If its just love, why shouldnt incest be ok?


New member
The law should be there to prevent harm and protect the vulnerable. So sex with a minor by someone in a position of power over them should be illegal as it is a form of child sexual abuse, whether a blood relative or not.

Agreed. That's why I added the (adult) qualifier.

Consenting adult relationships are more difficult to argue against, since the 'yuck' factor is a poor basis for law if a more rational harm-based reason cannot be found, especially if there is no ability/desire to have a child (due to lack of fertility) or genetic testing rules out inherited recessive diseases.

Who am I to decide on another person's choice of partner if there is no objective harm done to anyone?

Do you think the mother and son from the OP should face jail?
Now that same-sex marriage is legal I don't see any legal basis...
horsewhipping in the public square and 24 hours in the stocks

The Lord’s approach would be better, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Just fill in whomever for “her,” as is the case, gather together a group from the Religion and ECT forums, give them this directive, then just watch all the rocks fly, at once.


Well-known member
Anyone who would reject their own children, accept wholesale social rejection and imprisonment for the sake of a sexual relationship (regardless of the incest) is clearly psychologically obsessed.

Are people who disregard their family's disapproval, accept social rejection, and (at certain times and places) risk imprisonment - for the sake of a homosexual relationship - "clearly psychologically obsessed" ?


Unless, of course, this universal enemy within doesn't pertain to you, therefore admitting you're a deluded, flaming hypocrite, it's amazing you start out by saying that the Christian can't be trusted for some skewed, misplaced notion we don't trust ourselves to be sane and a misunderstanding of theological depravity, but that you must necessarily, in contrast, fancy that you can trust yourself. Not that flaming hypocrite, right? Yet now you've morphed into that we have an enemy within we can't trust? How do you account for your enemy within that you're trusting, instead of God, that refuses any outside help? You're like an alcoholic who won't admit he has a problem, accusing the sober people of being drunks. Sure, you can handle your sin and evil, right?

Nice little quip, this "enemy within" thing, worthy of your identity, that may belong on the back of a cereal box, in an episode of Star Trek or be the "quote for the day" in a newspaper, but hardly standing the test of reason, by you contradicting your own claims, nor relevant to the deeper ditch you keep digging around yourself. You're beginning to appear the troll, who can't keep things straight across a few screens and fewer posts. You're beginning to become amusing, but too mildly so.

I have a novel idea for your time, and this for about the third time, is it? Logoff and go read the New Testament, do something about your enemy within, to keep yourself out of hell, recognize the true tragedy your heart stopping would be, in the middle of another irrational comment.

Of course it pertains to me...it pertains to everyone. It's a constant vigil.

Why would you ever think otherwise?

(You seem to persist in the folly that you're a solitary acting agent separated from the remainder of a seemingly hostile universe. Nothing could be further from the truth.)


New member
Are people who disregard their family's disapproval, accept social rejection, and (at certain times and places) risk imprisonment - for the sake of a homosexual relationship - "clearly psychologically obsessed" ?

Are people who disregard their family's disapproval, accept social rejection, and (at certain times and places) risk imprisonment - for the sake of a heterosexual relationship - "clearly psychologically obsessed" ?


New member
You're forgetting it's all about motivation, not whether there is actually fertility. God looks at the heart. If you're intention in getting married is to have sex without children , it's sin. If you are no longer able to have kids at some point in your marriage,sex is optional.
And here is that double standard again.

Your looking at it like a modern lawyer. God looks at it from the heart. His purpose for marriage is procreation. If you knowingly get married that you or her are infertile, you are sinning.

I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. Susan B. Anthony


New member
Are people who disregard their family's disapproval, accept social rejection, and (at certain times and places) risk imprisonment - for the sake of a homosexual relationship - "clearly psychologically obsessed" ?

Are people who disregard their family's disapproval, accept social rejection, and (at certain times and places) risk imprisonment - for the sake of being a Christian - "clearly psychologically obsessed" ?


Well-known member
Are people who disregard their family's disapproval, accept social rejection, and (at certain times and places) risk imprisonment - for the sake of a homosexual relationship - "clearly psychologically obsessed" ?
They may be. But that would have nothing to do with homosexuality, itself. It would just be one person obsessing on another. Some heterosexuals will fall into the same pathology. The point, here, is that the mental obsession is mental illness. Not "sin". And sexual orientation doesn't change that.


But you said: "If a sexual act is intrinsically opposed to either the unitive or procreative aspect of sex, then the act is immoral."

An infertile couple can't be procreative by definition so if a heterosexual couple is infertile, say because of a hysterectomy, than any sex that couple has would be immoral and "just for the sake of personal, physical gratification." Right?
They still become one flesh, infertility notwithstanding.
then it isn't about fertility.
You incorrectly equate "personal, physical gratification," with the unitive purpose of conjugal relations.
And you present a double standard.
No I don't.


there was a good reason to make rape victims marry their rapists?
Story? Deuteronomy 22:28-29 isn't a story.

Quote chapter and verse when God’s moral law ever changed (2 Pe 2:1).

Queue jeopardy theme (right click, open).

But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel:

Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you [Deut. 22:20–21].

"Suppose the woman was guilty. Then she was to be stoned.

Today people talk about the “new” morality and consider sex apart from marriage a great step forward. God gave a standard of morality to His people, Israel. God–given morality has always been a blessing to any nation. Any nation that has broken over at this point has gone down. When I think of this, and when I think of the condition of my country, I weep. Under God’s law to Israel, a person guilty of adultery was stoned to death, whether man or woman. If we did that here in Southern California, there would be so many rock piles it would be impossible to drive a car through this part of the country.

God honors marriage and God honors sexual purity. Adultery in Israel was to be punished by stoning. This tells us how God feels about adultery, friends. Remember that God’s love for His people is expressed in His Law. This law regarding the protection of the sanctity of marriage is a very fine example of His love and concern for the human family." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Law (Deuteronomy) (electronic ed., Vol. 9, p. 143). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

"Deut 22:22–29 Adultery was punished by death for the two found in the act. If the adulterous persons were a man with a woman who was pledged to be married to someone else, this consensual act led to the death of both parties (vv. 23, 24). However, if the man forced (i.e., raped) the woman, then only the man’s life was required (vv. 25–27). If the woman was a virgin not pledged in marriage, then the man had to pay a fine, marry the girl, and keep her as his wife as long as he lived (vv. 28, 29)." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 281). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Are people who disregard their family's disapproval, accept social rejection, and (at certain times and places) risk imprisonment - for the sake of a heterosexual relationship - "clearly psychologically obsessed" ?

Heterosexual = natural

Homosexual ≠ natural



there was a good reason to make rape victims marry their rapists?

Let me break it down for you, you extravagant moron:

What good did women do in ancient times besides bear children?
A women can't do jack without a man in those conditions. What, the whole of society is going to readjust to secure the mentality of an unclean woman? These weren't virgins or betrothed women- men were put to death for raping them. These women were harlots :rolleyes:


New member
Heterosexual = natural

Homosexual ≠ natural


Oh, that mysterious natural that just happens to coincide with your religious dogma? And are you sure that natural = good?

Perhaps you'd like to reject antibiotics (unnatural) for tuberculosis (natural)? Vaccines (unnatural) for tetanus (natural)? Are you in favour or earthquakes and hurricanes, as they are oh so natural?

Natural ≠ good, and it never has. Humanity has advanced largely because we have managed to tame the raw nature that killed so many of our ancestors.


[Pro-Sodomite] Who appointed you to be an official U.S. busybody, with the right to stick your nose into other people's bedrooms, judge them and demand that our government persecute them just because you find what they do in private "yucky?

Eew :granite: Rom. 1:24–32

God Is Good (All The Time) ~ Chester Baldwin Ps 19:7

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).


New member
No I don't.

of course you do. You want to hold that a sexual act is intrinsically opposed to either the unitive or procreative aspect of sex, then the act is immoral but you set up different yardsticks for different couples. Couple A and couple B are both incapable of producing a child. Both couples engage in sexual activities. You condemn couple A as engaging in "personal, physical gratification," but give couple B a pass when they do the same thing.