ECT Oikonomia (dispensation/stewardship) of Grace


New member
You're right about the majority having an over-reliance on other sources: on Walfoord, Ryrie, MacAruther, STam, LaHaye, Rosenberg, jenkins.

Hypocrite book reader - this is your very blind spot.

Few within any school of thought (starting with you) are able to make do without over relying on what someone else has taught or written as supposedly sound.

It is one thing to accept a thing as sound because it appears to make sense - which is what most within any school do, including you.

It is totally another to first sit down and examine one's basis for objectivity BEFORE allowing oneself to go by "what makes sense to me."

You are just one more books fed drone - all schools of thought have them, including MAD.

You have proven nothing more than your same old books fed drone's ignorance, once more.