JAN. 6! March for Trump

Bradley D

Well-known member
I live in the same county. The increasing COVID cases is becoming a major concern. My neighbor literally across from house died of COVID four days ago. One of my best friends has COVID along with her husband and her 11 year old daughter. Her husband could die. He's in really bad shape right now. Their daughter could literally become an orphan in a few days. :cry:
I'm so sorry!

Bradley D

Well-known member
This is what I don't understand. With Facebook, Twitter, Google, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc all opposing Trump and disagreeing with whatever, he says, how exactly did what Trump say cause everyone to not follow doctor's advice?

You could point to people here, but Trump is always and always has been pro-vaccine and people don't want to take it here. So I really don't see the problem being Trump in this manner.

Do you put any blame on Fauci for openly lying and saying masks don't work when they could? (He said he lied because he wanted to hoard them for his medical personnel.)

Distrust of the media was fully earned by the media themselves.

As far as Sacramento, are you going to vote out your Sheriff for not supporting Newsome's curfew order?
Not so much what Trump said, but what he did. Not wearing masks. Trumps big assemblys for his campaign. Also not happy with Amercians not taking things seriously causing surges. I don't remember Dr. Fauci telling people not to wear masks. As for Sacramento I do not live there. Our main city in Santa Clara county is San Jose another virus surge city.

Bradley D

Well-known member
Is that why you voted for him?
I have seen a picture of President Trump holding up a rainbow flag and understand that he has gay friends and colleagues...... is that right?
I have also read that he paid a girlfriend to end her pregnancy.

Is that all correct?
I voted for the Republican/Right view on abortion and homosexuality. As for Pres. Trump I have not been all happy with him. Hopefully, the Republicans will not want him for president agaiin. Actually I am in the middle. I support some things on the left and right. But, on abortion and homosexuality I can never vote for the party that supports it.


Well-known member
Not so much what Trump said, but what he did. Not wearing masks. Trumps big assemblys for his campaign. Also not happy with Amercians not taking things seriously causing surges. I don't remember Dr. Fauci telling people not to wear masks. As for Sacramento I do not live there. Our main city in Santa Clara county is San Jose another virus surge city.

To help you remember.

Right Divider

Body part
Not so much what Trump said, but what he did. Not wearing masks.
There is a lot of evidence that masks do not work.
Also not happy with Amercians not taking things seriously causing surges.
What evidence do you have the the surges were caused by "Americans not taking things seriously"?
I don't remember Dr. Fauci telling people not to wear masks.
Yes, there were times when Dr. Fauci said that wearing masks was unnecessary.
As for Sacramento I do not live there. Our main city in Santa Clara county is San Jose another virus surge city.
There is also much evidence that virus' like this are going to spread no matter what we do. We cannot all live in a bubble.

Bradley D

Well-known member
There is a lot of evidence that masks do not work.

What evidence do you have the the surges were caused by "Americans not taking things seriously"?

Yes, there were times when Dr. Fauci said that wearing masks was unnecessary.

There is also much evidence that virus' like this are going to spread no matter what we do. We cannot all live in a bubble.
At 70 years old I have been living in bubble and am quite tired of it. However, I do not really want to catch this virus.

Right Divider

Body part
At 70 years old I have been living in bubble and am quite tired of it.
It's good that you protect yourself and you should be tired of the bubble.
But young healthy people have very little to fear from this virus and should NOT be required to take the same precautions as those who are vulnerable.
However, I do not really want to catch this virus.
Nobody does. But you cannot shutdown societies, even for a short time, without major negative side effects. Many smart people have estimated that the shutdowns will kill more people than the virus. That's just plain stupid.


Well-known member
Ok thank-you. But, doctors today seem to really believe in the masks. I agree with them.
I agree, but this video has more to do with the reason why people aren't wearing masks than Trump. And not every doctor agrees. And there are levels of masks. I don't believe a bandana is going to save anyone. However, a K95 mask or similar will help.


Well-known member
I voted for the Republican/Right view on abortion and homosexuality. As for Pres. Trump I have not been all happy with him. Hopefully, the Republicans will not want him for president agaiin. Actually I am in the middle. I support some things on the left and right. But, on abortion and homosexuality I can never vote for the party that supports it.
Fair enough.
We (England) are going on to total lockdown tonight. Wales is in total lockdown.
Scotland has closed all schools and is in total lockdown.
The new variant is 71% more infectious, and the South African variant more infectious still.
We have just started to use the AstraXenica vaccine but things are looking very bad.
My sister in law, my best mate, a couple of neighbours and some of my wife's friends are down with Covid and some of their relatives have died.

Suggestions(by others) that our lockdown measures are Nazi-like are just ignorant.

May you and yours stay right clear of these new strains. :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Fair enough.
We (England) are going on to total lockdown tonight. Wales is in total lockdown.
Scotland has closed all schools and is in total lockdown.
The new variant is 71% more infectious, and the South African variant more infectious still.
We have just started to use the AstraXenica vaccine but things are looking very bad.
My sister in law, my best mate, a couple of neighbours and some of my wife's friends are down with Covid and some of their relatives have died.

Suggestions(by others) that our lockdown measures are Nazi-like are just ignorant.

May you and yours stay right clear of these new strains. :)
Your country is teetering on the brink and you'd rather kvetch about Trump?


Well-known member
Your country is teetering on the brink and you'd rather kvetch about Trump?
Our BBC is all over your President's recent actions. I guess it's some kind of light release from our present difficulties.

Anyway, what do you care about our 'silly little country' or its people eh? You've made yourself quite clear in the past.

I was following the US election quite closely if you must know, as was our government here. The fact that the Republican Party held on for so long helped us immensely, as it happens. It could have helped us more if it had won the election.

You don't think far enough or fast enough, I'm afraid.


Staff member
Super Moderator
The founding fathers were fully aware of the existence of pandemics when they wrote the people have the to peaceably assemble.


Well-known member
Your country is teetering on the brink and your national news network would rather kvetch about Trump?
Is that another of your prophecies about the UK?
Your prophecies are junk.
And you don't care about my 'silly little country'.

We have always taken an interest in the USA.


Well-known member

JAN. 6 in Washington DC.

Jan. 6 protests multiply as Trump continues to call supporters to Washington​

Protests planned in support of President Trump on Jan. 6 are multiplying by the week.

Four seemingly competing rallies to demand that Congress overturn the results of the presidential election, which their participants falsely view as illegitimate, are scheduled on the day Congress is set to convene to certify electoral college votes, declaring President-elect Joe Biden the winner.

The World watched.
I would bet that the incident was watched on television by the biggest World audience in History.

Maybe somebody can come up with a number?

I think that this is going to backfire so badly for President Trump. He cannot now say that he didn't know it was going to happen.