good morning breakfast clubbers


Well-known member
Good morning



New member
Good morning everyone. I hope that you all have a great day. We're having a heat wave here today - already up to 40 degrees.

Psalms 118:24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
My nose won't stop dripping.....ME who have always laughed others to scorn as weaker sorts, I can't ever remember having a cold. Dammit my nose is atomic red and so sore. [mourn]

This is why [I can see now] why Paul left Epaphroditus sick at Miletus "I can't have you sneezing over those nice Phillipians...they might not give a love offering"

This year of all years, [sniff] it has been the mildest winter since whenever, not even a frost.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

“Good morning Breakfast Clubbers, good morning to ya,
we woke up bright and early just to howdy-do ya.”

1st call to breakfast for all of you out there

America's favorite breakfast club is on the air