LOST - discussion about the TV series LOST. ** SPOILER ALERT **


Well-known member
Maybe there's a pony in there...


It's a solid theory.

I've thought there'll be a pony in a locked room on Widmore's sub since I saw the first few minutes of the first episode of season one.

But I can't figure out if it'll be a pony from the past/future or the future/past... I have to do more calculations. Also, I can't figure out if it'll be black, white or some sort of zebra-stripe.

I'm leaning towards a reversed zebra-striped pony, but it's difficult to say for sure.

And it's free. If you can imagine it.

Seems unrealistic.


Well-known member
Maybe we'll find out what the island is tonight (though I watch the episode tomorrow).

Any predictions on the episode?


New member
Hall of Fame
Me and my step-son always try to find a "thing" to do together on the week's he's here. We decided last week to start watching Lost over the internet and got past the first four shows. We're waiting until he gets back Friday to pick up from there. We'll probably go through quite a few episodes this coming weekend and maybe five or six more over the week after that. We can't find anything on t.v. right now that's especially interesting and regularly scheduled shows tend to get pre-empted by homework anyway. Internet tv we can watch whenever, you know? :chuckle:

Nathon Detroit

Maybe we'll find out what the island is tonight (though I watch the episode tomorrow).

Any predictions on the episode?
Well... it being a "Richard episode" it's a bit difficult to predict. We know so little about Richard.

I'm looking forward to it.


Well-known member
I don't think there'll be much if any sub/door-related info. But I think this'll be one of the most revealing episodes so far. At least island history-wise. Richard's deal (literally).

Nathon Detroit

I don't think there'll be much if any sub/door-related info. But I think this'll be one of the most revealing episodes so far. At least island history-wise. Richard's deal (literally).
I wonder if we will learn why the island endowed Richard with permanent eye liner? :think:


Well-known member
Well... it being a "Richard episode" it's a bit difficult to predict. We know so little about Richard.

I'm looking forward to it.

Yeah, me too. :)

Some MIB in his Jacob beach-conversation persona?? Probably both of them (Jacob & MIB).

I don't have regular TV, so I watch the episodes the following day... Frustrating waiting through the Tuesdays when it actually airs. Like a piece of cheesecake existing that I can't eat until tomorrow.

I wonder if we will learn why the island endowed Richard with permanent eye liner? :think:

I figure he made a deal where he had to be extra mysterious forever and the eyeliner was a stipulation (somehow he managed to find a loophole where he got to stop wearing the cape).

Or maybe that's what's behind the locked sub door: Makeup room.


Well-known member
SPOILER below (warning):

I usually stay away from these, but there was a hint given that the island is a 4-letter word with an O and without an A or E. If that clue's true, my prediction is "cork." I've also heard ship, port, moon, door...

The Graphite

New member
SPOILER below (warning):

I usually stay away from these, but there was a hint given that the island is a 4-letter word with an O and without an A or E. If that clue's true, my prediction is "cork." I've also heard ship, port, moon, door...

Yes, they actually confirmed the hint - it is a cork. I predict the island is a cork for a kind of hole in our world/universe into another. Gee, hey, haven't we been seeing events happening in two different universes, lately? Could that have anything to do with it? ;)

The Graphite

New member
Nice genetic inheritance for any daughters he might have- I'm jealous!
I can't remember if I pointed this out earlier in this thread or not (and I"m pretty busy at work right now, except when I'm on hold), but actually... not only does Nestor Carbonell not wear eyeliner, but TV make-up artists actually use make-up to make his eyes less dark than they naturally are.

Carbonell has naturally very dark and thick eyelashes that make it look like he has eyeliner. The Lost cast & crew did, however, put on a funny skit with Carbonell at a major Comic-Con in which he pretended to put on a Christian-Bale-like rant after being caught applying eyeliner in his dressing room. It was all a fun joke, however.

Nestor Carbonell is the bomb; he's one of my top three performances on the show, without a doubt. And anyone who hasn't seen his deeply moving portrayal of Latino superhero "Batmanuel" in the sadly short-lived TV show "The Tick" is truly missing something awesome!

This is what I told my wife the very first show in Season 1, that they are all dead and in hell.

However, how can that be true, if the 6 went back to LA?


New member

This is what I told my wife the very first show in Season 1, that they are all dead and in hell.

However, how can that be true, if the 6 went back to LA?

I don't think it's hell. I think it's some weird purgatory narrative in which each character is tested one last time before their judgement or something like that.