How does a child get spoiled?


New member
I am more of a Montessory (sp) method, the child has to enjoy what s/he is doing. Sure they need a little help getting motivated now and then, but I teach my son not to count on that too much and not to wait for someone to give him a kick in the butt to get going. If you want to do somethign you gotta to want to do it, decide to do it and go do it, no one is going to be making you. :)


New member
Originally posted by Kate
I am more of a Montessory (sp) method, the child has to enjoy what s/he is doing. Sure they need a little help getting motivated now and then, but I teach my son not to count on that too much and not to wait for someone to give him a kick in the butt to get going. If you want to do somethign you gotta to want to do it, decide to do it and go do it, no one is going to be making you. :)

My daughter attends a Montessori school that we are very pleased with. They let the children progress at whatever level they can handle. As a result, almost every kid is about a grade above normal levels when tested and some are several grades above normal levels.


New member
The only thing to watch out about a Montessori school is the subjects the children are not interested in but have to do like the Three Rs. We had some friends whose kids were so creative and excelled in the arts but didn't do math very well. Other than that I love the method. In the homeschool we were so afraid to fail in something and be sent to the public school, we constantly watched out for week spots. We had to do testing after every grade to be sure. If you don't like testing, there are books in the book store: What a ____ grader supposed to know. It gives a complete volume of knowledge what the child is supposed to know after every grade. It was very helpful to us when my son went to public school, I made sure his school measured up.