the Laws of the “STATE”. – ((( “Only” ))) the “STATEMENTS” made by God and Christ are the “STATUS” of the “STATE”.

The following “STATEMENT” made by the Head of “STATE”, proves the “STATUS”, of man: -- ( Romans 3:10-12 KJV ) --//----- The Blind Lost Fool cannot go by God’s “STATISTICS”.

Using God’s “STATISTICS” and the “STATION” for which the righteous man dwells; - ( Not of the world, residing not of the flesh ), - IF he -- “STAYS STATIONARY” in the “STATISTICS” of the “STATION”.

It’s all in the Scriptures, but none of you can go by God’s “STATISICS that would keep you “STATIONARY” in Christ; - you must go by Man’s “STATEMENTS”, and CLAIM to have the “STATURE” of Christ, being “UNSTATIONARY”.

Paul – 122013