Well-known member
Hi to all, and many issues will never be straighten out UNTIL the Departure of the Body of Christ and Gal 2:14 !!

All will notice that Paul CHEWA OUT Peter !!

Let's see what Gal 2:14 , But when I saw that they are not WALKING in a STRAIGHT Course according to the truth of the Gospel ( Gospel here means Grace ) , I said to Peter in front of all , Since you being a JEW , live like the GENTILES and not after the MANNER of the JEWS , why do you COMPEL the GENTILES to ADOPT JEWISH Customs and RITES >

#1 , What we see here are GENTILES and JEWS !!

#2 , pAUL IS chewing Peter out because Peter is living like a Gentiles with Paul and eating food that Paul was eating !!

#3 , And while with Paul was trying to COMPEL customs and Jewish those with Paul to ADOPT Jewish RITES !!

#4 , Those customs are the Mosaic Law and RITES of taste not New moon and Sabbath Days !!

This means if you say PENTECOST is for today CHANGE TO jUDAISM and go to a Synogogue and stop being a hypocrite !!

This also means that there are at LEAST 2 Gospels , Grace and Law !!

This also means that the RCC need to change theology and ADOPT Jewish names and compel the POPE to build a SYNOGOGUE next to the VACTICAN !!

Or , be saved by Grace and ESCAPE the CURSE of Gal 1:7 and 8 !!

dan p


New member
I'm walking on sunshine, wooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
And don't it feel good!!

- Katrina and the Waves :)


Well-known member
Hi to all, and many issues will never be straighten out UNTIL the Departure of the Body of Christ and Gal 2:14 !!

All will notice that Paul CHEWA OUT Peter !!

Let's see what Gal 2:14 , But when I saw that they are not WALKING in a STRAIGHT Course according to the truth of the Gospel ( Gospel here means Grace ) , I said to Peter in front of all , Since you being a JEW , live like the GENTILES and not after the MANNER of the JEWS , why do you COMPEL the GENTILES to ADOPT JEWISH Customs and RITES >

#1 , What we see here are GENTILES and JEWS !!

#2 , pAUL IS chewing Peter out because Peter is living like a Gentiles with Paul and eating food that Paul was eating !!

#3 , And while with Paul was trying to COMPEL customs and Jewish those with Paul to ADOPT Jewish RITES !!

#4 , Those customs are the Mosaic Law and RITES of taste not New moon and Sabbath Days !!

This means if you say PENTECOST is for today CHANGE TO jUDAISM and go to a Synogogue and stop being a hypocrite !!

This also means that there are at LEAST 2 Gospels , Grace and Law !!

This also means that the RCC need to change theology and ADOPT Jewish names and compel the POPE to build a SYNOGOGUE next to the VACTICAN !!

Or , be saved by Grace and ESCAPE the CURSE of Gal 1:7 and 8 !!

dan p

I'm sorry my stalker has disrupted your thread, Dan. :nono:

You made some very good points here. It brings to mind those who are trying to add Jewish rituals to their Christian walk.

patrick jane

Hi to all, and many issues will never be straighten out UNTIL the Departure of the Body of Christ and Gal 2:14 !!

All will notice that Paul CHEWA OUT Peter !!

Let's see what Gal 2:14 , But when I saw that they are not WALKING in a STRAIGHT Course according to the truth of the Gospel ( Gospel here means Grace ) , I said to Peter in front of all , Since you being a JEW , live like the GENTILES and not after the MANNER of the JEWS , why do you COMPEL the GENTILES to ADOPT JEWISH Customs and RITES >

#1 , What we see here are GENTILES and JEWS !!

#2 , pAUL IS chewing Peter out because Peter is living like a Gentiles with Paul and eating food that Paul was eating !!

#3 , And while with Paul was trying to COMPEL customs and Jewish those with Paul to ADOPT Jewish RITES !!

#4 , Those customs are the Mosaic Law and RITES of taste not New moon and Sabbath Days !!

This means if you say PENTECOST is for today CHANGE TO jUDAISM and go to a Synogogue and stop being a hypocrite !!

This also means that there are at LEAST 2 Gospels , Grace and Law !!

This also means that the RCC need to change theology and ADOPT Jewish names and compel the POPE to build a SYNOGOGUE next to the VACTICAN !!

Or , be saved by Grace and ESCAPE the CURSE of Gal 1:7 and 8 !!

dan p

I'm sorry I made a truthful statement and that my stalker GD had to make two posts about my one. I'm sorry if I disrupted one of your 300 threads like Danoh did with his song too.

I see Galatians 1 as the clear distinction between the two gospels as Paul confronted Peter. Galatians is said to be the first writing of the NT.


New member
Lol - I did not.

The fruit of the Spirit is joy, peace and love.

Against such there is no law.


Walking on sunshine, brother, walking on sunshine.

And boy does it feel good!

The very point of Galatians - that Christ's Grace is sufficient!

patrick jane

Lol - I did not.

The fruit of the Spirit is joy, peace and love.

Against such there is no law.


Walking on sunshine, brother, walking on sunshine.

And boy does it feel good!

The very point of Galatians - that Christ's Grace is sufficient!

that's better


New member
DAN P said,

This also means that the RCC need to change theology

and ADOPT Jewish names and compel the POPE

to build a SYNOGOGUE next to the VACTICAN !!





Well-known member
DAN P said,

This also means that the RCC need to change theology

and ADOPT Jewish names and compel the POPE

to build a SYNOGOGUE next to the VACTICAN !!




Hi and we know that it will never be DONE as it takes ANOTHER LIE to cover up the LAST LIE in their theology !!



New member
To observe ritual is to walk after flesh.

So is any form of Performance Based Acceptance - be it our own sense of acceptance or of rejection before God - if our sense is that His acceptance or rejection is Performance Based, we have fallen from (an understanding of) Grace.

By this same rule, if our acceptance or rejection of others is Performance Based we have fallen from (an understanding of) Grace.

Its a "rule" I often have to remind myself of.

On here, and in life in general.

The rule (principle) that "in Christ Jesus neither circumcision (one man's standard of acceptance or rejection of another) availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, (another's standard of acceptance or rejection of another) BUT a New creature" Gal. 6:15.

Not a bad rule to live by. For "as many as walk according to this rule, peace be upon them, and mercy..." Gal. 6:6.


Well-known member
So is any form of Performance Based Acceptance - be it our own sense of acceptance or of rejection before God - if our sense is that His acceptance or rejection is Performance Based, we have fallen from (an understanding of) Grace.

By this same rule, if our acceptance or rejection of others is Performance Based we have fallen from (an understanding of) Grace.

Its a "rule" I often have to remind myself of.

Me too. If we're honest, I suspect we'll all admit to it.

It's a growth issue...different rates for different believers. But it's all in God's timing, by His hand. He will accomplish it to perfection.