Rittenhouse Trial: Binger is a Great Defense Attorney (Yes, You Read That Right)


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Rittenhouse Trial: Binger is a Great Defense Attorney (Yes, You Read That Right)

This is the show from Wednesday, November 17th, 2021


Today, on Bob Enyart Live, the prosecution gave it’s closing statement in defense of Rittenhouse. Yes, you read that right. We’re going through some of the prosecution’s closing statement, and more arguments against Kyle. Then finally an MSNBC reporter mocks parents who don’t want porn to be shown in school. Should we sexualize our children? That’s not a trick question, the answer is, “no”. All of that and more…

Sponsor a Show! Click here to help keep us broadcasting! (We really need it :)

We have now officially begun our November 2021 telethon! We typically set a dollar goal, like 30 or 40 thousand. But this time, we’re looking for 20 new monthly donors who will sponsor one show a month. Being on air isn’t cheap. We run about 20 broadcasts and it costs us about $150 dollars per show. We operate on a shoestring budget, so in the past we’ve relied heavily on those large donations and big dollar telethons. But that was when Bob was here. Now the ministry has less security, and that makes promoting Bob’s teaching a daunting task. So if just you and 19 others can help us guarantee that the show goes on, Bob’s Biblically centered teachings will go out to thousands more.

The ministries of so many Godly leaders, authors & preachers have been magnified tenfold, or even a hundredfold after their passing. Think of C.S. Lewis, and how he still, today, has such an impact on millions. We have no doubt Bob could have a similar impact, and your sponsorship of just one show a month will be the force to magnify this ministry, and the Gospel. So if you can help, and sponsor just one show a month, that would be a massive blessing. Thanks so much, Godspeed!