like marbles on glass
They also can't be made religious or sacramental in any way. Why would I want them to be "Catholic?" I don't want to create the Catholic States of America.
You are not going to be able to reconcile your interpretation of the permissability of same-sex unions with what Catholicism actually says.
If a Catholic writes his own rules for all the doctrinal positions of the Church, then why is he Catholic at all?
Okay.I found it. I posted. I'm not that interested.
If you're Catholic, you believe what the Church believes. Why be Catholic otherwise?Because it most clearly conveys what I believe.
What do you think Jesus meant when he said to pick up our cross and follow Him?What do you think Jesus meant when He said "God wants mercy, not sacrifice?"
Universalism is not Catholic.Yes. I think God gets to have His way.