ECT Lets talk about how God views the Ungodly

Cross Reference

New member
Did I say anything about "how they had to perform" or anything that even came close to "judging". Please tell me you at least attempt to read someone's post before you try and respond.

God created everyone with a conscience. It doesn't matter where they live, because God can see into their heart. So stop posting if you can't keep from letting your stupidity bubble over like that.

It's really no wonder nobody can have a discussion with you. :loser:

Starting by saying something is silly is no way to begin one either. Your disagreeing are your prerogative. With you I am left with only hope against hope you might do so in an objective way. However, that is who you are.


Well-known member
Starting by saying something is silly is no way to begin one either. Your disagreeing are your prerogative. With you I am left with only hope against hope you might do so in an objective way. However, that is who you are.

And you know my name is not dazed.

No, CR, don't try to make this about me. You wanted to talk about how God views the Ungodly and then you post a bunch of pictures of innocent children. The least you could have done was post pictures of the "ungodly"....although I'm not sure how you'd know them to be such. :think:


Did I say anything about "how they had to perform" or anything that even came close to "judging". Please tell me you at least attempt to read someone's post before you try and respond.

God created everyone with a conscience. It doesn't matter where they live, because God can see into their heart. So stop posting if you can't keep from letting your stupidity bubble over like that.

It's really no wonder nobody can have a discussion with you. :loser:



They were trained by their parents. I would have to assume that their parents were also innocent.

Hell no.
Those who perished without the law will be judged by their rejection of what God revealed of Himself in nature.

That which is revealed in creation is sufficient to condemn but not sufficient to provide salvation and there is no scriptural support for an age of accountability, that's a lie of Satan


Ok...I'm pretty sure He doesn't view them that way.

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
John 7:24

But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
I Samuel 16:7

And if this is about children, wouldn't it be better for us all to stay as children if the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these?



There love for their animals is all we need to see that expresses their loving dispositions, don't you think? -- I guess not. What more do you think they need for salvation?

Seems you can't get off the subject of salvation. Don't you believe there is more to God and Jesus then just getting saved, you meaning more to him than just escaping hell??

Again, the issue of salvation. I don't get it when the Bible is filled with so much more of what God is after from His creation AFTER they get redeemed.

They will go to hell along with Genghis Kahn unless they:

1. Hear the gospel
2. Accept the free gift of the Son of God.

You are a heretic


Where did they live? Did he live where this people lived?

What do you believe is needed for their salvation given God has revealed Himself to them in so many ways that they demonstrate it through their kindnesses and care for their animals and each other?

Where did I bring up the issue of the "ungodly"?

Do you believe they were unrighteous as well as ungodly? Your should consider Abraham's spiritual condition before God called him, before you answer.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
And you know my name is not dazed.

No, CR, don't try to make this about me. You wanted to talk about how God views the Ungodly and then you post a bunch of pictures of innocent children. The least you could have done was post pictures of the "ungodly"....although I'm not sure how you'd know them to be such. :think:

Believe me posting with CR is a complete waste of time.

Cross Reference

New member
Well, that's just silly. People grow up and begin to choose to do what they know is wrong. I don't care where they live or how they're "trained".

People grow up and begin to choose what they want by what their soul is influenced. Which ever way they choose and why, is not our call to make. To the innocent and righteous Jesus said, "Make disciples of them". He never once said, 'Go get people saved'.

Cross Reference

New member
And you know my name is not dazed.

No, CR, don't try to make this about me. You wanted to talk about how God views the Ungodly and then you post a bunch of pictures of innocent children. The least you could have done was post pictures of the "ungodly"....although I'm not sure how you'd know them to be such. :think:

You made it about you with your silly comment and judgment call.

We know from scripture that Abraham was a righteous man but without God until God chose him to reveal Himself. Those kids are no different, even their parents. They, parents as well, are His kids. Jesus died for them He redeemed them. Unless they had heard the gospel and rejected it, they are innocent except for any unrighteous act that God alone will judge in that day:

And, “If the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?” 1 Peter 4:18 (ESV)

You judged these people sinners, did you not? Why?

Cross Reference

New member
Please do not create a thread with nothing but links to another site.

Make your point here on TOL and then you can add a link. That way people know what the topic is without having to go research on another site.

OK. Sorry.

Here is what I am getting at:

I believe that the average Yak shepherd in Siberia reveals more of the glory of God when caring for his animals; his love for them, then most Christians in our culture. The question is "why", how can that be, if they have never heard there is a God?