Howdy All

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Howdy, I’m a long time lurker. I just moved to Memphis and I know no one, but this is a fun town. I work as a Pediatric Oncologist. I love my job, it has its up and downs. I’m always looking for a good distraction to raise my spirits. I hope I can contribute.


New member
Howdy, I’m a long time lurker. I just moved to Memphis and I know no one, but this is a fun town. I work as a Pediatric Oncologist. I love my job, it has its up and downs. I’m always looking for a good distraction to raise my spirits. I hope I can contribute.

That is a tough job, but you get to meet some really great people.


Blessed beyond measure
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Welcome! :wave2:


New member
Welcome! :thumb:

I'm not a pediatric oncologist. If I was I'd likely be an emotional wreck. I'm glad there are people like you out there ;)


Welcome! :thumb:

I'm not a pediatric oncologist. If I was I'd likely be an emotional wreck. I'm glad there are people like you out there ;)

You just have to take it one day at a time. Some days I go home and cry until I fall asleep, other days I really feel like you made a difference. As a med student, intern, and resident I always felt like there was always someone above you that had all the answers, but as an attending, people look to you for the answers and you have none to give. That is what has made me a better Christian.


New member
we are together...

we are together...

You just have to take it one day at a time. Some days I go home and cry until I fall asleep, other days I really feel like you made a difference. As a med student, intern, and resident I always felt like there was always someone above you that had all the answers, but as an attending, people look to you for the answers and you have none to give. That is what has made me a better Christian.

There is "always" someone "above" us and within us. The path that you are traveling couldn't be accomplished without God's help. Often, it comes down to getting by, moment by moment. The cost is great, but you are doing good. I pray for you and your team. blessings bybee


New member
Howdy, I’m a long time lurker. I just moved to Memphis and I know no one, but this is a fun town. I work as a Pediatric Oncologist. I love my job, it has its up and downs. I’m always looking for a good distraction to raise my spirits. I hope I can contribute.

Howdy doc! :)


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
:think: I wonder what the world record is for lurkerism. I went 14 odd months between registration and first post....
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