Riots in Ferguson MO. USA

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
People who would usually screech about government abuse and over reach don't care in this case. We have paramilitary thugs in the streets. Journalists abused and arrested for no reason whatsoever. We have tyranny, firsthand. Clearer than Waco.

And you guys do nothing but justify it.

You know what, go to hell. All of you. You chomping munching window-steaming freaks. All of you. The world you want to replace this one with is worse than the one we have. And you do, and say, nothing.

You fascists.

Seriously, go to hell. You're not just enablers--you're cheerleaders.

Define "out of hand". Any citizen can stand next to a patrol car hiding in the dark looking for somebody going 42 in that 35 and film the officer. Any time, any where.

Don't like it? They don't say you support the Bill of Rights. If somebody isn't blatantly obstructing justice in some way, there is nothing immoral or illegal about the action.

Telling people you would vote for Obama over McCain. I didn't vote for McCain either, but Obama is in favor of full gun confiscation and a police state. McCain, not even close.

Well, there was the very minor detail of my not being allowed to pick Chuck Baldwin or to avoid voting altogether. I'd never vote for Obama in any real scenario.

But, I do think Obama is marginally worse than McCain for foreign policy reasons. I think Obama is significantly less hawkish than McCain, and that matters more than economic issues to me.

Do you really think McCain doesn't support a police state? Gun confiscation... I don't know whether Obama or McCain supports that. Obama is definitely very pro-gun control, I don't know what McCain's stance is.

Any links on that point?

You're opposed to "the system". Which is foolish, as humanity has a very long history showing that it's far better off with an organized government than without it. Even though we know that any form of government will be susceptible to corruption and abuse.

Unfortunately, the only way to eliminate human aggression is to eliminate humanity. And since we don't really want to do that (or most of us don't, anyway), we need to find ways of containing it for the well-being of everyone. And that's the primary function of government.

"Government" is a broad term. The State creates far more crime than it solves.

Most people conveniently ignore the State's crimes because they think that since such crimes are "legal" that they are actually justified. This leads to distorted stats since, in the minds of these people, the State does not engage in ANY crime unless it breaks its own biased laws. You likely think of Ted Bundy as a bad man, and you'd be right. But what about when George W. uses the government to kill a thousand times as many people (at least) in Iraq? I know you don't support that war, but I don't think you understand how truly bad it was. Because, if you did, you would understand how laughable it is to trust the organization who did that to stop comparatively small time killers that have 2 or 3 digit kill counts at most. Its unleashing a dragon to kill a band of thieves.

I sent several links to Journey earlier. I'd recommend you take a look at them. If you do, I'd be happy to discuss them with you.

Christ's Word

New member
My husband and I had dinner with several local S.W.A.T. guys from different teams tonight, and we sorted through a lot of the misinformation going around. I will go over both side's false accusations and give a little background that may help put things in perspective.

St. Louis City has over 300,000 thousand residents, the surrounding county has over 1.3 million residents. St. Louis Metropolitan Police department has direct jurisdiction over the 300,000. St. Louis County Police Department has direct jurisdiction over the 1.3 million in the county. Also in St. Louis County there are 75 separate municipal police Departments that report to their elected Mayor. This is very unusual in the United States, and creates a unique structure of small Kingdoms and power struggles. Ferguson City P.D. is one of those small Kingdoms. Each small city P.D. typically has signed mutual aid agreements with the other small P.D., and a mutual aid Agreement with St. Louis County P.D. for services from the Crime Lab, and St. Louis County Tactical Operations when a large S.W.A.T. operation is needed. The County team gets called out around 230 times a year.

The large tactical teams, St. Louis City S.W.A.T., St. Louis County Tactical Operations, St. Charles County S.W.A.T, all have signed mutual aid agreements for increased manpower, and relief in long call outs such as, riots, hostage rescue, and barricaded subjects.

The last time a large mutual aid call went out was for the riot that occurred during the Guns & Roses concert. Many police officers were hurt, no one was killed.

Christ's Word

New member
Facts that have been verified:

1. There is a security video of the deceased boy stealing cigars and pushing the cashier at a Quick Trip in Ferguson.

2. The cashier called the Ferguson Police Department to report the incident.

3. A young St. Louis County Tactical Operations officer arrested two media personnel at a McDonald's in Ferguson.

4. The Chief ordered their release without charges the moment he learned they had been arrested.

5. The tactical units of St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Charles County, and the Missouri Highway Patrol, have been on scene in Ferguson.

6. The Governor ordered the removal of St. Louis County Tac, and has put the Missouri Highway Patrol in charge.

7. The Missouri State Trooper running the show, as of today, is a native of Ferguson, a Captain, and black.

8. It was St. Charles County tactical team that fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the media personnel from Al Jezeera.

9. One officer has suffered a broken ankle from a brick thrown by a protester.

10. Officers have been shot at, spit on, had bricks thrown at them.

11. Over 50 police vehicles have been damaged from vandalism.

12. Only 4 protesters have been physically injured by police tactics as of Thursday night 10 p.m.

13. Fired brass matching the officers weapon were found 35 feet from the officers car.

14. The officer hit the deceased with at least 5 rounds.

15. Only one fired brass was found in the patrol car.

16. Several officers believe they saw one entry wound in the back of the deceased.

17. Missouri is NOT like Texas, our laws do not allow the use of lethal force to protect or recover property.

18. Missouri law does not allow you to continue to use lethal force, if the attacker disengages and is running away. With a few felony exceptions.
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Christ's Word

New member

1. THall and I are busy loading 300 blackout.

Truth: Neither of us shoot that silly cartridge, we both have suppressed autos that will shoot 200 gr. supersonic .308s and 280 gr. subsonic .308's with powdered tungsten cores, the blackout is low tech and not terribly accurate, especially with the subsonics.

2. The show of force by the police was physically brutal.

Truth: The Ferguson officer shot and killed an 18 year old, a County officer shot a looter who pointed a gun at him. The protesters have almost zero injuries to report, the media has been given a harder time than the protesters. A lot of tear gas has been fired by St. Louis County Tac Op.

3. Ferguson is a nice place to live.

Truth: Ferguson used to be a nice place to live. 30 years ago, the majority of residents were white and middle class. Now almost 80 percent are black and more than 50 percent of those are unemployed. Ferguson is well on its way to being the new Detroit.


Well-known member
So by "My husband and I had dinner with several local S.W.A.T. guys from different teams tonight, and we sorted through a lot of the misinformation going around," you actually meant you have access to the internet.

Christ's Word

New member
So by "My husband and I had dinner with several local S.W.A.T. guys from different teams tonight, and we sorted through a lot of the misinformation going around," you actually meant you have access to the internet.

You are an idiot, and only an idiot like you would consider what you read on the internet fact, without talking with someone who was on scene.


Well-known member
You are an idiot, and only an idiot like you would consider what you read on the internet fact, without talking with someone who was on scene.

Oh, okay. Thanks. So to know what "actually" happened in Ferguson, folks are better off listening to you, the creepy sovereign citizen lady who weaves self-aggrandizing tales about dinner with SWAT team buddies when she's not frantically posting about the horrors of militarized police because she got pulled over in a standard DUI checkpoint.

Got it.

Also, has anyone ever told you that you remind them of one of those creepy wavy arm balloon people that they have flailing around in the wind at car lots and whatnot? Man, I hate those things.


Also, has anyone ever told you that you remind them of one of those creepy wavy arm balloon people flailing around in the breeze they have in car lots? Man, I hate those things.

You mean like those things working so hard at flailing up and down in the if worshipping ....nothing. :plain:

The Barbarian

If you want to see what kind of a "hellhole" Ferguson is, go to Google Earth and cruise the streets.

Not exactly what the media suggested.


Well-known member
BTW: The looters are mindless morons as well. See here:

Hey look who made an appearance n Ferguson.

I will Segway this with DiLorenzo's blog..

Attention Black People of Furguson, Missouri!

Thomas DiLorenzo

Trust in your local, state, and federal governments! More importantly, keep voting in every election to legitimize and validate all that they do. And just forget about the fact that it was that very government that shot and killed a young black man in cold blood just last week. Forget about the fact that it is the federal government that has militarized your local black-teenager-murdering police with machine guns, tanks, and other weaponry of a modern invading army. The government will take care of everything. And don’t forget to vote.

That is the moronic message delivered to the people of Furguson by the idiotic congresscritter “Lacy” Clay and his trusty sidekick the Reverennnnnnnnnnnnd Jesse Jackson. (Thanks to Roland W. for the link).