rep thread


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
form shall consist of:
A marriage license which provides for the enteri
ng of:
An authorization statement of the county clerk issuing the license

that is the law

marriage is between a man and a woman

that is the law of kentucky

so why is kim in jail?

the only possible explanation I can think of

David L. Bunning is a homosexual activist judge

nothing has changed
the judge just blinked
kim will be back in jail
there will not be any

authorization statement of the county clerk issuing the license


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
rand paul just spoke in defense of kim
she should never have gone to jail
the law protects her


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I can't believe the distortions about this
the fox news judge Andrew P. Napolitano

who ignored the fact that the license must be changed

you are all idiots


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
this is a great moment
how one person can inspire so many
your religious freedom is at stake

wake up


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the media has done a horrible job on this
does anyone know what the facts are?
does anyone know what is on the marriage licenses that have been issued while kim was in jail?

it sounds like they substituted rowan county for county clerk
how was it done?
how was it edited?
based on whose authority?
is it legal?
is it valid?


New member
Hall of Fame
nothing has changed
the judge just blinked
kim will be back in jail
there will not be any

authorization statement of the county clerk issuing the license

Him blinking seems about right. Has Davis said that she will let her deputies issue the licenses? If not, then what has really changed? :idunno:


Eclectic Theosophist
Well shiver me timbers......

Well shiver me timbers......

~*~*~ there a point to this thread? :p

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Him blinking seems about right. Has Davis said that she will let her deputies issue the licenses? If not, then what has really changed? :idunno:
According to the judge and NPR she was released with the understanding that five out of the six deputies were issuing the licenses (her son being the exception) and that she wouldn't interfere.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Has this broken new ground in the war the homos have been waging against christians?

Will any Christian now be excused of providing certain services which support homosexuality if alternatives can be made? or if the homos can be redirected to others who are prepared to serve them?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what's new?

kim is not in jail

who was the judge?

David L. Bunning

do you think she will stay out of jail?

not based on what her lawyer said

that is not clear

he is making this about same sex marriage and not religious freedom

should he be the one in jail?

I am beginning to think so


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
is it over?

not at all

what's next?

two other clerks in kentucky are not issuing licenses to same sex couples

are they in jail?

they may be outside the court district of david l bunning

is he the one that put kim in jail


so what is this all about?

first and foremost it is about religious freedom

what else?

judicial tyranny

that's sounds scary

it is

so what should we do?

vote republican


to get conservative judges

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
is it over?
But the shoutin'. Nice and loud though.

what's next?
two other clerks in kentucky are not issuing licenses to same sex couples
Yeah, but sequels never live up to the original. what should we do?
vote republican
But really, that's also your answer to, "I've been feeling listless lately, what should I do?"
or "If my computer freezes on a blue screen what should I do?" or "What's your name again?"

to get conservative judges
Cause we all know how great that worked out the last time. :plain: