Hey libs...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What is your definition of the word slut?

Just curious.
Don't have one. Stupid term anyway really.

I realize that some pompous prudes and puritans seem to define women who have sex with more than one person outside of wedlock as being so but then that sort of rubbish can be discarded accordingly.

What's yours out of curiosity?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's been a part of the English language for hundreds of years. Do you think if a woman is putting all the prostitutes out of work in her town because she's giving it away for free to anyone who asks, that even she is not a slut?
I didn't know the following - slut and slattern appear to derive from the same Germanic root

You don't see slattern used much anymore

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's been a part of the English language for hundreds of years. Do you think if a woman is putting all the prostitutes out of work in her town because she's giving it away for free to anyone who asks, that even she is not a slut?
I don't use the term Jefferson so it's kinda moot for me. What's yours and what's the actual point of this thread?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Because he says so?
Why not?

Hey, maybe you can answer as to the point of this thread. Look, it's pretty darned obvious that many a pompous blowhard and far right puritanical dipstick would consider a woman to be a slut if she had any sort of sexual encounter outside of marriage so that's kind of a given. Why address it to "libs" though?