Hello People Here's My Testimony

Here it is. Let me give you a brief synopsis of my testimony. I was born again in 2007 on Good Friday and have been a new creation ever since.
To tell you guys a little bit about my life story I was a total depraved sinner completely in love with his sin. I reckoned with God and the concept of Hell. This idea of coming Judgment drove me to the Cross and I left all my ungodly friends and depraved way of life behind.

I hate the things I used to love and now I love what God loves, what God hates I also hate. Now I know God is totally other-worldy than me and he hates Inquity and loves righteousness. I love what is good and hate that which is evil. As a child born from above I have been giving my best efforts to be a good person. Now that I am Religious I am deeply entrenched in the study of Theological and Doctrinal works and have an intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father.
I have thoroughly read my Bible and I do what the Bible tells me to do.

God will never lead us anywhere contrary to His Word and I think the Holy Spirit regenerates us. After turning over a new leaf I went through one identity crisis after another. Now that I know I am a Doctrinal Christian I will live as a Bible Believer for the rest of my life. I do believe Christ came in the flesh and I believe God is a transcendant being who is imcomprehensible.

As a Christ-follower I have learned if there is one thing the Bible disapproves of more it is False Religion. What this entails is another story altogether but I think with the Law of Moses there is no room for faith or grace. Being under grace we don't have to strive to please God and walking by faith we take it step by step. I really love the law and try to live up to it's righteous standard.

I don't consider myself under the law but rather try not to break the law. My one mission in life is to get to Heaven when I die. I have no other purpose. I have given up my sins and continue to walk daily with God. I repented from my wickedness and turned toward Jesus Christ to recieve the forgiveness of my sins.


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Welcome! :wave2:
I don't consider myself under the law but rather try not to break the law.

How can you break a law that you're not under?

Here's a law in Nashville...

11.16.080 Spitting in public conveyances.
A. It is unlawful for any person to spit upon any part of a public conveyance.
B. Public conveyances shall have signs conspicuously displayed, stating in substance that it is a violation of law and decency to spit in the conveyance.
(Prior code � 29-1-57)

If you don't live in Nashville, and you spit on the sidewalk, do you break the law?

I hope you have a good time around here.



I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Welcome to TOL. You have come to the right forum. :)


New member
Welcome to TOL. A lot of people will put you to the test here.

I think I understand what you mean about abiding by the Law and loving it, without being "under it." Jesus told us the Law would not pass away. I always think of it as a great gift from God, revelation of His Will for us. It's like signposts on a mountain trail that keep leading you to the summit.

It isn't that I am trying to please God or earn redemption, He gave me that in His Son. But I want to be as close to Him and possible and so appreciate His gift, how would I want to take any path leading away?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Welcome Bb 2007 hope you have found a little nest to settle into, the other chix are a bit boisterous around here so you'll have to dig in. :)


Active member
Welcome to TOL!!!!.......i hope you left your Godless friends in a way that reflects positively on your new outlook.


New member
Here it is. Let me give you a brief synopsis of my testimony. I was born again in 2007 on Good Friday and have been a new creation ever since.
To tell you guys a little bit about my life story I was a total depraved sinner completely in love with his sin. I reckoned with God and the concept of Hell. This idea of coming Judgment drove me to the Cross and I left all my ungodly friends and depraved way of life behind.

I hate the things I used to love and now I love what God loves, what God hates I also hate. Now I know God is totally other-worldy than me and he hates Inquity and loves righteousness. I love what is good and hate that which is evil. As a child born from above I have been giving my best efforts to be a good person. Now that I am Religious I am deeply entrenched in the study of Theological and Doctrinal works and have an intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father.
I have thoroughly read my Bible and I do what the Bible tells me to do.

God will never lead us anywhere contrary to His Word and I think the Holy Spirit regenerates us. After turning over a new leaf I went through one identity crisis after another. Now that I know I am a Doctrinal Christian I will live as a Bible Believer for the rest of my life. I do believe Christ came in the flesh and I believe God is a transcendant being who is imcomprehensible.

As a Christ-follower I have learned if there is one thing the Bible disapproves of more it is False Religion. What this entails is another story altogether but I think with the Law of Moses there is no room for faith or grace. Being under grace we don't have to strive to please God and walking by faith we take it step by step. I really love the law and try to live up to it's righteous standard.

I don't consider myself under the law but rather try not to break the law. My one mission in life is to get to Heaven when I die. I have no other purpose. I have given up my sins and continue to walk daily with God. I repented from my wickedness and turned toward Jesus Christ to recieve the forgiveness of my sins.

Welcome! :cheers:

2 questions:

1) You said you went through some identity crisis'. Can you elaborate?

2) You said, "My one mission in life is to get to Heaven when I die. I have no other purpose." Can you elaborate? Are you certain that if you died today that you would go to heaven? Do you believe you can ever lose your salvation? I guess in a nutshell, how do you intend to "get to heaven?"

Thanks, and welcome to the Big Show...also, there are a bunch of heretics on here that will try to get you into all kinds of "winds of doctrine". Some try to get saved by works, some don't think Jesus was God, and some completely throw everything Paul wrote out of their bible :kookoo:. I have made a list for new people to be able to quickly recognize some of these heretics. I hope you find it useful, just click the link below and it will take you there:

Theology Online's Heretic's List (affectionately known as Satan, Inc.)


Active member
WOW!!! when i was a Christian i would have made 2 of the lists(non-Trinity, Ebionites)......WOOHOO!!!!......LMAO......you know what they say.....any publicity is good publicity....hehehe:guitar:
Choleric let me see if I can answer your questions.

1. I was going through one Identity Crisis after another. I care not to elaborate about my past too much. I can't look back or I'll turn back to a pillar of salt. But what I can say is that I am definitely a Christian not a Jew. I am trying to get more grounded in the Word.

2. About the topic of Heaven. Yes I do care to elaborate on this one. "Am I certain today that if I died I would go to Heaven?" Yes I am absolutely sure because my faith cannot waver and if my faith does waver then I am not walking in it. If I don't stand firm in the faith therefore I won't stand at all and the enemy will still have me. So yes I am certain today if I died I would go to Heaven. But not because I am a perfect sinless creature but rather because I have been born again and I believe in Jesus the Messiah.

Do you believe you can ever lose your salvation? No as long as I have faith
I will be saved. However If I depart from the faith and become an ex-christian I believe there is no way left to repent and therefore I would forfeit my own salvation. Now this is not to say I believe in works or working my way to Heaven. I am not going to get back into works or I will fall under the law again. I don't need to uphold my salvation through works since no man can boast. I just need to believe.

How do I intend to get to Heaven? Well when I die no one may show up for my funeral but I know the Angels will be there to collect my soul. When I ascend to Heaven I don't care about leaving a legacy or doing a bunch of charity. What I care about is people knowing one thing about me. "That guy really wanted to go to Heaven." If there is one thing I want people to remember about me is that I earnestly wanted to be in Heaven. I feel indebted to God and feel humbled by his mighty hand. The Pharisees were the super saints of their day and Jesus said some of them were headed for Hell because of their Greed, Legalism, and Self-Righteousness. Yes I am trying to be a super saint to fulfill Matt 5 but also I am humbled by Matt 7. So really the way I try to get saved is by right relationship with God. This is not a work though I believe in the perfect work of Jesus Christ and what he did on the Cross for my sins. I don't want to go to Hell so I try not to offend God by breaking the law.

I aint no monkey

New member
If you have "I repented from my wickedness and turned toward Jesus Christ to recieve the forgiveness of my sins", then you have made it to heaven. It is good that you follow God's law if it is that important to you, but that won't get you any assurance of heaven. It will get you good life results, you most likely won't get sexual diseases, won't have any problems with people, have a peaceable life, etc... but you have a spot heaven because of your faith not works.


New member
... but you have a spot heaven because of your faith not works.
Or .. maybe not....

Romans 2:6-10

6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” 7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8 But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. 9 There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; 10 but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 11 For God does not show favoritism.​