I was a transgender woman--one man's story

Desert Reign

Some might find this link interesting.

"I am not afraid of sexual deviants. I support their right to act according to their inclinations provided it does not harm anyone else, just as is the case with all people living in society. But just because I do does not mean I have to like them. Sexual deviants now have laws protecting them in many countries and you would think that was enough for them, but it just isn't. The thought police are out to get you unless you actually like the deviants. Unless you tell them what nice people they are. And if you don't then you are called a bigot. Or, as you say in your other post you are called hateful or intolerant. And even though I say I am happy to tolerate them in society and give them equal rights with everyone else, I am still called intolerant because I don't also rush to live next door to one or because I actually think homosexuality is abnormal. The one thing I have noticed about pretty much every homosexual or other sexual deviant I have ever known is their pathological thirst for recognition. Freedom works both ways and sexual deviants need to know this and learn to accept me for my opinions as well without calling me bigoted, hateful or intolerant. Feel free to go and live in Tel Aviv but until you grow up, stop wallowing in self-pity about how everyone hates you, and start acting like adults, don't expect me to treat you like one."