

New member
All wrong

Now there is an Answer liken to any and all Liberal Fools!!! - That doesn't answer anything, much less Prove a single thing except - again, (( Foolishness )), and the lack of any Knowledge of the Laws / God!!!

Paul -- 021914


Now there is an Answer liken to any and all Liberal Fools!!! - That doesn't answer anything, much less Prove a single thing except - again, (( Foolishness )), and the lack of any Knowledge of the Laws / God!!!

Paul -- 021914



New member

In the OP page here, - (( I Simply and Peaciably gave what I believe )) for dispute / ( Battle ), and this -- "Takes" - "PLACE"!! - Nothing but Disruptive and rude and nothing that even looks like obeying the rules of TOL.

I've been Banned and Warned for being (( Disruptive )), but here on the Back Alley where the creator of TOL has "Stated" - that -- "This is the ( Place" where battles take place ), and ((( Nothing / "Nothing" but Disruption ))) and rudeness Takes - Place.

Is there ANY Justice here at all on TOL???

Paul -- 021914

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In the OP page here, - (( I Simply and Peaciably gave what I believe )) for dispute / ( Battle ), and this -- "Takes" - "PLACE"!! - Nothing but Disruptive and rude and nothing that even looks like obeying the rules of TOL.

I've been Banned and Warned for being (( Disruptive )), but here on the Back Alley where the creator of TOL has "Stated" - that -- "This is the ( Place" where battles take place ), and ((( Nothing / "Nothing" but Disruption ))) and rudeness Takes - Place.

Is there ANY Justice here at all on TOL???

Paul -- 021914

The justice is, posters like you, even though you're a bit, over the top,(strange) get to post anyway!


New member
The justice is, posters like you, even though you're a bit, over the top,(strange) get to post anyway!

If I’m that - “Over the Top” - and “Strange”; --- then ALL You, -- (( as a Christian )), – all you have to do is Prove me Wrong!! -- It should be very Simple for (( “YOU” )) if that's the case; -- to make a fool out of ME for being SOOO Wrong, and you’re SOOO Right!!!! --- Prove Me Wrong!!!!

Paul – 021914

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If I’m that - “Over the Top” - and “Strange”; --- then ALL You, -- (( as a Christian )), – all you have to do is Prove me Wrong!! -- It should be very Simple for (( “YOU” )) if that's the case; -- to make a fool out of ME for being SOOO Wrong, and you’re SOOO Right!!!! --- Prove Me Wrong!!!!

Paul – 021914

Would it make a difference?


When I read your name and see your profile I keep seeing


Can you change it for me?

I disagreed with your OP

You complained

I kissed/hugged bye


New member
When I read your name and see your profile I keep seeing


Can you change it for me?

I disagreed with your OP

You complained

I kissed/hugged bye

You said that you "Dis'agreed" with my OP. -- Dis'agree means that you GAVE something not in agreement, DIS'AGREE.

Now!! -- A Christian is a lost person who has been (( Humiliated / "Humiliated" )) by the Truth, making HIM (( "HUMBLE" ))!! - There is no one here who can be ( "Humiliated" ) by God's Truth!!! -- Thus there cannot be a Christian who I can - Cor'respond with here!! -- I hope / "Hope" God can find some of you soon, and "Humble" you His "WAY"!!!!!

Paul -- 021914


You said that you "Dis'agreed" with my OP. -- Dis'agree means that you GAVE something not in agreement, DIS'AGREE.

Now!! -- A Christian is a lost person who has been (( Humiliated / "Humiliated" )) by the Truth, making HIM (( "HUMBLE" ))!! - There is no one here who can be ( "Humiliated" ) by God's Truth!!! -- Thus there cannot be a Christian who I can - Cor'respond with here!! -- I hope / "Hope" God can find some of you soon, and "Humble" you His "WAY"!!!!!

Paul -- 021914

You need love Paul


New member
This is inline with what the shamans knew , medicine men and witch doctors, it wAs said when they would go pray for rain they would be running back to the village chased by the storm clouds, and they also were very much in tune with nature .
They took into account all the hidden and esoteric knowledge including things that Paul mentioned here, not many people will notice these things but I remember them bein talked about by a modern esoteric teacher.

Posted from the TOL App!


New member
And, a new "spell & punctuation" program!

OOOHHH, -- because I'm not as ( Smart ) as You all are in your world, you're the Wise Ones!!

"You" and the others know perfictly what I'm talking about here in my Thread about "Prohesying", -- and others. -- Just like all "Deceivers" here, they use that excuse to be (( Smarter )) than I in Scriptures, and "Won't and Can't" respond like a Christian is supposed TOO!!!! -- And I'm the EVIL!!!!! -- Look at you!!!! -- No!! -- You don't dare, you all have to Look at ((( ME ))) and judge me by your own foolishness!!!!

Paul -- 031214