Rules on creating a thread for the purpose of slander.


Well-known member
You guys know that if you Ignore PJ, it would be just as if he was banned without having to wait for TOL Leadership. I just found out even neg reps don't show up when you do it.

Well, I don't care about getting neg reps, and I tried putting him on Ignore. Unfortunately, he is a very "prolific" poster and it's impossible to avoid him. I'd have to refrain from posting entirely, because he always has a comment about my post and someone will quote it and I see it. Not only that, but I'm onto his ways, and when I see him going after someone else, as he's the point they were ready to leave because of him, I feel called to expose him. Now I see that person has left, and I'm quite sure it was because PJ is still running free.

I consider him a wolf who needs to be exposed.

Brother Vinny

Active member
It's the battle. Don't ya get it? Controversy is really intellectually
stimulating and really cool. I enjoy it, always have. Anybody
remember "Joe Pyne?" A TV host on the west coast in the 60s?

I don't see this as controversy, though. This isn't intellectual rigor where you go head to head over eschatology or soteriology. This is an attention whore and the ones gullible enough to give it exactly what it wants.

I know of which I speak; pretty sure I was TOL's biggest attention whore at one point. Or was in the running, at the very least.

When I detect it, I ignore it. Plain and simple.

patrick jane

Now, GM, you know PJ isn't a punk. He's an Actor, and a GREAT Actor at that. He has his little script and it's not his fault if he's forced to read it. He's backed off on the inside, even though he appears to be having his regular tantrum on the outside. This is a complicated CASE, and we should call in the amateur psychologist.....what's his name....KarateKid7, or something like that? Let him see if he can get to the bottom of this. :think:

What ? I'm acting like me, that's all it is.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't see this as controversy, though. This isn't intellectual rigor where you go head to head over eschatology or soteriology. This is an attention whore and the ones gullible enough to give it exactly what it wants.

I know of which I speak; pretty sure I was TOL's biggest attention whore at one point. Or was in the running, at the very least.

When I detect it, I ignore it. Plain and simple.

Like you're doing right now?


Well-known member
gee thanks cousin vin. they have been here long enough, they can't ignore me. and my negs work on you. you're just trying to gain popularity by jumping on the bash pj bandwagon. just like meshak

Ah, another victim as been spotted by this rabid dog, "PJ the Great". This is where it starts, people. You dare to cross this toxic little viper and you are toast. Brother Vinny will now be known as a bully....dubbed to be on the bash PJ bandwagon.

There is no end to the conspiracy, is there? :chuckle:


Well-known member
I think now, that you're a plant. I'll give you no more neg-reps however,
I will engage you in verbal fisticuffs. Why? I enjoy it.

He's a plant alright. Planted by his father the devil.

John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.


Well-known member
When your nearly 65, this is entertainment. Except when I'm preaching
the Grace Gospel. Then, it gets serious.

Yeah, and truth be told....we're clearing out the chaff so the wheat can grow. Just a small part of what farmers have to do in order to keep the crop healthy. :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
At least it needs to be considered. I know a guy who would go on
a secular forum and purposely portray, "devils advocate." He'd
take a serious news story where everybody had a strong opinion.
Then, he'd go the opposite way and drive everybody NUTS!!

It was just "fun" for him to watch everybody get so angry. Understand
what I'm saying? The guy was a genius at what he did. Nobody ever
called him on it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
PJs time is coming. It's not a personal threat, just a moderate guess
that someday, he'll get himself banned for a long time. And, he'll keep
getting banned until he's no longer amusing!

Is this post "Woodshed material" PJ? We'll soon see?


Well-known member
Yep. Can't see PJ's posts. When I happen to catch someone quoting him, I scroll down.

Now I'm just chatting with those I know to have a sincere interest in truth.

Feels kind of nice.

Not a thing wrong with taking a little R&R. It's refreshing. But, the battle goes on, nevertheless. Someone has to do it. Book me a room on Quiet Street, I'm sure I'll need it.


Well-known member
At least it needs to be considered. I know a guy who would go on
a secular forum and purposely portray, "devils advocate." He'd
take a serious news story where everybody had a strong opinion.
Then, he'd go the opposite way and drive everybody NUTS!!

It was just "fun" for him to watch everybody get so angry. Understand
what I'm saying? The guy was a genius at what he did. Nobody ever
called him on it.

A professional Pot Stirrer. Combine that with a Con Artist who cries like a baby....on a Christian board, no less, where everyone is supposed to give him chance after chance after matter how much crud gets stirred up in the bottom of the pot. :idunno: