Historical fiction


Proverbs 31:10
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These books look pretty good. I am going to buy some for :jessilu: to read (although she's telling me that she wants to choose her own books) for school. So far, I think I'm going to get The A.D. Chronicles, The Zion Covenant series, The Zion Legacy series, and The Zion Chronicles. These look like interesting books to me. And, although :jessilu: is telling me that she would rather choose her own books, we tend to like to read the same books. :)



Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
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:jessilu: and I read a lot of historical fiction. Lately, we've been reading a lot of Jean M. Auel and Kathleen O' Neal & W. Michael Gear. We love the pre-history of modern man fiction.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Here is the page listing all of the Gear books. :jessilu: and I are going through their "The People" series. I think we've read all of them up People of the Raven. Right now, it looks like there's only one more book in the series. These books are fictionalized accounts of the ancestors of the American Indians.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Sozo said:
Are these books acceptable for kids?

Which ones? The first ones were recommended on misc.education.home-school.christian (meshc). From my reading of the descriptions of the books, I would say that they're appropriate for eleven and up. The ones I've chosen to get for :jessilu: look like they're about biblical times and about the period of history during WWII.

The Gears' books are questionable for younger than fifteen. It depends whether they will be able to read it as just fiction. :jessilu: reads them and likes them. One thing about one of the authors is that he's a paleontologist/anthropologist. So, he believes in evolution. Their books make for good reading if you realize that they're fiction.