Marijuana; forbidden fruit or gift from god?

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I think that this is a good one, marijuana (pot for ease of typing) grows naturally almost evrywhere on earth. For this reason I ask if pot is everywhere as a temptation from the devil, or a gift from god.
Gimme your input, a gift or temptation?


New member
I suppose there are all kinds of natural things that if ingested, inhaled, or injected they could alter your brain.
I suppose there are all kinds of natural things that if ingested, inhaled, or injected they could alter your brain.

This is true, but none are found in such a variety of locations as pot, and most need to be processed in one way or another. It is our knowledge that allows us to use most of those, marijuaha just needs to be cultivated.


Well-known member
Marijuana (proper name Cannabis) has been used for medical purposes for over 12,000 years. Ancient historical pharmaceutical texts dating back some 2,000 years detail the wide variety of uses for this plant that grows throughout the world. Medical uses of cannabis are only now being rediscovered after some eighty years of prohibition in the United States. Canada and Western Europe are advancing quickly in the provision of laws to allow for medical cannabis and new classes of pharmaceuticals based on cannabinoids....
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