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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
FYI, this means that you are an agnostic - not an atheist! I guess people from christianforums may learn something by coming to TOL.

Quote mined out of context!
A rash on you!


New member
I've visited christianforums, and I've seen what it has turned into due to all the atheists that troll there.

Well, the majority of the forums at christianforums are reserved for Christians.

There are a small number of forums open to all. The pious religionists who are too pusillanimous to defend their various faiths never go there.

I've noticed that the pious who do venture into open forums don't do very well in debate. And whose fault is that?


Well-known member
Quote mined out of context!

So, I don't care?

Quite frankly, I've never seen any difference between an agnostic and an atheist ... for they both are non-believers; however, agnostics will argue that there is a difference.

I just see them all as non-believers, who are all RUDE...because they go to Christian sites to deliberately get their jollies by making fun of believers. Rude premeditated humorists - who ruin christian boards in their wake ... and who obviously don't have any sense of humor.

You are the last atheist I'm going to talk to for - at least tonight. I'm pretty sure we are both relieved!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So, I don't care?

Quite frankly, I've never seen any difference between an agnostic and an atheist ... for they both are non-believers; however, agnostics will argue that there is a difference.
There are no agnostics.

I just see them all as non-believers,

who are all RUDE...
All of em? that's a mighty big brush you got there.

because they go to Christian sites to deliberately get their jollies
Well, the FIRST time they might have gotten their jollies accidentally, but every time after that I'd have to agree, they're getting jollys on purpose

by making fun of believers.
Are "believers" suposed to be immune to having their stupidity mocked?
One little word gets you a pass?

Rude premeditated humorists
So putting some thought into ones humor is a crime now?

- who ruin christian boards in their wake ...
I don't leave a wake (fuel is too expensive, I sit behind the wheel and drift while I look like I'm going fast)

and who obviously don't have any sense of humor.
You are the last atheist I'm going to talk to for - at least tonight.
Are you sure about that?

I'm pretty sure we are both relieved!
Relieved of what?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well, the majority of the forums at christianforums are reserved for Christians.
This is true

There are a small number of forums open to all.
Also correct.

The pious religionists who are too pusillanimous to defend their various faiths never go there.
I think there's a cream for that.
I've noticed that the pious who do venture into open forums don't do very well in debate. And whose fault is that?
It's not doubt due to their OS.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I've noticed that the pious who do venture into open forums don't do very well in debate. And whose fault is that?
Probably theirs.

Now, are you going to "venture out" here or are you going to keep bringing up the other places where you seem to have all the answers?

Welcome to TOL. :wave:


Well-known member
So, I don't care?

Quite frankly, I've never seen any difference between an agnostic and an atheist ... for they both are non-believers; however, agnostics will argue that there is a difference.

I just see them all as non-believers, who are all RUDE...because they go to Christian sites to deliberately get their jollies by making fun of believers. Rude premeditated humorists - who ruin christian boards in their wake ... and who obviously don't have any sense of humor.

You are the last atheist I'm going to talk to for - at least tonight. I'm pretty sure we are both relieved!
Which is why its really easy to just resign yourself to being rude and mocking all the time right back. Its always the same old arguments with the same worn out answers from both sides. Most of the time its just a contest of who has the most forum experience. Who has seen the latest stupidity and what the best answer is. Nothing is accomplished, no one changes their mind. Like I told Granite, lets just talk about sports.

Oh, and btw, welcome new guy!! :)


New member
Which is why its really easy to just resign yourself to being rude and mocking all the time right back. Its always the same old arguments with the same worn out answers from both sides. Most of the time its just a contest of who has the most forum experience. Who has seen the latest stupidity and what the best answer is. Nothing is accomplished, no one changes their mind. Like I told Granite, lets just talk about sports.

Oh, and btw, welcome new guy!! :)


Well - if one's SOLE (or would that be "soul'?) reason for interacting on any debate-oriented forum would be to proselytize others to the great Truth one has, then, no, one could very well be wasting one's time.

I participate in forums mainly for fun, the way some people enjoy fencing. Secondarily, one might modify one's views in some way after exposure to contrary ideas, or one might modify others views in some subtle way. Life is a learning experience. And one has to take the bad with the good.

My view is that IF I actually DO learn something from another - against all odds - then I now know what I did know PLUS this new knowledge, so I'm ahead of the game. If not, then I'm still at even - so, no cause to complain.

I basically go on the default position or theory that others suffer from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) until I am convinced otherwise. So far I have found this modus operandi quite efficacious in interacting on religious or philosophy oriented forums.

And certainly I'd readily concede that many atheists tend toward NPD also, though to a lesser per cent as religionists. But I find the former more off-putting, e.g., Id trade all the Randroids and Commies in the world for one good ole S. B. C. baptist. For one thing, I have vastly more experience in dealing with the latter. LOL.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well - if one's SOLE (or would that be "soul'?) reason for interacting on any debate-oriented forum would be to proselytize others to the great Truth one has, then, no, one could very well be wasting one's time.
Of course, absent great Truth, that's really about all one can do.
I participate in forums mainly for fun, the way some people enjoy fencing.
No harm in that.
Secondarily, one might modify one's views in some way after exposure to contrary ideas, or one might modify others views in some subtle way.
It's certainly a great way to test the merit and metal of one (either).
Life is a learning experience. And one has to take the bad with the good.
Do you eat Chinese food often?
My view is that IF I actually DO learn something from another - against all odds -
Say, humility--or the deft smiley touch. :plain:
then I now know what I did know PLUS this new knowledge, so I'm ahead of the game.
Or behind the eight ball, depending.
If not, then I'm still at even - so, no cause to complain.
Can't fault that attitude.
I basically go on the default position or theory that others suffer from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) until I am convinced otherwise.
I can see where you might.
So far I have found this modus operandi quite efficacious in interacting on religious or philosophy oriented forums.
In what way?
And certainly I'd readily concede that many atheists tend toward NPD also, though to a lesser per cent as religionists.
That's easily one of the funniest lines I've read during my tenure here. :e4e:
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