ECT Our triune God


New member
The divine speaker who is sent is the CREATOR of verses 12-13,

The divine speaker who is sent by God makes two assertions about Himself,

1. He says, "I am the First and the Last."

Jesus is the First and hte Last, Revelation 1:8, 17; 22:13

2. He says, "My hand has laid the foundation of the earth, And my right hand has stretched out the heavens.

The Father attributed the creation to the Son saying,

It appears as if the Father does not accept Pierac's conclusion that the divine speaker's being sent by God excludes Him from being God Himself for,

1. The Father explicitly calls the Son by the name "God."
2. The Son is called "God" and yet is anointed by God.
3. The Father addresses the Son as "LORD" (YHWH, in Psalm 102 which the Father is citing) and attributes the creation to the work of His Hands.

Pierac has been spanked again but he keeps on coming back for more.


Great comments again, brother!!!

Wile E. Coyote

New member
Great comments again, brother!!!
Anti-trinitarianism is a doctrine based on invalid inference. They think that God cannot send God or anoint God or act upon God in anyway.

But Hebrews 1:8-10 shows us that God can indeed act upon God because the term "God" has a dual reference. The term "son of man" also has a dual reference in chapter 2. It refers both to Jesus and to mankind generally. Therefore, it is just as proper to say that God sent God and that God anointed God as it is to say that the son of man (Christ) died for the son of man (mankind). The son of man acts upon the son of man.

When it comes right down to it anti-trinitarianism has no statement which denies that Jesus is God. All their conclusions are based in invalid inference.


New member
Anti-trinitarianism is a doctrine based on invalid inference. They think that God cannot send God or anoint God or act upon God in anyway.

But Hebrews 1:8-10 shows us that God can indeed act upon God because the term "God" has a dual reference. The term "son of man" also has a dual reference in chapter 2. It refers both to Jesus and to mankind generally. Therefore, it is just as proper to say that God sent God and that God anointed God as it is to say that the son of man (Christ) died for the son of man (mankind). The son of man acts upon the son of man.

When it comes right down to it anti-trinitarianism has no statement which denies that Jesus is God. All their conclusions are based in invalid inference.


I enjoy reading your great insight, brother...:up:


New member
Save that facepalm, Paul. You are ridiculous. Look up, notice you grabbed a whole other irrelevant verse (because you had to), and see if you notice your mistake for Isaiah...(it is huge and glaring all of us see it...)

I grabbed your first three.... Don't put your ERRORS on me!



New member
There is a trend here, P. repeatedly mentions small children and spanking, etc. doubt he has a child fetish and is in all likelihood a pedophile.

From your post... we can conclude you have been so owned by me that you resort to Lons level... Ignoring the truth and attacking the messenger while hoping everyone will ignore how bad the post I spanked your theology with exposed your lies. :rolleyes:

The very simple fact is... after a week of asking... you still refuse to post a verse and explaine how it supports your false trinity. Why? Because you know I own you and your theology, and everyone who reads... knows it! :think:

Time to man up, or shut up! :readthis:

Apple7 is a Spiritual Sissy! Too afraid to post scripture and go head to head in a debate! Explain your scripture... So i can expose your traditions of men.



Well-known member resort to Lons level... Ignoring the truth and attacking the messenger...Paul

Uhmm, no. My reason for ignoring you was because you disgusted me. At the time, I couldn't even read what you had to say. Keypurr even started to ignore you at the time, so don't think it was just my problem.

It'd be my guess that he was offended by your potty mouth too. If you want to keep reminding me of it, go right ahead. It'll ruin our further communication, running it all through the sewer-mouth.


New member
The divine speaker who is sent by God makes two assertions about Himself,

1. He says, "I am the First and the Last."

Great comments again, brother!!!

Really? Watch me spank his theology...

Wile E. Coyote, did they not give you a red letter bible in your seminary? Let's review the verse...

Rev 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."

Jesus is quoting God in Rev 1:8... Not speaking as God! Note the little "quotes." the translators put in your bible and Red letters! See the colors are for little first graders like you and apple 7! You need to pay attention when you see red! :chuckle:

Now for the technical data....

Rev 1:8 -

The shorter reading "Omega" (ὦ, ō) has superior MS evidence (א1 A C 1611) to the longer reading which includes "the beginning and the end" (ἀρχὴ καὶ τέλος or ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος, archē kai telo or hē archē kai to telo), found in א*,2 1854 2050 2329 2351 Ïa lat bo. There is little reason why a scribe would have deleted the words, but their clarifying value and the fact that they harmonize with Rev_21:6 indicate that they are a secondary addition to the text. (Net bible)

Now do you want me to continue... As you posted several verses it could take pages to explain... :think: I can do it just as easily as above... I might add! :chuckle:

I will expose you verse by verse!

BTY, Based your theological thinking... I have a verse calling Nebuchadnezzar King of kings.... Does this mean you think he was Jesus in the O.T.? :chuckle:

Eze 26:7 For thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I will bring upon Tyre from the north Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, King of kings, with horses, chariots, cavalry and a great army.

Your Theological MIT professor at work!


New member
Uhmm, no. My reason for ignoring you was because you disgusted me. At the time, I couldn't even read what you had to say. Keypurr even started to ignore you at the time, so don't think it was just my problem.

It'd be my guess that he was offended by your potty mouth too. If you want to keep reminding me of it, go right ahead. It'll ruin our further communication, running it all through the sewer-mouth.

Keypurr, and I e-mail almost daily and have been for the past few years! Your kidding your self if you think I'm going to allow people like you to label me a cult, then move on to words like heretic and tell me I'm going to hell because I do not worship the Trinity! I see Jesus as the Christ, anointed one of God! Mediator between God and Man. The only way to His and our God and Father. If you call exposing your lies sewer-mouth, then so be it... I call sin when I see it! (Missing the Mark!). Your missing the mark Lon! You still to this day can not expain How Jesus can have a God.... Your missing the mark Lon!

G264 αμαρτάνω hamartánō; fut. hamartēsō, aor. hēmártēsa; 2d aor. hēmarton. To sin, to miss a mark on the way, not to hit the mark. One who keeps missing the mark in his relationship to God is hamartōlós (G268), sinner.




Well-known member
Rev 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."

Jesus is quoting God in Rev 1:8... Not speaking as God! Note the little "quotes." the translators put in your bible and Red letters! See the colors are for little first graders like you and apple 7! You need to pay attention when you see red! :chuckle:
Your Theological MIT professor at work!
You embarrass me a lot with these mistakes, Paul. There is another just here above that we all (I'd think) see and you probably don't :(


Well-known member
Keypurr, and I e-mail almost daily and have been for the past few years! Your kidding your self if you think I'm going to allow people like you to label me a cult, then move on to words like heretic and tell me I'm going to hell because I do not worship the Trinity!
:doh: I didn't even say that for a filthy mouth, let alone the other. I am on record for saying those who Love Jesus Christ will come to a full view understanding of scripture. What does that mean? By reminder, how many Greek/Hebrew scholars do you think are Arian?

I see Jesus as the Christ, anointed one of God! Mediator between God and Man. The only way to His and our God and Father. If you call exposing your lies sewer-mouth, then so be it...
:doh: You brought up your sewer-mouth again for an example, not me. If you are going to throw my name in there for accusing you, admit that it isn't a false accusation, whether you are proud of the action you did or not. I made no bones that it disgusted me. Watch what you do when you think to toss my name around foolishly next time.
I call sin when I see it! (Missing the Mark!). Your missing the mark Lon! You still to this day can not expain How Jesus can have a God.... Your missing the mark Lon!
Me, the pope, John MacArthur, Billy Graham, St. Francis of Asissi, Yeah, pretty much all of us...
Then there is you with your disgusting mouth that you brought up again :doh:

G264 αμαρτάνω hamartánō; fut. hamartēsō, aor. hēmártēsa; 2d aor. hēmarton. To sin, to miss a mark on the way, not to hit the mark. One who keeps missing the mark in his relationship to God is hamartōlós (G268), sinner.

You know what is sad? That you confuse this with sin and not a mouth that talks about sin humorously and in a derrogatory fashion.


New member
You have nothing...

You have nothing...

The very simple fact is... after a week of asking... you still refuse to post a verse and explaine how it supports your false trinity.

If you think what I posted was a verse, then why can't you tell us what chapter and verse it is?



New member
:doh: I didn't even say that for a filthy mouth, let alone the other. I am on record for saying those who Love Jesus Christ will come to a full view understanding of scripture. What does that mean? By reminder, how many Greek/Hebrew scholars do you think are Arian?

:doh: You brought up your sewer-mouth again for an example, not me. If you are going to throw my name in there for accusing you, admit that it isn't a false accusation, whether you are proud of the action you did or not. I made no bones that it disgusted me. Watch what you do when you think to toss my name around foolishly next time.

Me, the pope, John MacArthur, Billy Graham, St. Francis of Asissi, Yeah, pretty much all of us...
Then there is you with your disgusting mouth that you brought up again :doh:


You know what is sad? That you confuse this with sin and not a mouth that talks about sin humorously and in a derrogatory fashion.

All this and you still can not explain how Jesus Christ Has a GOD both before and After His ressurection from the dead?

Here's a hint... His God raised Him!

Act 3:13 "The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His servant Jesus, the one whom you delivered and disowned in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to release Him.

God glorified Himself or His servant Lon!!!

Who raised Jesus?

Act 5:30 "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you had put to death by hanging Him on a cross.

Here is my wish for you LON! That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.

My God does not have a God! There is no other...

Eph 1:17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. :readthis:
Darn my potty mouth... posting the truth again! :doh:


New member
You embarrass me a lot with these mistakes, Paul. There is another just here above that we all (I'd think) see and you probably don't :(

I did not add the quotes nor the color! Deal with it!

NASB Rev 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."

As I said the biblical scholars added the quotes and color to help little ones like you to understand! Don't hate me for pointing it out to everyone who can read!

Really, applying to me the works of the NASB. Yes, I might be a MIT theological professor compared to you, (in analogy) but do not attest the NASB translation to me. I was but a toddler when Rev 1:8 was translated from the (Novum Testamentum Graece 26th edition) :rolleyes:

Thanks for the complement... I can not accept credit for the NASB Rev 1:8 translation! :thumb:


New member
If you think what I posted was a verse, then why can't you tell us what chapter and verse it is?


Idiot you posted a verse, but as I said it does not support any Trinity!
Are you really this slow! :doh:

VERSE, n. vers. [L. versus; verto, to turn.]

1. In poetry, a line, consisting of a certain number of long and short syllables, disposed according to the rules of the species of poetry which the author intends to compose. Verses are of various kinds, as hexameter, pentameter, and tetrameter, &c. according to the number of feet in each. A verse of twelve syllables is called an Alexandrian or Alexandrine. Two or more verses form a stanza or strophe.

Poetry; metrical language.

A piece of poetry.

A portion of an anthem to be performed by a single voice to each part.

In a song or ballad, a stanza is called a verse.

Blank verse, poetry in which the lines do not end in rhymes.

Heroic verse, usually consists of ten syllables, or in English, of five accented syllables, constituting five feet.

VERSE, v.t. To tell in verse; to relate poetically. :readthis:

Get it now?


Well-known member

Don't make me get the paddle.
Its time to start over and stop the bickering.


See, I still know how to do that.

Peace, or else.


Well-known member
Here is my wish for you LON! That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.
Why, do you think it is, that nobody with a degree in languages and theology is an arian? I believe it is a 'wisdom and revelation' question.
My God does not have a God! There is no other...
Should I do the head-smack thing again? Hebrews 1, remember?
Please, just explain why your's doesn't have a God when it is right there in the text? How can you willingly deny scripture?
Darn my potty mouth... posting the truth again! :doh:
No, but rather: James 3:9,10 Understand?