Noah's Flood on Mars

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Noah's Flood on Mars

Monday May 9th, 2005. This is show # 91.

[Evolutionary scientists] say, "The earth is just so ordinary and typical in the universe, in the galaxy. There's billions of them." Well, there's no others in our solar system. We're the only "earth" that has liquid water on it for biological life. And if you look at Mars, our scientists are saying, "Do you know that Mars was once completely flooded with water?" And we say, "Do you know that the earth was once completely flooded with water?" "No it wasn't. That's not true!" And you look at Mars, there's not a drop of water on the whole planet. They say it was completely flooded with water. The earth is 2/3rds covered with water a mile deep and they say, "It was never covered with water." I mean, they're lunatics. They're just flat out lunatics.


Resident Fiend
Bob Enyart said:
And if you look at Mars, our scientists are saying, "Do you know that Mars was once completely flooded with water?"
I'd like to see some documentation of any scientist making such a claim.

That Mars had, in the remote past, a significant amount of liquid water on its surface is, AFAIK, uncontested.

But "significant amount" =/= "completely flooded".


New member
Gerald said:
I'd like to see some documentation of any scientist making such a claim.

That Mars had, in the remote past, a significant amount of liquid water on its surface is, AFAIK, uncontested.

But "significant amount" =/= "completely flooded".
A significant amount could mean several teaspoons.


New member
I'm not quite clear on this, is it impossible to believe that Mars may have once been a water planet? Any number of natural disasters could reduce the atmosphere, in which case it wouldn't take more than a few hundred years to dry it all up.

Maybe it wasn't very deep.

- m -


New member
They're just flat out lunatics.

Call any man a fool, and this will not be forgiven of thee - know anyone who said that?

Have you looked at the posts, or did you just hit and run? The realm you are familiar with - well I would say study the Word a little more... then you might have an open enough mind to consider what people are saying.

Rumi - define me, narrow me - you deprive yourself of yourself, nail me down in a box of cold words - those words are your coffin.

With Christ's Love



New member
Do you not read? Bob claimed scientists said that the entire surface used to be covered with water. He lied.

From the first link: "Water once covered or infused the small crater in which the rover sits, then it gradually evaporated away, leaving high concentrations of salt behind."

From the second link: "and almost certain that water once covered part of the Martian surface"

From the third link: "A host of clues remain from an earlier era, billions of years ago, hinting that the Red Planet was host to great rivers, lakes and perhaps even an ocean. "

From the fourth link: "We don't know how extensive it [water] was, how long it was there or how common it was on other parts of Mars."

So far no claims have been made that the entire martian surface was covered with water.

[Evolutionary scientists] say, "The earth is just so ordinary and typical in the universe, in the galaxy. There's billions of them." Well, there's no others in our solar system. We're the only "earth" that has liquid water on it for biological life.
Thanks for that tidbit.

And if you look at Mars, our scientists are saying, "Do you know that Mars was once completely flooded with water?"
Either you're lying or you don't know what you're talking about.
And we say, "Do you know that the earth was once completely flooded with water?" "No it wasn't. That's not true!" And you look at Mars, there's not a drop of water on the whole planet.
Except the poles, which are covered in ice (H20 and CO2).

They say it was completely flooded with water.
Don't lie to your listeners.

The earth is 2/3rds covered with water a mile deep and they say, "It was never covered with water." I mean, they're lunatics. They're just flat out lunatics.
Yea, that logically follows.



New member

Why should he... just because you say so? Possibly if Gandi or Jesus asked Bob to stop lying he would - but ever consider how the evolution of power has evolved? You have no power over Bob, neither do I - yet you seem to think there is a sane reason to tell him to stop, this is not very scientific.

With Christ's Love



New member
Jukia said:
The man remains clueless. But I do love to listen when he delves into science.

I agree Jukia ! The funny thing is, my ten year old thinks he makes sense, but my 15 year old thinks he's just an idiot. Guess we can figure out what mentality he targets ?


The Dark Knight
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servent101 said:

Call any man a fool, and this will not be forgiven of thee - know anyone who said that?

Have you looked at the posts, or did you just hit and run? The realm you are familiar with - well I would say study the Word a little more... then you might have an open enough mind to consider what people are saying.

Rumi - define me, narrow me - you deprive yourself of yourself, nail me down in a box of cold words - those words are your coffin.

With Christ's Love

Jeff isn't the one who said that.:rolleyes: He was quoting someone, hence the quote box. Grow a brain, Serpent. Then, maybe we can explain the verse that you tore out of context.


The Dark Knight
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Caille said:
I agree Jukia ! The funny thing is, my ten year old thinks he makes sense, but my 15 year old thinks he's just an idiot. Guess we can figure out what mentality he targets ?
Your ten year old is smarter than your fifteen year old. You should look into advanced classes.


New member
Lighthouse as always your
Grow a brain, Serpent.
suggests that you neither know the Lord, and you are simply finding a god in your own image to worship...

but I did re-read the post, and yes you are right - I did fly off the handle, so sorry Jefferson, did not read your post right,

So to whoever wrote that quote - I guess you do not know that speaking as you do to others is not of the "Best" behaviour, and is very harmful to you - that goes to you too Lighthouse you need to better deal with your angry comments if you ever want to be taken seriously as a follower of the Lord.

With Christ's Love



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I'm not angry. Why should I be angry at you for being an idiot?

Man, for someone who decries the idea of the Bible being the closed canon, you sure are quick to twist it to tell people they're going to hell. Oops, wait, I forgot, you don't beleive in hell. So, if I call someone a fool, where do I go when I die?:rolleyes:


New member
Why should he... just because you say so? Possibly if Gandi or Jesus asked Bob to stop lying he would - but ever consider how the evolution of power has evolved? You have no power over Bob, neither do I - yet you seem to think there is a sane reason to tell him to stop, this is not very scientific.
I'm not trying to be scientific. I'm calling Bob on his lie.

Proverbs 6:16-19 "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."

Colossians 3:9-10 "Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him."

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Bob Enyart: I overstated my illustration regarding Mars water

Bob Enyart: I overstated my illustration regarding Mars water

On my show yesterday, I overstated the case saying that our scientists claim that “Mars was once completely flooded with water.” I'll correct that today on air. I should have said, “some” of our scientists are saying Mars may have been “half-covered” by water.

What amount of water was on Mars at one time? This is a controversial question. Some astronomers think Mars may have been half-covered by oceans at one time, meaning there was a lot of water, perhaps equal to a few kilometers thick if spread around the whole planet.
I was to flippantly repeating or even exaggerating the reports I’ve heard for many years that “Mars was flooded,” “drenched,” “covered,” “catastrophic flooding,” “awash in water.”
Ever since data was returned from the first Viking landings on Mars more than 20 years ago, scientists have believed that Mars was flooded by water billions of years ago. But it is the possible presence of standing water -- a requirement for life -- that is most tantalizing to scientists.
Have the recent Mars rovers’ findings moderated the former reports, now suggesting less water than was previously speculated? Or had my recollection simply exaggerated the amount of water formerly reported?
Associated Press, Richmond Times-Dispatch, 5-8-97
Scientists know that Mars was covered with water 3.5 billion or 4 billion years ago, but its surface is dry today.
Of course the entire point of my jesting stands. Scientists can acknowledge evidence of enormous quantities of water on a planet as dry as Mars; but because of their bias against the historical accounts of Scripture, they claim it’s ludicrous to believe the massively drenched earth was once covered.

Durham University website, U.K.
Recent detailed satellite imagery and magnetometer data suggest that ~300 million years ago Mars was covered with water.
QUESTION: Are there any obvious holes in my theory of Mars evolution? At one time Mars was covered with water ice… The water evaporated into space over time and left the rusty, dusty planes of today. …
ANSWER from Peter Thomas on August 1, 1997: “…the outflow events, although obviously great from the areas affected, probably did not involve much more than the equivalent of a few meters or tens of meters water spread over the planet... more like big lakes than oceans worth.
Smithsonian Museum: mentions “basins in the Martian highlands that may have contained lakes.”
Water on Mars: “Similar to ongoing science results from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft currently in orbit around Mars, Pathfinder data suggest that the planet may have been awash in water three billion to 4.5 billion years ago…. In addition, the bulk of the landing site appears to have been deposited by large volumes of water, and the hills on the horizon known as Twin Peaks appear to be streamlined islands shaped by water. But Pathfinder images also suggest that the landing site is essentially unchanged since catastrophic flooding sent rocks tumbling across the plain two billion years ago.”

By the way, you know those Martian meteorites from Antartica and elsewhere that I’ve long said were probably not Martian but very possibly terrestrial? Well, here's more data to ponder:
The current assessment of data from this instrument suggests that all of the rocks studied by the rover resemble a type of volcanic rock with a high silicon content known on Earth as andesite, covered with a fine layer of dust. All of the rocks appear to be chemically far different from meteorites discovered on Earth that are believed to have come from Mars.

Thanks, -Bob

ps. Let the feeding frenzy continue...

Nathon Detroit

Jefferson said:
Noah's Flood on Mars

[Evolutionary scientists] say, "The earth is just so ordinary and typical in the universe, in the galaxy. There's billions of them." Well, there's no others in our solar system. We're the only "earth" that has liquid water on it for biological life. And if you look at Mars, our scientists are saying, "Do you know that Mars was once completely flooded with water?" And we say, "Do you know that the earth was once completely flooded with water?" "No it wasn't. That's not true!" And you look at Mars, there's not a drop of water on the whole planet. They say it was completely flooded with water. The earth is 2/3rds covered with water a mile deep and they say, "It was never covered with water." I mean, they're lunatics. They're just flat out lunatics.


Brilliant point and hilarious quote!


New member
I overstated the case saying that our scientists claim that “Mars was once completely flooded with water.” I'll correct that today on air. I should have said, “some” of our scientists are saying Mars may have been “half-covered” by water.
Thank you.

I was to flippantly repeating or even exaggerating the reports I’ve heard for many years that “Mars was flooded,” “drenched,” “covered,” “catastrophic flooding,” “awash in water.”
Be careful with "flippantly repeating" and "exaggerating" your facts, some of your listeners are counting on you.

Of course the entire point of my jesting stands. Scientists can acknowledge evidence of enormous quantities of water on a planet as dry as Mars; but because of their bias against the historical accounts of Scripture, they claim it’s ludicrous to believe the massively drenched earth was once covered.
You shouldn't have to exaggerate and flippantly give facts to make your point. Clearly we're in a better position to evaluate the extent of flooding on earth than we are flooding on mars. That's why there is virtually no debate among geologists over the idea of a global flood on earth, while the debate over the extent of flooding on mars rages on.

Do not fool yourself. There is no bias against scriptures. There is only evidence.

Edit: Also, I'd appreciate it if those who leave negative reputation would state their username and leave a comment, so I at least know why I'm receiving it and from who.
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