Kratt on AIDS

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Split from this thread. -Nineveh

Nineveh said:
Except of course, what the tv people say...

Faith is the evidence of things unseen... then of course you never had that sort of experience right? Or is it that you believe atheism is a "faith"?

And obviously you have no clue about what has and is happening with the methodists and episcopals. You seem to think ignorance is bliss, it appears you practice what you preach :)

oh yesssssss. I expect a "fair and balanced" report of events from an athiest.

I'm afraid not. Reality is what it is. Pagans worshiped their own gods and some of these traditions are leftovers from those pagan practices. I am still all for letting folks know the truth, wish you were with me on this point.

Oh, right... We are in the new and improved enlightened era where all thoughts were first thunk. Don't be such a pompous scrooge. I'm sure there were even atheists way back... oh! Hey look! "The fool has said in his heart,“There is no God.”

Of course. See the reality of the pagan traditions isn't going to change, even if you wish it would. They will still be rooted in paganism even 10 years from now. And pilgrims will still have given thanks to their God....

Once again, you seem to want to "cleanse" religion form the customs so you can hang on to your charished few. And, I'll point this out again, hopefully you will catch on this time... the pilgrims didn't give thanks to God because of their denom, they gave thanks because they were Christian. Yule worshipers honored their own god because they worshiped odin. It's pretty simple.

I's glad to see you want to dsay more than just "it's pagan". But now you are risking that religious connotation again thereby voiding your public approval.

That means we aren't a Rep Republic anymore. That's not a good thing. Seeing as though it was the people of the states that brought the fed into existance to begin with.

No, the truth is still the truth, whether you want folks to know it or not.

You don't think I do? I'd rather folks still have their freedom of religion like way back when instead of your sterile utopia.

Yes, you do.

And you seem content with that, let's keep folks in the dark so Punisher can have his/her "Christmas Tree" without feeling like a hypocrite :)

Let's just spray paint everything gray. And break out the white out to remove all vestiges of the mention of God from State and Fed documents, too.

Like I said, you only speak for yourself. Even the word "halloween" has religious roots.

Except the 30 + I posted last year.

And one of the first to poo-poo the religious bigotry that provoked it.

Right. Your reality changes. Exploiting folks really isn't bad for anyone anymore.

I'm more than familliar with the author that ignited the "sexual revolution". Kinsey was a sick and twisted pervert.

Why not ask the half a million dying AIDS victims (check the CDC for the stats) about their death style and how it was the leading cause of their illness?

What? Brokeback "cowboys"?

Same here :)

Actually..... current statistics are showing that the fastest growing population now being infected with HIV is Heterosexual NON-promiscuos Women (high among women of color) who are getting infected from their husbands and boyfriends who are a. IV Drug Users or haveing Affairs. And World wide the leading group of those with HIV are Married women who were infected by their husbands.... CDC Generally reflects US cases only.. and many times the Data is not exactly current.... you should check out the California Office of AIDS Prevention and Programs and see what current statistics are..... married monogamous women are trusting their husbands toooo much... and because they trusting them are the fastest growing population of new HIV infected cases.. especially among women of color (black and hispanic) but even white women are growing.. because the the increase of men going to prostitutes, Down Low, and IV Drug use... Also those incarcerated in Prisons are a growing part of the HIV problem from IV Drug use in prison (guards bring them the drugs but not needles so they share) and from unprotected sex
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Merely Christian
Adam_Kratt said:
Actually..... current statistics are showing that the fastest growing population now being infected with HIV is Heterosexual NON-promiscuos Women (high among women of color) who are getting infected from their husbands and boyfriends who are a. IV Drug Users or haveing Affairs. And World wide the leading group of those with HIV are Married women who were infected by their husbands.... CDC Generally reflects US cases only.. and many times the Data is not exactly current.... you should check out the California Office of AIDS Prevention and Programs and see what current statistics are..... married monogamous women are trusting their husbands toooo much... and because they trusting them are the fastest growing population of new HIV infected cases.. especially among women of color (black and hispanic) but even white women are growing.. because the the increase of men going to prostitutes, Down Low, and IV Drug use... Also those incarcerated in Prisons are a growing part of the HIV problem from IV Drug use in prison (guards bring them the drugs but not needles so they share) and from unprotected sex

That's swell. Why not create a new thread to express your ideas about AIDS? Maybe on your new thread you could include a bit more info than just your opinion, and you might like to include a bit about "cruising" for anonymous sex that some "monogamous married hetero" men like to engage in as well.


New member
Nineveh said:
That's swell. Why not create a new thread to express your ideas about AIDS? Maybe on your new thread you could include a bit more info than just your opinion, and you might like to include a bit about "cruising" for anonymous sex that some "monogamous married hetero" men like to engage in as well.

actually it is the men who do the cruising and take it home to their wives or girlfriends who have been faithful in the relationship.


New member
Nineveh said:
That's swell. Why not create a new thread to express your ideas about AIDS? Maybe on your new thread you could include a bit more info than just your opinion, and you might like to include a bit about "cruising" for anonymous sex that some "monogamous married hetero" men like to engage in as well.

and it is not my opinion..... I work in HIV Prevention. I provide HIV Testing and HIV Preventive Counseling... alot of women who have been faithful to their husbands are getting it.. many of them because of their husbands IV drug use or cheating with Prostitutes. You can sit on your high horse.. or get out in the real world and see what is really going on. You can sit behind your computer screen in your middle class suburbanite neighborhood and show your ignorance.. or you can be part of the solution. With your Conservative Haggard cruising for sex and drugs.... i wonder if he has been tested or his wife...... you are just a pillar of ignorant bigotted hate arent you.


Merely Christian
Adam_Kratt said:
actually it is the men who do the cruising and take it home to their wives or girlfriends who have been faithful in the relationship.

So in reality it does have something to do with homosexuality, even in the hetero community.

I work in HIV Prevention. I provide HIV Testing and HIV Preventive Counseling

I hope you include engaging in homosexuality is a major cause.

or you can be part of the solution.

I do. I try to warn people away from the dangers of being a homo. I am also a strong advocate for sex only within marriage. As well as a stong advocate for not being "dopey".

you are just a pillar of ignorant bigotted hate arent you.

Whell! That was a pretty hateful, mean and bigotted thing to say! So that must make you a "pillar" of hypocrisy :)

If you want to continue this convo further, please start a new thread :)


New member
Nineveh said:
So in reality it does have something to do with homosexuality, even in the hetero community.

I hope you include engaging in homosexuality is a major cause.

I do. I try to warn people away from the dangers of being a homo. I am also a strong advocate for sex only within marriage. As well as a stong advocate for not being "dopey".

Whell! That was a pretty hateful, mean and bigotted thing to say! So that must make you a "pillar" of hypocrisy :)

If you want to continue this convo further, please start a new thread :)

Homosexuality is only part of HIV transmission.. many Heterosexual men get it from female prostitutes and from using HIV drugs. Also HIV is also contracted in rare cases in the United States and more common in Africa and Asia through blood transfusions.

Hey so sex only with in Marriage... hmm I wonder if Homosexuals were allowed to marry if monogamy in their relationships would lead to a decrease in HIV infection among Homosexuals.

And being a Homosexual is not a major cause for HIV transmission. Promiscuity and Unprotected Sex is a major cause for HIV infection.

And in HIV Counseling you do not judge the client. you use clinet based counseling.. you find out where the client is and then you suggest and encourage safer sex options.. you would be surprised how well support and encourage ment works toward changing behavior much more then judgment does


Merely Christian
Adam_Kratt said:
Homosexuality is only part of HIV transmission..

Let's be honest here. In the US it is the major part.

Let's look to be sure:

Exposure Category (Cumulative):
Male-to-male sexual contact: 441,380
Injection Drug Use: 248,813
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use: 64,833
Heterosexual contact: 159,114
Other ( Includes hemophilia, blood transfusion, perinatal, and risk not reported or not identified.): 20,721

many Heterosexual men get it from female prostitutes and from using HIV drugs.

That's true. And some get it in other ways. But lets not ignore the stats because it's not convenient for the homos.

Also HIV is also contracted in rare cases in the United States and more common in Africa and Asia through blood transfusions.

Actually, bob b started an interesting thread that indicates AIDS in Africa may be being miscalculated. I also found an article that mosquitoes could be a major problem with AIDS in Africa as well. I know AIDS is a global problem, but to be quite honest, I'd like to focus on how to curb it here in my own back yard.

Hey so sex only with in Marriage... hmm I wonder if Homosexuals were allowed to marry if monogamy in their relationships would lead to a decrease in HIV infection among Homosexuals.

If you are gunna dream... dream big. Promiscuity is part of the homo deathstyle. You can rage against that fact all you like, but with all the cruising, bathhouses, AIDS and websites dedicated to anonymous sex you would be living in a dream world.

And being a Homosexual is not a major cause for HIV transmission. Promiscuity and Unprotected Sex is a major cause for HIV infection.

Then, according to the stats, homos care less about "protected sex" more than any other group of infected folks.

And in HIV Counseling you do not judge the client. you use clinet based counseling.. you find out where the client is and then you suggest and encourage safer sex options.. you would be surprised how well support and encourage ment works toward changing behavior much more then judgment does

"Here, trust your health and life to this tiny thin piece of latex that is shown to have the average size holes bigger than an AIDS virus. Have a nice day!"

As a Christian, it would seem lik you would desire the best for people. IE: Sex only within the marriage of two hetero folks. Sounds to me like you are more for trying to cleanse away all the natural repercussions of breaking God's Law instead.

I wonder how many people take your advice then wind up pregnant or infected with an STD. It's sad a professed Christian would ecourage people to be sluts. :(


New member
Actually...... promiscuity is no more rampant with in the Homosexual community then it is with in the heterosexual population. I ca tell you from first hand knowledge from counseling both heterosexual and homosexuals for HIV. a majority of the Homosexuals who I have tested are in monogamous relationships whereas many of the Heterosexual men have either cheated on their wives with a female prostitute or engaged in sexual relations in bath houses. interestingly one of my co-workers does HIV testing in bathhouses and although it is same sex activity which goes on in there from his sessions most of the men in those bathhouses identify as Heterosexual and have wives and kids at home Please do not share homo activities, we don't need to hear about their perversions, thanks. From what my co-worker says most of the men in the bathhouses are generally married men. I on the other hand work in a clinic in Hollywood and in a mobile testing unit in west hollywood where my clients are a majority of them are homosexual and from my sessions most are in monogamous relationships .. whereas a majority of my heterosexual clients disclose multiple partners. I generally test a few hundred people a week so i admit i have limited contact. But when I see the reports of new infections more and more women are testing positive and the statistics show they are heterosexual and in a manogamous relationship. (at least on their part) As for the mosquito allegation.. much research has been done on that subject and has been found to have no foundation. In both Africa and Asia HIV is primarily a Heterosexual disease and the biggest casues of transmission are tainted blood supplies and heterosexual spousal exchange. It is true that originally in the United States the hardest population hit with HIV was the Homosexual Community but research has shown that is was never exclusivily Homosexual. In fact while the incidents of Homosexual Infection can only be shown to have existed in the early 80's some indications that pockets of the HIV virus might have occured prior to that primarily in the Heterosexual community as early as the 40's and 50's among WWII veterans. And then disappeared and resurfaced either in the late 70's or early 80's.. with the first cases showing up in 1982. the interesting thing is that the U.S. Government put a date of 1977. for restrictions... some think that the new cases of HIV infection might have been a deliberate attempt to destroy the gay Rights Movement in the late 1970 early 1980 era
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Merely Christian
Adam_Kratt said:
Actually...... promiscuity is no more rampant with in the Homosexual community then it is with in the heterosexual population.

I'll agree with that. Since our kids are being taught they have the ability to assume adult activities. Oddly enough however, that 2% (homo) of the population still has over twice the AIDS rate as the second leading cause (needles) and almost 4 times heteros..

I ca tell you from first hand knowledge from counseling both heterosexual and homosexuals for HIV. a majority of the Homosexuals who I have tested are in monogamous relationships

Are most homos needle users? Is that what you are saying (cuz' the stats don't agree)? Or do you believe they catch it like a cold?

whereas many of the Heterosexual men have either cheated on their wives with a female prostitute or engaged in sexual relations in bath houses.

Right, as I said before, homosexuality plays a part even in heteroes getting it.

From what my co-worker says most of the men in the bathhouses are generally married men.

I think we have established some "hetero men" are homos.

I on the other hand work in a clinic in Hollywood and in a mobile testing unit in west hollywood where my clients are a majority of them are homosexual and from my sessions most are in monogamous relationships

I have a feeling homos define "monogamous" about as well as "heteros" who hang out in bathhouses.

more and more women are testing positive

Don't you think it's time to quit playing games with people's lives and start telling the truth about homoism.

and the statistics show they are heterosexual and in a manogamous relationship.

So what? AIDS is airborn now, is that what you would like me to believe?

much research has been done on that subject and has been found to have no foundation.

Much? Funny, that report was just released.

It is true that originally in the United States the hardest population hit with HIV was the Homosexual Community but research has shown that is was never exclusivily Homosexual.

Did you bother to look at the stats? Homos are still most at risk.

some think that the new cases of HIV infection might have been a deliberate attempt to destroy the gay Rights Movement in the late 1970 early 1980 era

Or, it could just be that that the homo deathstyle spreads AIDS. Wow, that would have been a really easy "plot" avoid, wouldn't it?


New member
Originally Posted by Adam_Kratt

Actually...... promiscuity is no more rampant with in the Homosexual community then it is with in the heterosexual population.

I'll agree with that. Since our kids are being taught they have the ability to assume adult activities. Oddly enough however, that 2% (homo) of the population still has over twice the AIDS rate as the second leading cause (needles) and almost 4 times heteros..

I ca tell you from first hand knowledge from counseling both heterosexual and homosexuals for HIV. a majority of the Homosexuals who I have tested are in monogamous relationships

Are most homos needle users? Is that what you are saying (cuz' the stats don't agree)? Or do you believe they catch it like a cold?

actually a majority of the homosexuals I test for HIV are negative...

whereas many of the Heterosexual men have either cheated on their wives with a female prostitute or engaged in sexual relations in bath houses.

Right, as I said before, homosexuality plays a part even in heteroes getting it.

From what my co-worker says most of the men in the bathhouses are generally married men.

I think we have established some "hetero men" are homos.

This is your second warning. If you continue being vulgar you will be banned.

I on the other hand work in a clinic in Hollywood and in a mobile testing unit in west hollywood where my clients are a majority of them are homosexual and from my sessions most are in monogamous relationships

I have a feeling homos define "monogamous" about as well as "heteros" who hang out in bathhouses.

I think alot of Homosexual have a good concept about Monogamy.... if Gays were as promiscious as many conservatives spout.. then all Homosexuals would be positive by now... but it isnt.... infact.. the rate of new infections in Homosexuals is slowing down while the rate of Heterosexual infection is rising

more and more women are testing positive

Don't you think it's time to quit playing games with people's lives and start telling the truth about homoism.

Lets see..... straight women are catching it primarily from their husbands.... hmm i think it is more important to tell women to get tested regularly and force their husband to use a condom if they want to have sexual relations

and the statistics show they are heterosexual and in a manogamous relationship.

So what? AIDS is airborn now, is that what you would like me to believe?

No HIV is not airborne. Just because one partner is monogamous doesnt mean the other has cheated or been involved in IV Drug Use. also some research was done into tattoo's and piercing and it is believed that some cases may have been spread from unlean tatto and piercing practicies. and there are still instances of HIV infected blood and blood products being infected.

much research has been done on that subject and has been found to have no foundation.

Much? Funny, that report was just released.

There was a scare 10 years ago about the possiblity of Mosquito transmission of HIV it was investigated and found to be false. Just because a new generation of research is starting which is trying to go that route doesnt make it valid

It is true that originally in the United States the hardest population hit with HIV was the Homosexual Community but research has shown that is was never exclusivily Homosexual.

Did you bother to look at the stats? Homos are still most at risk.

Homosexual are not the highest at risk. They still are the largest population in the United States of those with HIV BUT the fastest growing population with HIV is Heterosexual Women. But World wide Heterosexuals still make up the majority of HIV cases.

some think that the new cases of HIV infection might have been a deliberate attempt to destroy the gay Rights Movement in the late 1970 early 1980 era

Or, it could just be that that the homo deathstyle spreads AIDS. Wow, that would have been a really easy "plot" avoid, wouldn't it?

actually if it was homosexuality that was the issue with HIV..... then answer this why is it that LESBIANS make up less then .01% of HIV cases? And have never been considered at risk for HIV?
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Merely Christian
I'm not sure if you are familliar with how to reply yet. Simply hit "reply" at the bottom of the post you want to reply to. Start each sentence/paragraph with [ QUOTE ] (without the spaces) and close each paragraph with [ / QUOTE ]. It makes it a lot easier for all involved to reply :)

Adam_Kratt said:
Actually...... promiscuity is no more rampant with in the Homosexual community then it is with in the heterosexual population.

Anonymous sex is way more rampant. I already told you, if you want to go on over this point, you are living in a dream world.

I ca tell you from first hand knowledge from counseling both heterosexual and homosexuals for HIV. a majority of the Homosexuals who I have tested are in monogamous relationships

Right. I tend to believe homos define "monogamous" vastly different tham most. Same with "hetero".

actually a majority of the homosexuals I test for HIV are negative...

For now. But that didn't answer my question.

Just because they have non emotional rare sex with a man for gratification doesnt make them Homosexual..

Homosexual: someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex

I'm only going to tell you one more time, quit being vulgar. If you insist on being vulgar you will be banned.

I think alot of Homosexual have a good concept about Monogamy.... if Gays were as promiscious as many conservatives spout.. then all Homosexuals would be positive by now... but it isnt.... infact.. the rate of new infections in Homosexuals is slowing down while the rate of Heterosexual infection is rising

How many of 2% does it take? You have already agreed cruising is a culprit in homos taking it home to wives. In fact, not too long ago the lower rate of infection was attributed to shutting down bathhouses and homos being scared. The article I was reading was predicting a resurgence because homos are becoming less afraid. And according to the CDC stats, homos are still most at risk.

Lets see..... straight women are catching it primarily from their husbands.... hmm i think it is more important to tell women to get tested regularly and force their husband to use a condom if they want to have sexual relations

The problem isn't married monogamous heteros. That's the only right and safe place for sex. It's homos and adulterers who are putting their families at risk. If a wife has to put plastic between herself and her own flesh, it's time to end the marriage. You really should quit lying to people about the "safety" of abusing sex. Don't be a moron.

No HIV is not airborne. Just because one partner is monogamous doesnt mean the other has cheated or been involved in IV Drug Use. also some research was done into tattoo's and piercing and it is believed that some cases may have been spread from unlean tatto and piercing practicies. and there are still instances of HIV infected blood and blood products being infected.

You need to do a recount. All the other ways of getting AIDS combined doesn't add up to homos.

There was a scare 10 years ago...

Try reading the link I gave you, then reply.

Homosexual are not the highest at risk. They still are the largest population in the United States of those with HIV BUT the fastest growing population with HIV is Heterosexual Women. But World wide Heterosexuals still make up the majority of HIV cases.

Now, read the CDC link, and try replying again.

actually if it was homosexuality that was the issue with HIV..... then answer this why is it that LESBIANS make up less then .01% of HIV cases? And have never been considered at risk for HIV?

Do you know what AIDS was called before it was called AIDS? Gay Man's Bowel Syndrome. Why don't fomos get it? Because the transmission is blood to blood and blood to semen. Hopefully you can figure the reason why out form there without getting vulgar.

icilian fenner

New member
Nineveh said:
Anonymous sex is way more rampant. I already told you, if you want to go on over this point, you are living in a dream world.

do you know, or assume?

Right. I tend to believe homos define "monogamous" vastly different tham most. Same with "hetero".

Support with evidence.

How many of 2% does it take? You have already agreed cruising is a culprit in homos taking it home to wives.
I think FEMALE prostitutes were the ones identified.

To clarify, Bisexuality is the attraction to both sexes, not homosexuality.


New member
Adam_Kratt said:
Actually..... current statistics are showing that the fastest growing population now being infected with HIV is Heterosexual NON-promiscuos Women (high among women of color) who are getting infected from their husbands and boyfriends who are a. IV Drug Users or haveing Affairs. And World wide the leading group of those with HIV are Married women who were infected by their husbands.... CDC Generally reflects US cases only.. and many times the Data is not exactly current.... you should check out the California Office of AIDS Prevention and Programs and see what current statistics are..... married monogamous women are trusting their husbands toooo much... and because they trusting them are the fastest growing population of new HIV infected cases.. especially among women of color (black and hispanic) but even white women are growing.. because the the increase of men going to prostitutes, Down Low, and IV Drug use... Also those incarcerated in Prisons are a growing part of the HIV problem from IV Drug use in prison (guards bring them the drugs but not needles so they share) and from unprotected sex
I cannot assess the truth of any of this, because although comments about facts and stats are made, no sources are cited.

People, in my humble opinion, should not seriously interact with stuff like this until and unless sources are provided. Even then, only those specific claims within the post that are supported by those sources should be addressed. The rest can safely be hand waved away.


New member
Nineveh said:
Let's be honest here. In the US it is the major part.

Exposure Category (Cumulative):
Male-to-male sexual contact: 441,380
Injection Drug Use: 248,813
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use: 64,833
Heterosexual contact: 159,114
Other ( Includes hemophilia, blood transfusion, perinatal, and risk not reported or not identified.): 20,721


hmmmm let's look at the numbers 441,380 MSM infections

and here we have the numbers for those with no Homosexual history 428,648 infections

seems the numbers are pretty close 441,380 to 428,648

so the transmission between Heterosexual and Homosexual isnt as polarized as some would believe


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Most of these women are getting AIDS from their husbands who cheat on them with other men.:vomit:


New member
Nineveh said:
That's swell. Why not create a new thread to express your ideas about AIDS? Maybe on your new thread you could include a bit more info than just your opinion, and you might like to include a bit about "cruising" for anonymous sex that some "monogamous married hetero" men like to engage in as well.

Nineveh, I report what I see.. my opinions are based on what I do.... 4 days a week I conduct HIV Testing, Risk Assesment and Counseling. Recent cases show a trend of a rise in Heterosexual infection in the United States. Nineveh most of your knowledge of HIV infections come from a website.....

the official numbers you see on websites are based on "Confidential" test results. a majority of those who test positive for HIV have tested "Anonymous". Statistics represent only a fraction of the new cases.

Federal HIV Statistical Reports ONLY count a Positive Test result which was a obtained from a "Confidential" test. They do not count any Positive result obtained from an "Anonymous" test.

Actual number of new cases of HIV infections is more likely at least double those reported and it is more common for a Heterosexual to test Anonymous then it is for a Homosexual. Homosexuals are more then likely to test Confidential. To recieve treatment and case management someone would need to have obtained a Confidential HIV Positive Test.


New member
Lighthouse said:
Most of these women are getting AIDS from their husbands who cheat on them with other men.:vomit:

That is an assumption... I would also disagree.. from discussions and continued training I would believe most of these womens husbands became infected from female prostitutes or IV Drug use. The is no evidence to support the claim that most of these womens husbands were bi-sexual. There are many factors which have contributed to infections including: tattooing, iv drug use, prosititution. homosexuality, blood transfusions, plasma based products.

Lighthouse.. instead of relying on others distorted prpaganda why don't you get out there and find out the truth. You can believe your Wildemon and Robertsons if you want... but from my person experiences with counseling..also.. the numbers are screwed up... .. here is an example.....

a 30 year old man contracts HIV from a female prostitute... BUT when he was 18 and in college he had one experience with a college male friend and has done nothing else.... he will be listed as an HIV infection by a male who has sex with other men.. when in all actuality it is not true.. he was courious one 12 years before.. the one event has no relation to his HIV infection.. but statistically he will be listed as an HIV POZ infection by a man who has sex with a man.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Adam_Kratt said:
That is an assumption... I would also disagree.. from discussions and continued training I would believe most of these womens husbands became infected from female prostitutes or IV Drug use. The is no evidence to support the claim that most of these womens husbands were bi-sexual. There are many factors which have contributed to infections including: tattooing, iv drug use, prosititution. homosexuality, blood transfusions, plasma based products.

Lighthouse.. instead of relying on others distorted prpaganda why don't you get out there and find out the truth. You can believe your Wildemon and Robertsons if you want... but from my person experiences with counseling..also.. the numbers are screwed up... .. here is an example.....

a 30 year old man contracts HIV from a female prostitute... BUT when he was 18 and in college he had one experience with a college male friend and has done nothing else.... he will be listed as an HIV infection by a male who has sex with other men.. when in all actuality it is not true.. he was courious one 12 years before.. the one event has no relation to his HIV infection.. but statistically he will be listed as an HIV POZ infection by a man who has sex with a man.
I got that information from the liberal media. They didn't even want to cover it up.:think: And I don't know who Wildemon is, nor do I particularly care fore Pat Robertson.
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