Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Ill-mannered, low class, hate filled, lying trolls is all you two are being today.
Just couldn't let anyone here have a nice time and be happy about things, could ya?
Hell no! You will have none of that!
You would rather moan and groan about every little thing and make everyone miserable.
On and on and on, yall's hatred and put downs are all you live for in every single thread.
It's pathetic and you are being nothing but devious uncouth little trolls.

Did your mothers not teach you any manners at all???????????????????????
Can ya have any?
Just for one thread?????????
Ya just gotta keep being jerks.
And on Christmas, at that.

How is anyone being "ill mannered" here? Or lying? I've been entirely honest on this thread from the get go and it has nothing to do with what you suggest whatsoever. I want someone a damn sight more qualified to be president than the current oaf who has been a public (and no doubt private) embarrassment since he took office, not just for America's sake but the world in general.

If you want to take that as personal and get so stroppy about things then that's on you. If you wanted to have a 'cheerleading' thread only then you should have started a private club instead of a thread in politics frankly. Spare me the 'trolling' rubbish too because you aren't being, unless having a contrary opinion to your own has suddenly been redefined...

Hope you had a good Christmas.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
One thread, jerk.
You don't even have the manners or the tolerance to not spread your vile in just one thread.
You have to ruin them all.
TOL does not need that.

What does it need Tam? Threads where only consenting and flag waving opinions to the OP are allowed? Get over it. If you want a Trump fan club then you could have started a social group, else this is the politics section of a supposed debating forum.

patrick jane

What does it need Tam? Threads where only consenting and flag waving opinions to the OP are allowed? Get over it. If you want a Trump fan club then you could have started a social group, else this is the politics section of a supposed debating forum.
Calling someone a groper and a molester who only talked about groping and has never been charged with a sexual crime is pathetic. Is that all you guys can talk about? A bunch of aCW's.


Well-known member
From one of my morning news blogs

From one of my morning news blogs

Interesting take.

Jim Jordan [R - Ohio] is coming out and openly proclaiming what many of us have long suspected; that the entire dossier was a pretext to get FISA warrants as the fig leaf to spy on anyone associated with the Trump campaign, and subsequently the then-nascent presidency, in an effort to sabotage it.

Had Mueller been fired way back when, perhaps none of this would've come to light and the optics would have been that Trump must, ipso facto, be guilty of collusion. And that was what the Democrat-Left-Media complex was banking on. Unfortunately, the President had other ideas and now the former are all scrambling to defend what more and more people are seeing to be a thoroughly corrupt FBI. And that leads us to a related story where Florida GOP Rep Francis Rooney is calling for a "purge" within the Deep State to get rid of the insurrectionist elements within that are illegally hampering and in fact maliciously harming the President.

If this analysis is true, it means that Trump is, strategically, the equivalent of Emperor Palpatine -- the master strategist who disguised himself as a befuddled and ultimately harmless doof, but in reality was brutally playing all sides against each other without their realizing it until the trap was sprung. If Trump went Art of War on them from the get go, playing possum to give them enough rope to hang themselves, which they're now in the process of doing over this whole fake issue, then the whole "Bush was misunderstimated" (which was false) can't hold a candle to this. 9th dimensional chess master vs children playing checkers.


Interesting take.

If this analysis is true, it means that Trump is, strategically, the equivalent of Emperor Palpatine -- the master strategist who disguised himself as a befuddled and ultimately harmless doof, but in reality was brutally playing all sides against each other without their realizing it until the trap was sprung. If Trump went Art of War on them from the get go, playing possum to give them enough rope to hang themselves, which they're now in the process of doing over this whole fake issue, then the whole "Bush was misunderstimated" (which was false) can't hold a candle to this. 9th dimensional chess master vs children playing checkers.
Donald Trump did not succeed without MSM/CFR complicity.
(MainStream Media/Council on Foreign Relation)

patrick jane

Interesting take.

If this analysis is true, it means that Trump is, strategically, the equivalent of Emperor Palpatine -- the master strategist who disguised himself as a befuddled and ultimately harmless doof, but in reality was brutally playing all sides against each other without their realizing it until the trap was sprung. If Trump went Art of War on them from the get go, playing possum to give them enough rope to hang themselves, which they're now in the process of doing over this whole fake issue, then the whole "Bush was misunderstimated" (which was false) can't hold a candle to this. 9th dimensional chess master vs children playing checkers.
It ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
All things in moderation... including nationalism. Take nationalism to extremes, and it turns into something really ugly. We cannot completely abandon other nations, or treat them as puppet nations and banana republics.

On the other hand, a bleeding heart is eventually fatal. You do not take bread from the children to feed the homeless.

As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The new year is here and America hasn't gone down in flames as the left wanted you think.

Ben Shapiro show Jan 2, 2018

Protests break out in Iran,
the media work to play defense for the Obama administration,
Logan Paul and his suicide youtube video,
and CNN goes to pot (filming folks smoking bongs at New Years Party for live TV).
